
"time when you told everyone"... the only time I know is NOW
negative perceptions of past memories = FAIL

"time when you told everyone"... the only time I know is NOW
negative perceptions of past memories = FAIL

Too bad it's in the blockchain forever :-)

and it would be a waste of time to look at it

Well if you have history of being wrong all the time people will look elsewhere for financial advice.

I never take financial advice from others, and anyone who does deserves to lose, I make my videos to entertain first, and anything beyond that is icening on the cake

I make my videos to entertain first, and anything beyond that is icening on the cake

It would be better if you could entertain and give accurate information at the same time.
Also you are making contradictory statement such as

I don't spend money on crypto based on what anyone else says, and anybody who does deserves to lose.

so take my advice and buy now while steem is still cheap

or in this thread

I never take financial advice from others, and anyone who does deserves to lose

Yet you are posting titles saying "financial advice"

Your reasonning is not coherent ! I am just trying to help you here..

dude, I am having a bitcoin party right now, celebrating all the profit I raked in over the past 2 days and looking forward for more happy days.. and you keep bumping into the DJ stand, you don't want to party, then GTFO

dude, I am having a bitcoin party right now, celebrating all the profit I raked in over the past 2 days and looking forward for more happy days.. and you keep bumping into the DJ stand, you don't want to party, then GTFO

That's what I thought, you are not being honest with your analysis. If you profited already it means you bought a few days ago and now tells your followers to buy at the peak.

It also shows in the video when you say " Today is the day when you, you..not me cuz I know what I am doing"

It's very clear to me that you mislead people to fit your own trade and you are certainely not following your own advice.

PS: don't try to derail discussion

people = pee pole = penis = sperm

The video in this blog post, I start by saying "I don't care about you".. that's my legal disclaimer, if you want to get all suit and tie that is. I wear swim trunks all year round

Just do the reverse of everyone else and you'll make good money within 1 years time. But only the coins that have good potential.

Or the reverse of what craig-grant says, that would work a treat!

TRUE, the reverse would be sell all your bitcoin for alt-coins right now, that's a great idea :)

Sarcasm is not going to save you from looking like a charlatan.

I can't reply to @craig-grant below, so I'll just reply one level up in the thread.

you see what you choose to see, that's your version of me. I have my own version of myself, and I'm the perfect reflection of perfection

You see the part of your philosophy that you might not be taking into account is that if this world is your creation, then you are creating the views that are in opposition to yourself. So when you see criticism, it is a reflection of your own creation. You are creating the criticism. Think about's deep. :-D

you see what you choose to see, that's your version of me. I have my own version of myself, and I'm the perfect reflection of perfection

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