Be smart, sell your alt-coins and get into Bitcoin, right nowsteemCreated with Sketch.

Correct me if I'm wrong... But doesn't draw mean the same thing as a "tie game"? In which case nether of you win nor lose. Which in my opinion is better than someone being dubbed a loser.

I am the loser because mr. wang got more upvotes than me, today I switched my vote from draw to vote for mr. wang, so I can get the steem power reward for winning, because he has more votes then me or draw

I think the whole voting on who's better/hotter is a bunch of childish bullshit to be fair but some people get a kick out of competition like this I guess.. :/ Your strategy makes sense on the vote switching for sure.

your comment is a perfect description of what steemgames is, having childish fun on the steem blockchain, it's like Heaven :)

source @

source @

To become a shark, dive off a cliff into an ocean lagoon teaming with sharks.

My imagination is nothing, and my physical experience of now is everything.

At the top of my pyramid, life is nothing but a joke

Everything is simple when it is being done by self, and gets complicated the more others are involved.

TOP SECRET... the only real people are the ones you can hug.

follow @craig-grant

Buy STEEM with credit/debit card @

Buy $5 or more worth of Bitcoin @

Mine Bitcoin @ 3% discount coupon code = YVhXDJ


Did you not learn the lesson last time when you told everyone to sell Zcash at its 8 months lowest price and buy steem when it increased 30% in 24 hours?

I think ima gonna call you MrBuyHighSellLow.

"time when you told everyone"... the only time I know is NOW
negative perceptions of past memories = FAIL

"time when you told everyone"... the only time I know is NOW
negative perceptions of past memories = FAIL

Too bad it's in the blockchain forever :-)

and it would be a waste of time to look at it

Well if you have history of being wrong all the time people will look elsewhere for financial advice.

I never take financial advice from others, and anyone who does deserves to lose, I make my videos to entertain first, and anything beyond that is icening on the cake

I make my videos to entertain first, and anything beyond that is icening on the cake

It would be better if you could entertain and give accurate information at the same time.
Also you are making contradictory statement such as

I don't spend money on crypto based on what anyone else says, and anybody who does deserves to lose.

so take my advice and buy now while steem is still cheap

or in this thread

I never take financial advice from others, and anyone who does deserves to lose

Yet you are posting titles saying "financial advice"

Your reasonning is not coherent ! I am just trying to help you here..

dude, I am having a bitcoin party right now, celebrating all the profit I raked in over the past 2 days and looking forward for more happy days.. and you keep bumping into the DJ stand, you don't want to party, then GTFO

dude, I am having a bitcoin party right now, celebrating all the profit I raked in over the past 2 days and looking forward for more happy days.. and you keep bumping into the DJ stand, you don't want to party, then GTFO

That's what I thought, you are not being honest with your analysis. If you profited already it means you bought a few days ago and now tells your followers to buy at the peak.

It also shows in the video when you say " Today is the day when you, you..not me cuz I know what I am doing"

It's very clear to me that you mislead people to fit your own trade and you are certainely not following your own advice.

PS: don't try to derail discussion

people = pee pole = penis = sperm

The video in this blog post, I start by saying "I don't care about you".. that's my legal disclaimer, if you want to get all suit and tie that is. I wear swim trunks all year round

Just do the reverse of everyone else and you'll make good money within 1 years time. But only the coins that have good potential.

Or the reverse of what craig-grant says, that would work a treat!

TRUE, the reverse would be sell all your bitcoin for alt-coins right now, that's a great idea :)

Sarcasm is not going to save you from looking like a charlatan.

I can't reply to @craig-grant below, so I'll just reply one level up in the thread.

you see what you choose to see, that's your version of me. I have my own version of myself, and I'm the perfect reflection of perfection

You see the part of your philosophy that you might not be taking into account is that if this world is your creation, then you are creating the views that are in opposition to yourself. So when you see criticism, it is a reflection of your own creation. You are creating the criticism. Think about's deep. :-D

you see what you choose to see, that's your version of me. I have my own version of myself, and I'm the perfect reflection of perfection

I don't agree. Best time to sell is at the height of disillusionment which is near. Best time to buy is other way around like after a crash. When Bitcoin is going to $2000 or $10,000 post start popping up every where that's when you get ready to sell.

it's been a while since bitcoin has crashed, last time was the bitfinex hack, so if something like that happens again it could crash.. but it's very unlikely, get rid of altcoins and get into bitcoin, be smart

Also Bitcoin is entering its 5th Elliot wave with the technical top be in the 920's. It may pull back down before it test ATH. I see profit takers selling soon. There's no reason for a massive run. Scaling Bitcoin is not going to happen at least any time soon. SegWit is a flop.

scaling bitcoin does not need to happen for BTC to reach $10,000, it's a store of value for holding, not good for everyday transactions, like steem is

Right but it opens the door for another Alt to come in and scale. 2017 will be an interesting year for Crypto. Probably the best year yet so many good coins including BTC should do well! Best of Luck!

steem, zcash, and bitcoin, they have my attention
and steem can scale

Probably in the very near term is good to be in Bitcoin but by next month the run could be over. Either way you should be buying when price is low if you are holding. You got it backwards. If you are Day Trading OK is where you need to be.

at $916, the bitcoin price is low right now

Not really. Just 2 months ago it was at $600. There's still no good fundamental reason its running. If Bitcoin was scaling then just I could see it going to at $2000 but SegWit will not pass nor a HF to 2MB or more.

I follow the money, not the politics

Or better yet, just buy some BTC.

yes, I did that 2 days ago, but holding alt-coins is not smart while bitcoin sky rockets with no end in sight

I've taken your suggestion and will add to my BTC. Good for us!

Watched this whole thing, paused and went back on a few things to catch some tips and cement them as I am still learning. TY for the upload Craig.

I too would like to wear swim trunks year round - LOL

Gotta get my hands on some more bits of Steem and BTC.

Did you see the chart and post I did on what BTC did in Canada today?? I think I am the only person posting at all really about it here.

$1275, smashes a new high and put in the chart.


This is awful advice. Wealth is accumulated when you buy when prices are down and sell when they are high. When everyone is excited about a market, it is time to get out. When everyone is depressed about the market, it is time to get in. To make a profit, there must be winners and losers. When everyone is winning, there is little profit in it. When everyone is losing, someone is making a huge profit. Just think about that before letting emotion rule your decision making. It is emotion that leads to people making bad investment decisions. The dirty story is, capitalism promotes profiting from other peoples misfortune and loss.

"So when you see criticism, it is a reflection of your own creation. You are creating the criticism. Think about's deep. :-D"

yes, you are 100% correct with that statement, here is something I wrote...

Even if I try to delete or ignore the idea of there being the other, the other will make sure to tell me that it/he/she does exist and disagrees with at least 50% of anything I say"

I also call this balance, like riding a bicycle, or flying a spaceship, these interactions with imaginary others online is a tool for me to make progress in real life, it's GREAT

Bitcoin price is not going down anytime soon, and the reason is... President TRUMP!

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