As markets begin to fail, corrupt corporations and governments will try to save themselves. Get ready for what they will do to you

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Supply chains.png

There are a number of ways that corrupt corporations and governments already steal power and money from the people on a daily basis, however, as markets begin to obviously collapse (as they are starting to do now), they will increase their power and money grab of everything that isn't nailed down. They must do this In order to keep their massive power base intact, and they will need to to ramp up the following efforts to do so:

  • They will look to save numerous bloated corporations that grew over the last number of years on the monetary inflation bubble that should never have allowed these behemoth dinosaurs to exist to begin with. Sure, some of these massive corporations will also be sacrificed, but those that have paid off or outright bought politicians sufficiently will be declared systemically important and saved through government bailouts

  • They will look to save the monetary system by printing money into the realm of hyperinflation. Of course they will attempt to continue to hide this by screwing even further with the inflation statistics. The inflation statistics will drop real food and fuel prices and include prices of collapsing bubble items like real estate and electronics goods built with planned obsolesce in mind

  • They will look to distract the population from the collapse by providing disasters created by electromagnetic weather weapons such as all the hurricanes and wildfires we are seeing now. They will create "limited" Hollywood and government scandals that make it look like these reeking cesspools can actually be cleaned up without getting rid of all the ensconced key players. They will create bigger and uglier false flags like in Las Vegas to keep the alternative media busy fighting Google and Facebook to get the truth out on these intelligence agency led ops. They will create ever more massive social uprising events through Soros led "cultural marxism" movements. And when all else fails, they will take us into the next global war theater with even greater control of media propaganda and lies intended to lull the populace back to sleep

  • They will intimidate anyone that doesn't go along with the propaganda storylines provided. Peeing in their poison punchbowl of propaganda will be dealt with far more harshly than in the past. New laws will be enacted to label just about everything that is not in line with their BS as "hate speech." The information war will move into full gear and Orwellian Ministries of Truth will be erected to attack and stifle those that try to give any real truth behind the infotainment that is provided

  • They will steal whatever is left to steal. Anything that has any value left to extract will be fair game. This theft will occur through a massive number of means. Methods include new taxes, massive money printing and inflation, shrinking product sizes, degraded quality of products and services, rapidly rising prices on real goods, elimination of work benefits, and stagnant or decreasing salaries. The final stages will be seen when they can't hold this fake economic system together any longer. This will finally include bankrupt funds, defaults on bonds, worthless stocks, and massive price jumps in real commodities.



Far worse than the problems will be the solutions provided

This is the part of the story that many seem to hate because they just love these ridiculous movements that are being pumped by Soros led initiatives as being great for everyone. I'm going to "dis-spell" the spell that has been placed on people with these BS "save the planet" movements. Globalist pigs love selling people on big government and technocratic solutions because this is where they are trying to get us to in the end. Let's break a few of them down to understand what they are up to:

  • Universal Basic Income (UBI). It sounds great. Everybody gets a basic income regardless of what they do. It's sounds really freeing doesn't it. What no one wants to realize is that you can't have UBI without a big government doling out money. What it is intended to do is make sure that people are hopelessly enslaved to big government for their survival. The more people the better as far as the government is concerned. This is why big governments love socialism. It makes people appear like they are free while they are in fact inextricably linked to the government teat for all time. Once enough people are permanently hitched to government payments, government health care, government schooling, or any other government support, the government can set more and more conditions for these benefits. These conditions can (and already do in some places) include forced vaccinations, forced universal IDs, forced compliance with the loss of free speech, and forced use of / compliance to just about anything they want you to comply with. UBI is the ultimate corporate / government slavery mechanism - with a smile of course.

  • Graduated Income Tax (GIT). Sounds great too. We'll tax the rich and save the poor, and all lead by government helpers that would never misuse the hundreds of different taxes that they are already collecting from other sources before your income tax. No surprise that the GIT is a core plank of communism, and that it was illegal as a non-apportioned tax in the US before it was sneaked through along with the US Federal Reserve System in 1913. The GIT is loved by those in power because it taxes the upper middle class to death while appeasing the lower level slave labor that justice is being served upon the ultra-rich. The sad part of the story is that the ultra-rich never are truly taxed and instead the GIT acts as a glass ceiling that economically destroys the most educated and successful in the upper middle class. Most importantly, it keeps the upper middle class from intruding on and changing the power structures in the elite classes that run the government and corporations. It is in fact all part of the attempt to finally destroy the middle class and leave a neo-feudalistic, technocratic society where the ultra-rich are leading, automation replaces the majority of the middle class, and a massive consumptive and disposable slave labor sits class beneath it all. ("Every civilization was built on the back of a disposable work force" - Niander Wallace, Blade Runner 2049. They are telling you the truth indirectly in movies, the truth that the majority of us are intended to be perpetual slaves.)

  • The Sharing Economy (TSE). Another bullshit fantasy intended to make you think that you are freed by not having to own anything. An offshoot of this is the Small House Movement (SHM). TSE is all part of brainwashing people into accepting having no personal ownership of anything. The intent is to make sure that people have no resources to support themselves and therefore no way to stand up against the government if they ever wanted to. You'll live in a little box, own nothing, have all your preferences recorded for "sharing purposes," and you'll love it because all your needs will just be magically provided by big government and big corporations.. yay! This is the ultimate technocratic dream they are selling people to get them to give up on owning anything because it's all just a burden anyway.

  • The Green Movement (TGM). TGM is another reason given to us not to own anything because we are supposedly destroying the planet with CO2. Funny enough, plants feed on CO2 and nature makes it incessantly, however, real dangers like Fukoshima that is destroying the food chain in the Pacific Ocean is basically ignored. The reason isn't hard to figure out. The Powers That Shouldn't Be have figured out that there needs to be some reasons to tell people to start sharing things and TGM is one of the main reasons. In addition, it can be used to justify all sorts of other BS companies and industries. The Chicago carbon exchange (the CXX) that was being planned with the help of Obama, Al Gore, Rahm Emanuel, along with Goldman Sachs was slated to make hundreds of billions per year in profits alone. TGM drove this effort just as it drives electric vehicles with massive, incredibly polluting batteries. It's not about the planet, it's about profits and it's also eventually about herding people into Smart Cities where they can share everything and therefore "protect the outside environment" which they will control all the resources from

  • Smart Cities (SC). The real interpretation of Smart Cities should be "the factory farming of people." Smart Cities are intended to control everyone and everything for your safety and the safety of the environment of course. They are consumer paradises like Dubai and Singapore where a dystopian Big Brother system controls everything through a technocracy and allows the mindless masses to continue their incessant consuming in ignorant bliss. As long as you do what you are told, it's like a big expensive toy shop for adults that allows lots of play time, however, if the sensors catch you breaking the rules, you will be caned, imprisoned, or executed. This is the Huxelian / Orwellian mix that the sustainable Smart Cities have in store for you and me. In addition, they will control the working masses by providing them all the smart services that they need with UBI and TSE.

  • Digital Currency (DC) This is the agenda that people will hate learning about the most. No one wants to believe that Digital Currencies (and yes, I mean Bitcoin), was a seeded initiative from intelligence agencies with the intent of transferring people to digital money for everything they do. Even if Bitcoin is limited in how many coins can be produced, many new crypto currencies will not be. The idea behind DC is to replace dishonest government currency with new DC. An advantage of DC is that is can also be tracked everywhere if you are able to break the encryption keys for it. Everyone assumes that DC will always have limited coins and unbreakable encryption. They also assume that DC will be always be allowed to be created without regulation or government control. This is definitely not the end plan for DC. The end plan is to have fully government controlled DC. This will allow a complete default on the current hyperinflating government currencies and a relatively peaceful transfer of the current power structures to a newly accepted DC system. If you think for a minute that the quadrillions of dollars currently in circulation will not buy up and control DC for their own purposes, you are very, very sadly mistaken. I wish I could tell you a story with a happy ending for this, because that's what everyone still wants to hear. The real truth is that the final step is to give everyone a chip that stores all their credit and information. If you screw up, the chip is shut off and so is your life for all intensive purposes.

A view from Catherine Austin Fitts on the UBI and DC as well

The markets are ready to collapse soon and the end game is beginning to heat up. Understanding the above plans is critical to defending yourself and your families. You don't have to be a slave to the system, but the first step in defeating it is to make sure as many people as possible understand the system and its objectives. Inform yourself and others and prepare physically, mentally, and spiritually. The rollercoaster is about to depart.


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Fortunately for us, the govern-cement will fail.
But not for a lack of trying. Or for a lack of killing.

The sharing economy is great, if done locally by good people.
The more people give, the more it grows, the more people are able to give.
But, add in even a little govern-cement, and poof, the whole thing will destroy everyone's life it touches.

The same with crypto-currencies. They are a godsend for the people. And they will get better and better. They are the future.
But, when govern-cements get involved, then it is the best penoptocon control grid ever designed.

Fortunately, many new technologies are coming online that can't be weaponized. And it will be a huge game changer.

Unfortunately, all these innovations can and will be perverted by the Luciferians running the show behind the corrupt governments and corporations. They have a long term plan to force a New World Order down our throats and these are the latest tools that they are pushing to do it with. The on the ground activities are run mostly by innocent people that really don't know that they are being used and just want to help others. This is where it is very hard to make appropriate decisions on what has been hijacked and what has not been. Sadly, as George Carlin said "They'll get it all eventually."

You are truly gifted news&views.
Eloquent in the usage of am. English as well as You are 'understanding* fundamental "Human Behavior" & basic" Economics 101".
May I commend You.
KUDOS once again.
Considering I left the anglophile World 40 years ago, I see immediately the written word of the Standard Oxford English.
As a consequence , penchant, I love nomes ...sounds of expression.
If I find an appropriate story at ZH-Zerohedge, I'll post this/link.
Please Continue your treatises.
Cheers and Best Regards, X-

  • Treatise
    A treatise is a formal and systematic written discourse on some subject, generally longer and treating it in greater depth than an essay, and more concerned with investigating or exposing the principles of the subject.
    More at Wikipedia

Thank you very much X- for your very complementary remarks! I'm just glad to know that my posts are being read and providing value. Thanks also for posting them further on ZeroHedge. I'm always glad to expand the breadth of readership and wake up more people wherever possible. Thanks again for all your support!

FYI, you may also like my other recent post on the ballad to Lucifer "Angel of the Morning." Most people don't know that it was written by Angelina Jolie's uncle Chip Taylor. Her choice of the stage name "pretty angel" is clearly not coincidental considering that the family appears to be Luciferian from Chip's and Jon Voight's histories.

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