Cryptocurrency is exploding! Should I invest more?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

The ‘set-and-forgetter’


I contacted a friend of mine today. In November last year I had advised him to invest in STEEM just before Hardfork 16.

With the reduction in inflation and relatively cheap price, STEEM seemed ripe for someone to invest. I told him a bit about the currency and he decided to invest a modest amount. He bought around 2350 STEEM for £250. He is not much of a blogger, so I set it up so that he followed my curation trail and earn more rewards.

He then did what I suggest a lot of people should do when it comes to crypto....

He got in then forgot about his investment.

Fast forward to today and he has almost 3000 STEEM worth around £2500.

I felt obliged to text him the good news.

“Now THAT’s what I’m talking about!” He replied.

To him, he had simply put some money in a speculative venture to find it had grown 1000% in 6 months. A fantastic return. He had no idea what had occurred in the interim.

The ‘micro-analyst’


Around the same time I told my friend about STEEM, I told my work colleague. Coincidently he also invested £250.

Being a colleague I see him pretty much every day. Once a week, we exchange tales of the joys and woes of investing. He’d tell me about his pension fund investing and I tell him about my speculation with Cryptocurrency. He’d get angst about single digit percentage falls over a period of months. I’d brush off triple digit daily swings.

My colleague was across the bear period of STEEM. The hardfork came and contrary to my prediction, the price went down. It kept going down. I couldn’t make him any promises of when it might up. He asked what I was doing. I was buying more STEEM. I could tell he thought I was crazy.

Then STEEM began to turn. Unfortunately for him, it turned just at a time when he needed some cash for to repair his roof. He asked how much his STEEM was worth. It had gone up to £300. But relative to Bitcoin, the STEEM price was pretty low.

“Great.” He said. He decided to cash out his STEEM, despite me expressing my reservations. However for him, a person used to 8-12% gains pa from Investment funds, a 20% return from shaky STEEM investment looked good.

He needed the cash asap so I bought his account for £300. Needless to say, I don’t mention how much his STEEM could have been worth now!

Opportunity knocks


So back to my friend, who is now sitting on £2500 worth of STEEM. After digesting the news, he text me back with the question I was dreading,

Should I invest more?

I know why he asked. Instead of £250, I’m sure he could have easily have put in £5000 back in November. He was just dipping his toe in with £250. Had he put in £5k, his account would now be worth £50k. No small beer after being 6 month invested.

He also saw that, despite the parabolic rise in cryptocurrencies over the last couple of months, I’m only cashing out a fraction of my STEEM portfolio. Maybe I’m onto something he should be in on? My friend isn’t the type to shirk in the face of an opportunity.

If he had probed deeper, he’d find out that I’d only cashed out some STEEM as a hedge against a correction. If STEEM were to fall again, I’d have cash to reinvest when it finds it new bottom.

Unsustainable bubble


I was honest in my text reply. I showed him the coin marketcap chart:


It’s a graphic illustration that we are in an unsustainable bubble. Yet what do I know… the market is still going up! Who is to say the crypto marketcap won’t balloon from $80bn to $150bn before ‘correcting’ to $100bn for a period of time then going again?

Looking specifically at the STEEM chart it could go either way:


It’s tempting to look at the July 2016 bubble and think STEEM could explode again, only this time without the crazy inflation to hold it back. Alternatively it could burst when the crypto bubble pops. Or it could dip a little and go sideways for a long time… who the fuck knows!

He’s tempted to ‘jump on board’ the crypto train, even if only to ‘disembark’ in a few weeks. We agreed to speak later.

I'm not sure what I’m going to say when he calls later.

The only advice I can give him, is that if he is going to buy STEEM (or any crypto) be prepared to let his money marinate for the long haul and also be prepared to lose it all. From my time in crypto, coins can go sideways (or down) for months (even a couple of years) before going parabolic in a matter of days. If he is going to invest in crypto at this moment, he should only invest in coins he personally believes in and even then look to price average his way in.

The non-naïve Believer


I believe in STEEM which is why I was buying all the way down to 6 cents. Even at 6 cents, people were posting, people were passionate, some believing in the currency… some despondent... but they cared enough to participate and engage with the blockchain. There are currencies with multi-million (and billion) marketcaps and nothing but tumbleweed in their forum and relatively few transactions in their blocks.

However despite my belief in STEEM, I’m not naïve about the crypto market. This is why I’m spreading risk and cashing out some crypto into fiat as it appears to overheat. If I’m wrong (like I’ve been on many occasions), I’ll cash out a bit more when it goes up more. If it corrects, I’ll be there to pick up some more crypto on the cheap. This approach works for me.

I think I’ll tell my friend, if nothing else have a strategy for buying, selling and holding. I don’t know whether STEEM is going up to $2 billion within two month or down $20 million. However having a clear idea of what you’ll do in either scenario will stand you in good stead!

Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: none of this should be taken to be trading or investment advice... just random musings from a complete stranger online!


Crypto is way, way too risky to give advice to anyone, even family members.

Everytime I hesitated to advice someone close, the price goes higher :S

Everytime i hesitate to put more money in, the price goes higher =(

Yep... however it's difficult when they hear about the returns and are willing to take the risk. I just try to ensure they take full ownership of their own decisions and understand the level of risk.

I think you can share your own personal experiences - but shouldn't call it advice. Make sure the person you're talking to knows they could lose everything (like the author of this post warned). Then again, I'll never understand people who just blindly through their money into stuff - especially in the crypto world.

You can't call it blindly. People do research and analyse. Some people spend on cars, gambling, drugs. You can only loos money with those. In crypto you can also win. Some will win big time. And some will also loose, for sure.Look at @kyriacos comment bellow.

Couldn't agree more.

other than telling them to be involved with it in some way

You mean "too risky"
See my article on the three twos.

Thanks. My English is still not good enough.

Advice is always risky.

When money is involved even more.

Steem is so undervalued, that in a year or two early birds like us, will be shitting gold bricks and not even realize it.

I take it with diamonds 😜

Lol... I hope so! Nice pic!!

LLLOOOLL, love the art work

There are currencies with multi-million (and billion) marketcaps and nothing but tumbleweed in their forum and relatively few transactions in their blocks.

Very well said. Steem is still way undervalued in my opinion relative to the tech and how others have been doing in market cap lately.

Its always nice to have made some friends invest and them seeing interest in not just investing more but also using the site!

One of my proudest moments was when I just in time made it clear for a friend not to invest 5k into Onecoin and instead look at open-source currencies. He got interested in Ethereum and got in at 1$, he still sends me messages now and then thanking me for showing him the world of blockchain.

Hey @nanzo-scoop,

I just want to commend you on your phenomenal insights. When you returned from the Steemfest, you transformed into a whale by buying in low, believing in the potential and stability of the platform. I only wish I did the same. But you are now reaping in the serious rewards because of that and it honestly couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Incredible foresight, sir. And to think, this is only the beginning of a digital finance revolution. Also your strategy in cashing out small bits while retaining the majority of your portfolio is very wise indeed. What a setup!

I firmly believe we could be looking at expensive steem in the long run. An investment even at this stage may not be a bad thing if you weigh up the possible gains versus the losses. Maybe explain the risks to your friend while highlighting the crazy opportunities at the same time.

Inspiring and uplifting story, man. Keep Steemin' on!!! :)

Thanks for your kind words Ezzy. Wouldn't say I'm a whale yet, but I'm working on it! :) The hardest thing to do is buy low however no risk, no reward.

I agree it's the beginning with lots of twists in the road no doubt!

I am holding on as long as I can 😜 I'm not letting go off my hard earned STEEM, no no nooo🤑 BUT I had the same thoughts like you. Should I take some out now and jump back in later? Will see if I can trust my instincts. I am ready for Mars and hope Musk will take me on his shuttle because since I drove his Tesla, I know it's the same exciting emotion like riding the steemit wagon. What a ride so far!
I think best to let your friends decide for themselves.

Hey mammasitta! Hop you're doing great! :)

I say if you don't really need the money ASAP then it doesn't hurt to just sit on it and wait for the price to increase. Because I honestly think that's where it's headed over time. Way, way up.... And you already have a really good amount saved up. Thank about it! :)

@ezzy so nice to hear from you and yes as I mentioned I will hold on tight and cuddle for a bit longer 😋

What's your preferred strategy for Steem, specifically? Is there a way you divide it up ( ie, 20% steem, 50% SBD, 30% Steem power - if so why/how? If you don't mind sharing , of course. And I promise not to hold you liable for your advice, errrrm, opinion lol

The current wave is certainly going to crash at some point. Just looking at the list of coinmarketcap currencies, almost every single one in the top 200 have seen double digit or better percentage growth. The problem is that many of these altcoins offer nothing unique or innovative to the world of cryptocurrencies. Because of that I can only assume that much of the growth is due to wild speculation being driven by pump and dumps.

That's not to say that the interest and growth in cryptocurrencies is completely false. There really are a number of new and exciting ideas (such as steem) that are picking up steam (heh, get it?). Bitcoin will hold steady when the drop comes, as will Ethereum and a handful of other popular coins. But I foresee a big drop in the rest. Long term however I would expect the innovative ideas to continue growing, even if there is a drop in the short term. Those that stick with it and don't get scared off will be rewarded.

As for advising others, I would tell them to diversify. Its almost impossible to know which ones will emerge as the real deal, so if you're going to invest do so with a number of choices. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.

The_Puffin_Post ThePuffinPost tweeted @ 23 May 2017 - 18:15 UTC

Cryptocurrency is exploding! Should I invest more? by nanzo-scoop @Steemit… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

In times of a bubble and crisis Steem will be one of the most protected currencies due to its Steem Power. Those who believe in it will stay and we might find more people looking for opportunities as they will become few and far between.

In the near term our market cap could go ten times what it is now before mass media starts taking note and people start throwing their money in.

This is a social platform, like no other. It will be insulated by short term crashes as people keep blogging and posting in their communities.


Really good article. There's some really sound advice throughout. Everything is so overbought and overvalued right now it can get really confusing deciding where to put your money. Finding value today is harder than ever and all the time trusted fundamental analytics don't seem to work in today's marketplace. The reason I'm still here after a week is because in my mind, I've found something of value. Steemit's community I believe is what set's it apart and provides the currency with incredible staying power. I also think it was a great idea to lock up the Steam Power for 2 years to protect against sell offs and provide as much stability as possible. This isn't a fad, the community here disproves that and while I do believe we're in a bubble and might very well be headed for a blow off top, the Steam Power structure and community will allow this currency to survive long term and prosper. Don't invest more than you can lose and dollar cost average every week/month. It's the oldest of all investment advice and in my humble opinion still the best.

Giving advice is one, talking about it is something else.. If people come to me asking how Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies work, i tell them, I think it is the future, but that they have to keep in mind that these currencies fluctuate. Don't invest with money you can not afford to lose..

I'm seeing a 1 trillion dollar total market cap test within a year..

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.027
BTC 60256.67
ETH 2327.64
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46