
Oh wow that's awesome , except for the exhausted part ! LOL! Hopefully it will be a great come back for you @merej99 ! Im going to be also returning to work on anot her full time construction site with the same company as last time , im only doing it so I can try to gey out a personalbank loan ! Need money to build my house , Haha ! Steemits taking to long LOL! But we did finally get the power shack up , and power pole ! 😂😂😂

Anyways I started an awesome initiative for steemit thats a contest where people enter a Positive post of any kind , my goal and initiative is to spread more positivity around steemit ! If you know of anyone who may be able to sponsor me please let me know , its now into its 4 th week doing really good ! The first contest had 4 donations and 29 entries ! heres my latest update post your mentioned in , with a link to the contest and more information ! Thanks !

I might be able to sponsor some STEEM or VIVA for the contest. I had to do a power down for bug out money in case the hurricane destroys my house so we're a little bit in flux here. Karen, you still have my email, right? That might be the best way to keep in touch with me for the next week or so. <3

No worries @merej99 ! Wow I didn't know you were in that area !! OMG !! Stay safe my friend !! There's no rush to support with steem , I will be keeping the contest on going now for 4 weeks ! Its been really awesome with a lot of positive posts and entries ! So very popular and as long as it stays this way I will keep it going ,I enjoy reading all the positive vibes it helps cheer me up at times ! just your support is awesome @merej99 thanks a bunch !! It would be nice to have this contest self sustaining with donations and sponsors eventually , as I put a lot of work into it , but there's no rush ! Your awesome as always , Steem on my friend and I wish you best of luck there with Hurricane Irma !!! 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀

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