John McAfee's New Bullshit Physical Cryptocurrency, the 'McAfee Redemption Unit'

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

John McAfee of antivirus cybersecurity fame is getting ready to put out another stellar idea: the McAfee Redemption Unit (MRU), which is a physical printed cryptocurrency. This is different from his current cryptocurrency called the McAfee Coin, which is a flop. That crypto project is so valuable to him that it no longer has a working website. Go figure.

But his latest idea for a crypto is a physical currency issued through notes like fiat currencies. The denominations will range from 1 to 500 MRU. The notes will have various pictures on them, with 4 of himself. The other 3 pictures are of Bitcoin Cash promoter Roger Ver, cryptocurrency entrepreneur Brock Pierce, and Bitmain founder Jihan Wu.


No hoax. The "McAfee Redemption Unit" is real and coming in 26 days. The graphic is low res - don't want to give much away yet. Printed on currency paper, holographs on both sides, serialized, linked to the blockchain, redeemable, convertible, collectible. Twitter

Two of the pictures of him are shirtless, with one of those being surrounded by women and his nose covered in white powder from snorting cocaine or bath salts, taken from a self-mocking video about uninstalling McAfee Antivirus.


One MRU will have an initial value of USD$9.95. 341,000 MRU note of various denominations have already been printed. The total circulation will be 6,050,000 MRU and the market cap is $60.2 million.

These physical MRU notes will have a blockchain component for some reason. Holders of MRU can convert the notes into regular fiat for a fee. But people need to redeem the notes by meeting with McAfee for a 1-minute meeting. This is done by first going to Mexico during a two hour window each day. Then they are given a date, time and location in the U.S. to actually meet with McAfee to redeem their notes. Additionally, you can only redeem 100 MRUs at a time.

This means it will take McAfee 28 years to fulfill these obligations, with 10 hours each day to meet with holders. He's already 72 years old. When he dies, holders would get caught holding the bag and unable to redeem their notes anymore.

He has this complex procedure to try to make the notes valuable. His explanation for why this is such a great idea and how the notes will be so valuable, is:

Redemption is purposely made very expensive. My followers are hugely loyal and I feel certain that many will go through time and huge expense for the opportunity to spend private time with me. See what this might do to the fundamental value of each redemption unit. If the value of a unit is based even remotely on the cost of redemption, which people are willing to pay, then the notes will immediately skyrocket. But the big key is in the way I have structured the auction sites. Cannot tell you more now.

Who the hell would want to buy this crap, other than maybe sycophants? I smell another flop from McAfee. Buyer beware, these "redemption units" will not redeem anyone.


Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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McAfee up to his old tricks. The flight from Belize was his best story though.


Once it becomes printed money, doesn't that kind of take the whole "crypto" thing out of it?

I'm 72 also... maybe I should print up some funny money too!

Yeah... I don't get how it's crypto, I guess because it's on the chain it's crypto but printed...

The more exposure I get to Mad John, the crazier he seems!

Wow, that's just... wow. McAfee printing his own Zimbabwean dollars. Or something like that... gimmicky marketing, if ever I saw any; reminds me of the "gold plated stamps" collectibles made my the Franklin Mint in the early 1980s and marketed on the back of the Sunday paper supplements... hit the ground with a giant THUD. The guy seems a little unstable to me...

yes, he seems really off

a remarkable idea of the secrets of physical currency issued through records such as fiat currency. with the acquisition of 1 to 500 MRU.
from your note I quote:

One MRU will have an initial value of $ 9.95. 341,000 MRU records of various denominations have been printed. Total circulation will be 6,050,000 MRU and market capitalization is $ 60.2 million.

an An explanation of this idea is good and very valuable

Drugs are driving him crazy lol.

What a fucking freak.

@McAfee is always coming up with new reasons to stay in the crypto news. I give him that. At his age he's actually so much active. Speculators may buy but not to HODL long. Thanks bro @Krnel!

Hehe, he likes the attention ;)

Is he doing this just for fun?

McAfee is like the PERFECT Combination of Truth Teller & Poison Mixed Together. He is knowledgeable, brass & direct to the point. He does put out some very good, clear & concise info- Then MIX IT up with his EGOMANIA & SCAMS Designed to Put the Maximum $ into HIS Pocket. Kind of like a slightly dangerous Cosmic Joker.

After his sickening HUMAN BLOOD SPLATTER post- right on the heels of his promoting a Male to Female transgender for Public Political office in the USA- I gave up checking his twitter for a while. Only to log back onto his twitter a few weeks later to see his latest Money Scam- which is this one, you just wrote about. I don't think it takes much to figure out the psychology of those that blindly follow this guy- they all wish they were like him.

Yeah he's a really unique character :/ Some more oddballs to follow his wacked crap...

hahaha this Old man is just gone mad at the age of 72, Crypto-currency can't be physical. if it could be physical, Then my friend you are directly supporting banking system.

Making a thing hard to get only adds to the value if it is something people want. I could lock my dirty socks in a safe and say that whoever can break into that safe gets to keep them but that doesn't make them a good investment.

This sounds like a dumb idea to me but maybe he will prove us wrong.

Yeah, it's a flawed idea... maybe he has a lot of fans that are dumb :P

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