Bitcoin and Crypto Networks Are More Reliable Than Credit Card Systems That Have Service Outages

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

What happens when your credit card doesn't work? You can't pay your bills. This recently happened to many people last week, not because their credit cards had been canceled or were full, but because the system was down.


People had reported being left stranded and unable to pay for gas in their cars, restaurant bills or groceries at checkout because Visa Europe had a disruption in their service and prevented some Visa transactions from being processed. A BBC weather presenter tweeted about her unfortunate experience at a restaurant where someone paid for some of her families' dinner.

Looking at the visadown hashtag, someone even posted about how they "bought a loaf of bread with actual money", as if it's some lost method of transacting that they hardly remember. The twitter account for even posted about the outage:

Visa is suffering a major network outage and nobody can use it. #Bitcoin hasn't had a network outage in over 9 years. Which one do you think is more reliable?


Visa's twitter post about the disruption prompted a discussion about cryptocurrencies. Unlike cryptocurrencies that run on a decentralized blockchain network, Visa is centralized, and their payment processing service handles 150,000,000 transactions each day. But their system has a single point of failure (SPF) for all their private servers, and when it goes down, users experience service disruptions and can't get their transactions through at all.

Cryptos however, have multiple nodes that are distributed, usually across many nations. This creates an a more secure protection against failure, especially as more nodes join the network. Even if one node goes down, there are others to take it's place, and the whole network stays up as there is no SPF. Bitcoin has been 99.99% operational and can operate indefinitely. It would be the same as Visa having nodes that people run, and the network could still go on even if Visa closed it's doors. As long as the nodes are online, Bitcoin or other crypto networks stay up.

Blockchain technology is fast being adopted by the banking sector. MasterCard had said it would be happy to adopt state-sanctioned cryptocurrencies, but not others it refers to as "junk", according to CEO Ajay Banga:

"The government mandated digital currencies are interesting. Non-government mandated currency is junk."

China has also been quick to bounce on blockchain tech, as 12 out of 26 major Chinese banks adopted blockchain technology last year, as well as other financial institutions with low-cost instant cross-border payments between different currencies and nations.

But the blockchain technology that underlies some cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, have scaling issues. It takes time for a transaction to propagate to various nodes in the bitcoin network for the transaction to be verified. As more transactions come in, things can slow down and lead to longer wait times. This has resulted in higher transactions fees for people to move ahead of the line and get processed quicker.

Some solution are on their way. Bitcoin forked in 2017, with Bitcoin Cash having plans to address scaling issues themselves, while the Lightning Network plans to reduce congestion on the core chain by putting certain processes outside the main blockchain. The future of money will be changing. But how?

Some people only care about making money by getting into something new, while others look at crypto as a way to free themselves from the clutches of financial and legal authorities, without fees or oversight. Other see beyond the mere financial aspects and look at blockchain technology that can revolutionize society to it's core by breaking the the hold that governments have as the medium for upholding law and contracts.

We are in interesting times either way. The competition between mainstream centralized financial institutions and cryptocurrency technology will at least force banks and credit card companies to offer better services by breaking their monopoly over the financial lives of common people. If they don't, they will likely be left behind as people adopt better and more agreeable services.


Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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I love how visa went down recently hahah I hope it happens again! :)

There is still much that sits uneasy with me regarding blockchain being currency. The first being that until such a time it becomes easy to use in all purchases one must still go through a financial institution to convert it, which to often leads to one losing access to that financial institution because they are jerks.

The second is the fact it is tied to fiat, directly or indirectly. I don't understand the mindset that right now it is freeing anyone when the institutions it is supposed to free us from can print all the fiat they want out of thin air and buy as much as they want. I believe this was what caused the bubble last winter and the subsequent crash as they cashed out leaving many holding highly inflated coins.

I have a feeling that many who say they are excited about blockchain are really only excited about the money opportunities it presents in this speculation wild west we are in (and yes, I am one of this type to a large extent myself). I know a purist here that is way more into computers than anyone should be, Languages, programming etc. He got into Bitcoin when no one knew about it and holds a lot of it. I asked him why he doesn't sell it and he looked at me like I was crazy before explaining blockchain wasn't about the money. The lectures this guy would give me on the history of crypto that has nothing to do with computers. These are the guys/gals who will not shed a tear if the crypto markets crash, as it was never about monetary gains to them.

You are right these are interesting times. I have a feeling this year, possibly at the upcoming G20 summit the entire rules for the financial side of crypto will be drastically changed as the governments and corporations clamp down with rules and access. I am hopeful it will not completely shut out those not considered qualified traders. But I do think the ways of playing the arguments on the coins will be altered regardless as the real whales enter the fray with laws helping them win.

Bitcoin is valued in USD because that's the world standard. Imagine if bitcoin became the standard, then everything would be measured on that lol. Last winter was a big public awareness push to get into Bitcoin, a hype. That purist also got it cheap so if it falls a lot he won't lose out on having bought and lost fiat ;) We shall see how the governments get involved and what that will do to the crypto future :/

Very interesting I didn’t hear about this until now. It’s great they went down and bitcoin instantly capitalized on it. The more mainstream folks get into and start learning it’s intricacies of crypto and block chain the better for us all in the long run.

I like your last paragraph, this news is bad for the mainstream banks and institutions and when they see the free market, specifically crypto, doing things better then they are forced to change. Although sometimes that change isn’t always for the best, lots of times they ruin what was going well with regulatory capture. (Paying politicians to rule in their favor while leaving the regular folks out to dry, as happens all too often)

Yup, the more problems like this, the better PR for Bitcoin and crypto lol. Yeah, they can hijack the great thing going and get people funneled into their BS crypto projects... :/

Blockchain technology is faster and secure in comparison to traditional net baking system. But some issues are still there. It takes a considerable time for a bitcoin transaction to register on blockchain, till then transaction remains unconfirmed. On the other hand with increase in block size, transaction cost is also increasing. Both the problems can be solved easily. For example Steem blockchain is faster then bitcoin and etherium and transactions are free of cost on it.
However, I think cash transaction can never be replaced because not many persons in this world are capable to use internet. They don't have internet facility and power cut is also a problem there. Also in case of failure of internet on account of some unforeseen events like solar cycles, wars etc we can do nothing if we remain totally depended on virtual money.

Yup, Steem is faster and no fees, best there is, like EOS ;)

I only use cash to transact when not buying online when needed. I think like you state hehe, worried aboit potential over-dependence on digital world...

No doubt digital technology has made our life comfortable but the cost of this comfort is not known to us. Everything digital means, everything under the control of state and everything under the control of the state means end of freedom. I'll always be skeptical about everything which comes under the disguise of making life comfortable. We should not forget that ultimate comfort comes only when we sleep in our graves.

No doubt digital technology has made our life comfortable but the cost of this comfort is not known to us. Everything digital means, everything under the control of state and everything under the control of the state means end of freedom. I'll always be skeptical about everything which comes under the disguise of making life comfortable. We should not forget that ultimate comfort comes only when we sleep in our graves.

If I think bitcoin vs credit card is something very different this means less suitable to be compared. The most distinguishing thing is that credit cards are the same we owe because we used to pay later while bitcoin is more like a debit card where we can not make shopping if there is no balance. So maybe more suitable if the comparison of debit cards vs bitcoin.

Yes, good point, credit is lent, debit card is your own money, and that's what Bitcoin is. Maybe a blokcchain credit card can be made, but then how do you hold people accountable to pay their debts... not sure it can work ...

have some cash on hand before this weekend- if you're still in equities I suggest you consider parking them in cash by the weekend. Cheap insurance.

What's happening this weekend?

I remember in december, i had to wait 12 hrs for my bitcoin transactions to complete. Blockchain is a great technology but far from challenging visa.

Yes, the speed can be slow, so it has issues. But people were rushing in to transact, it took time, but it didn't crash ;) That's how it's more reliable, for not going down hehe

For the end user crash and ridiculously slow is the same thing. All they know is it didnt work

I heard rumors of a Visa outage, but didn't know the full details. A very informative read. Thanks for your efforts.

You're welcome blue man of the sea ;)

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You shouldn't discount STEEM as a payment system.

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