Imagine STEEM with the same market cap as BITCOIN : 100 Billions $ . Crazy ? Maybe not =DsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Hey guys,

Today I played a bit with numbers to see what could be the possibilities of Steem if it reached the same market cap as Bitcoin.

Image : Cointelegraph

To make it simple, I would say Bitcoin has a market cap of 100 Billions Dollars today (around 96 B$ at the time of writing)

So Bitcoin = 100 B$
Right now, Steem = 238 M$ at 1$/token (ish)

I'm not talking about speculation, I'm talking about potential.

For me, If there is one altcoin among all of them that would hit the mass adoption first, it would definitely be Steem.

Total circulation supply : 261 853 046 tokens

So imagine, just imagine if :

Steem Market Cap : 1 B$ (extremely reasonable in 2018)
Price would be around 3.81$ per token

Steem Market Cap : 50 B$
Price would be around 191$ per token

Steem Market Cap : 100 B$ (same as Bitcoin today)
Price would be around 381$ per token

Well at 381$ even with my little wallet (for now), I could buy a house and bring security to my family =D

Because I trust so much in Steem, I will soon ad severals thousands of dollars to my Steemit account.

According certain analysts, by 2025, the crypto market could reach 5 Trillions Dollars.
Well, I'm confident that Steem will still be around =)

Are those numbers sound crazy to you or do you believe in Steem's potential ?

Happy life Steemians


it is quite possible, upvoted:)

I hope you’re right!
Good idea powering up - I’m doing it each month as I am confident that the issues will slowly be ironed out and it will go up.

No clue on the timescale, and don’t think we are looking at $100b anytime soon, but who knows...

The fact that you can earn an income on your Steem is also a huge plus!


I'm with you the lagging should get resolved pretty soon and I think it already started =D

For the 100 B$ I'm not expecting it in 5 years time lol
But who knows? Maybe 10 or 20 and hopefully I will still be around to tell my kids how to trade crypto haha

Thank for the comment my friend =)

I guess you are right! Steem has a huge potential.... Once people start discovering this platform,I can bet everyone will leave facebook and other sites to join steem!
And the figures are still believable...

Indeed they are =)

I don't know what to say, if it does not stop this inflational model, or if it does not make it slower, there will be a time when it will lose value.

You're right I didn't consider the inflation. It was just potentiality and a lot of hope haha =D

Anyway for the short/middle term it will increase in value, as it will gain more users than inflation which will lead to rising its price. But after that step is reached, it will start losing value. And again: there may be a hard-fork with the sole purpose of stooping the inflation. Ether already did this and reduced the miners rewars in order to reduce the inflation, and it's doing great!

Dan is a genius, I'm sure he figured that out already and will propose something to his users when the time is needed. Thank you for your good words my friend

Yes, you are right, STEEM Has a bright future. You are doing great powering up!

Steem got the steam!!!!! Steaming in.

This is a crazy idea. I mean who would have thought few years ago you will get paid of posting and commenting on social media.👍👍👍👍

Haha yes who would have bet to be paid while explaining our ideas =)

Like the idea, but I'm not sure it's realistic..👍 But you have an important point, there is a lot of potential in STEEM, and it could very well become one of the front—runners towards mainstream adoption! That means STEEM is a great buy👍

Not realistic .. Yet =D
Time will tell us if I was a damn idiot or if I was the hidden son of Nostradamus haha =D
Happy to have you on board my friend

I know...everything can happen in the crypto world👍

I believe and i can wait.

Hey my lovely @immarojas, nice to have you around =)

Hopefully sooner than later
Nice post on Lisbon, I can't wait to be there =)

You better plan then if it's sooner ;)
You off to steemfest or some other time?

Not yet but a friend of mine is going to Lisbon =)
and you are there right? When is it already ?

Hackathon is on the 30th..Steemfest from the 1st till the 5th.

Great =)
Will be cool if you write a post about it =)

I was playing around this this idea in my head, but you actually put the numbers together. Thanks!

Steemit has a lot of potential!

Haha we are on the good train =)

I think Dash would see mass adoption faster than steemit. Still I could easily see steemit hitting $100 billion. But let's keep it small and wait for $10 steem. That should most likely happen in 2018. At least steemit is bound to hit $1 billion in 12 months.

Dash is a good candidate too my friend =)
No harm to dream big haha =D

Without dreams and aspirations we wouldn't go anywhere. Before you build something you need to imagine it. Dreams are made of our imagination.

My trust in steemit actually has more to do with community than technology. I cannot say this about any other crypto. When BTC becomes a too much of a pain to deal with, people will give up on that relic. But none of us are leaving steemit because of the technical hiccups we've been having. Steemit uses the humans as ASICs. The community is the product. The community is the producer. The community is also the users. STEEM is mined piggybacking on an intrinsically valuable system. You can hack code but not humans.

Thumb's up for your words my friend. You are absolutely right
We are the foundation of Steem

Hi @jlcrypto.

I think this is a really interesting projection. I agree that Steem will likely be one of the cryptocurrencies that are around in 10 years time, since I think it has a huge potential for mass adaptation. I think these predictions are many years down the road, and there are a lot of different obstacles Steem needs to overcome before we hit that point, but I definitely think it has the potential!

Agree with you, it will need a lot of courage and efforts from the team and also from us, the community, before we all thrive together =)
Thanks for the comment my friend !

Yep! I have high hopes from the dev team, and the community so far has proven to be really dedicated!

Indeed =)
I like your blog by the way. Into nature and kinda spirituality it's great =)

Thanks, I'm glad to hear that you found it enjoyable! :)

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