How To Turn SBD/Steem Into Bitshares Using Blocktrades - Tutorial

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

How To Turn SBD/Steem Into Bitshares

This is tutorial #2 of a 3 part series. If you missed tutorial #1 you can view it here How To Turn SBD/Steem Into Canadian Dollars

Tutorial #1 also explains why I am doing this.

  • Tutorial (1) How To Turn SBD/Steem Into Canadian Dollars
  • Tutorial (2) How To Turn SBD/Steem Into Bitshares
  • Tutorial (3) How to Turn Canadian Dollars Into Bitshares

Ok let's get started on Tutorial 2 now. I will do step by step instructions with screenshots for you to be able to do this on your own.

Step (1) Go to the Blocktrades website

Step (2) Select either Steem Dollar for (SBD) or Steem for Steem currency then enter the amount you wish to transfer.

Step (3) For your receive address select Bitshares.

Step (4) Now enter you Bitshares account name then click "Get Deposit Address"

Step (5) Select the box to copy the Blocktrades memo to your clipboard

Step (6) Open your Steemit account then go to your wallet. Next click the arrow for the currency you want to send either Steem for Steem or Steem Dollars for SBD. Then Click Transfer

Step (7) Enter "blocktrades" into the To: section, Then enter the amount you wish to trade, Then Enter the memo you copied to clipboard from the Blocktrades website and finally select Submit.

Step (8) Confirm your actions by entering your Steemit password.

Step (9) Login to your Bitshares wallet to see your newly deposited Bitshares.

Please note it could take up 5 to 10 minutes to appear so don't smash your computer with a baseball bat yet :(

Look for Tutorial #3 tomorrow - How to Turn Canadian Dollars Into Bitshares


Why would you suggest bts?

Hello @bthomas3664 I am not suggesting BTS. It has been requested by many Steemians to get Steem, SBD or Canadian dollars into BTS.

Understandable, I️ wasn’t sure if you liked bts. I️ am buying steem with mine

I love BTS lol don't get me wrong it just wasn't the purpose that's all. Buying Steem and Steem Power are both excellent ideas as well I agree.

What are some others you are interested in? Wanting to move towards POWR and REQ but haven’t pulled the trigger. I️ am in xvg and etn that have potential as well as stellar to name a few. Personally just like the information I️ have read they could tank but who knows I’m using house money right now.

Excellent that you're on the "house" money right now! 😁

I like coins that are going to do good things for us in the future. I'm not interested in weird momentarily high pump coins.

I like;


And my very favorite .ico coin is


I'll have to hang onto these instructions. You did skip #7 though, so it's one step less than advertised.

Hahahah my mistake it's fixed now. It just got a whole lot easier for people. :)

@hendrix22 Would you advise us to hold our Steem/ SBD or turn into Bitshares? Thank you in advance! #Resteemed because others might find it useful as well!

Highest Regards

I would advise you to not ask random people on Steemit for advice on crypto's

I think you should do whatever you think will be best for you based upon research, what you can afford to lose and your gut feeling.

Good luck to whichever path you choose. :)

I really appreciate your honest and thoughtful input. Thank you for taking the time to respond!

I hope I didn't come across as being rude. I just would hate if I told you something and then you lost money.

@hendrix No, not at all! I actually appreciated your honesty! I'm the type of person to talk to others explicitly and always give them the truth so I can see where you're coming from!

I'm just confused as to whether I should convert my SBD for Steem Power or wait. I see they're both going up at the moment! But again, that comes down to one's gut feeling as you mentioned!

Thanks again for your time, you just earned a follower!

Highest Regards

I just looked at your wallet. I see that you did a "Convert" of SBD to Steem. DO NOT DO THAT I repeat DO NOT DO THAT.

Don't ever use the "convert" method. You lose around 90% of the value when you use "convert"

Next time click the arrow beside SteemDollars then select Market. Then purchase Steem with your SBD.

Then click the arrow for Steem then select "Power Up" as the option.

Fuck, they need to get rid of that convert button. So many people lose money on it

@hendrix22 Thank you for that, oh yeah I made that mistake days ago! I would have received like 20 times more STEEM had I done it in the market. I just had no clue about steemit! I was a newbie! Fortunately it was a really small amount. From what I see there's no conversion button anymore!

I registered on March 2017 but was completely inactive till a couple weeks ago!

I knew about the market since yesterday, thank you for that though as I could have not known!

I can tell you that yesterday I did come across some information about Steem. It was saying that compared to last year the way the charts look it's projected that Steem (not SBD) should soar to around $17.43

@hendrix Once again, thank you man! I'm grateful you spent time to check my wallet and offer advanced advice.

You're welcome my friend!

don't smash your computer with a baseball bat yet :(


The first time I put BTC into Coinbase I was doing that refresh-refresh-refresh-how-long-does-this-take thing, totally. 😂 Now I'm just like, confirm-> "okay, let's go make coffee."

Hahahahh I knew you'd love that :)

Great guide. It will be very informative for all novice steemit users.
Good luck to you and good.

Великолепное руководство. Оно будет очень информативно всем начинающим пользователям steemit.
Удачи Вам и добра.

Thanks @cranium the Russian language looks extremely hard to understand lol.

I took just one semester of Russian in college, and the only reason I got it was because I had taken both European languages (most helpful: German) and also Japanese, and so some grammar or another had similar rules to languages I had already studied on one side of them or the other, you could see the influence they shared. So I was the go-to explainer for the rest of the class, because I could explain it as I had learned in German or Japanese, and the teacher was like, "yeah, that's what I said," lol.
I don't remember a lick of the cyrillic alphabet, though. 😂

Well I think that the English language is perhaps the most difficult to learn as it constantly makes no sense at all.

You get a really good example of that when you watch children spell words their own way. They almost always make more sense they way children sound them out and write then then they actually are written.

I would love to learn German. I should do that. It's on my bucket list.

Yeah, English is definitely borked. LOL. All of the islands' languages are, though: Gaelic (either Irish or Scottish) and Welsh are maddening to spell in Roman letters. German spelling ia logical. Spanish spelling is logical. English/Gaelic/Welsh got piss drunk and played Boggle. 😂

Hahaha awesome lol. That so funny but it is definitely true.

This is great! Thank you. Really helpful....using this tomorrow in fact....still a bit nervous lol!

You're going to do great! 😁 If you have any questions just let me know.

Thank you for figuring this out. I am bookmarking this and will come back when I have more SBD to convert. Thank you again!

Glad this will be of help to you as well. @lyndsaybowes wanted me to make these tutorials for all her friends who didn't know how

Kudos to both of you! You both are very thoughtful. Thank you, both!

Hey no problem at all :)

I've read all two guide, well done! The instructions are pretty clear and will be useful for all that don't know how to move in this situation.

Thank you for your stamp of approval my good friend 😃

Thanks again @hendrix22. What new territory this is!!

Blocktrades gives a pretty decent rate. I cash all my sbd for steem or litecoin

Be cautious with LTC I read somewhere today that the inventor of LTC is saying to be cautious at LTC's recent rise. I own none so I wasn't too concerned

Its the easiest for me to turn into cash with low fees

I agree with you as well. The same steps in my guide can be used with LTC instead of ETH but I don't want to confuse beginners.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 69508.29
ETH 3366.22
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74