EFFECT.AI - Artificial intelligence for all

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


Today we are in a world full of constant technological advances, every day we see how it appears one and another technology, which make the less educated person on the subject can have a mere idea of ​​how it works, through at least some contact with a prototype or conceptual model on television.

Each development involves applications in the area of ​​data, speed of response, information processing, among many, bringing with it the application of improvements in the health, financial, industrial, mechanical and commercial sector, which provides quality of life and comfort to the people.

Z1 Source

We have seen how we went from the invention of the first computer the Z1 designed and manufactured by Konrad Zuse, which worked only as a calculator, and took the size of a dining table, now a modern phone that weighs about 0,30 pounds and has a processing capacity and calculation that make the previous look like a scrap.

We are in a world where the technology goes out to market today and tomorrow has an improvement, in two months there will be a more advanced prototype and in a year it becomes obsolete. It is that fast, the advances and development that are experienced today make technology an integral part of our lives to automate tasks thus arising artificial intelligence.

A.I. it´s more than just a voice assistant

The approach is taking giant steps in the technological area is to achieve the creation of thinking technology; if this seems to come from movies, but we know that technological advances point to the creation of machines like artificial robots that manage to think for themselves and be of help to human beings. To do this, AI must have its own intelligence that allows it to complete tasks, learn and manage large amounts of information.

Tony Stark and Jarvis AI-Source

The applications are many among them; the creation of computer systems so through video cameras do facial recognition and distinction of individuals, the cognitive functions of a computer's ingenuity can be improved to make medical diagnoses, real-time translations, personality analysis, search robots and thousands of uses.

Google and its vehicle that drives itself-Source

Today all these technologies, although brilliant, are conditioned to excessive spending on technological equipment and the monopoly that large companies have today in the field. It is difficult for the ordinary person and society in general to have access to venture into the field without spending large sums of money. Notably, Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Intel, Salesforce, Metalwater, Amazon, IBM, FORD, General Electric, Oracle, Ebay, among other corporations, in addition to the investments led by Europe and the United Kingdom, United States, Canada , Israel, China and India, point to the development of Artificial Intelligence to revolutionize the entire industry, simplifying tasks and redesigning our way of life.

Artificial intelligence is growing up fast, as are robots whose facial expressions can elicit empathy and make your mirror neurons quiver.—Diane Ackerman

Artificial intelligence technology also faces several challenges that involve excessive expenses in the centralized model, such as: the processing of data involve the investment of much time and money, large amounts of terabytes in batch processing of multiple GPUs; the computational costs are gigantic since acquiring only the necessary infrastructure to tackle a project could lead to bankruptcy. That is why, EFFECT.AI proposed a way to train and execute algorithms in a distributed way.

EFFECT.AI offers the development of artificial intelligence in a decentralized way, how is this ?, through the distributed network of AI algorithms in a decentralized way it ends the monopoly that corporations carry today, the cost problems, transparency and access globally. Users, big and small companies, can access the technology without intermediaries to apply it in their projects, in the same way, it is available for AI developers in their own projects through the EFFECT NETWORK.

Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, we will have multiplied the intelligence, the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization a billion-fold. —Ray Kurzweil

It is important to emphasize that the objective of the aforementioned network is the distribution of algorithms to obtain more computational power for the AI, creating a decentralized ecosystem that eliminates the interaction with intermediaries and avoids the extra expenses. Friends, decentralization is a revolution that allows Artificial Intelligence to be brought out of the black box to the access of the whole world.

Decentralized operation blockchain

The decentralized system that EFFECT.AI uses through the blockchain guarantees transparency, access to global data, truthfulness, interaction with millions of users, trust, data and property registers, reduction of fraud possibilities, transparency of registration and verification of transactions through the consensus of network nodes, security, reduction of operating costs eliminating control registry tasks.

Now as EFFECT.AI raises its development phases

First Fase: Mechanical Turk

At this stage it is proposed to allow all people worldwide, access to perform tasks feed the Artificial Intelligence, forming part of the select group of people who will be responsible for teaching AI by completing tasks that provide data for development of his cognitive thinking. At this stage, participants will be allowed to receive rewards in NEP-5 tokens once the task is completed, as well as to help advance the development of the AI.

Economic impact that the EFFECT.AI brings. Comparison with Amazon

Imagine how expensive it would be to acquire data to feed an artificial intelligence project, process addresses, names, ages, images, are so many variables and data that are required, to be able to test a single project. Now even more cumbersome is trying to do it through a third party or intermediary company, the EFFECT NETWORK allows access to a global human intelligence network that can do this very simple task, where the developer decreases the expenses and the users that feed the AI they also receive remuneration for tasks. It is a win - win for both parties.

Advantage: It will boost the user's growth and the development of the network.

Second Phase: Market Effect Intelligent

Through this network the purchase and sale of AI is facilitated, users and companies can acquire services related to artificial intelligence. Services can be developed from the first stage EFFECT Mechanical TURK.
That is, after doing the corresponding tests and improvements to the AI ​​project, after being taught in phase 1, the availability of the project can be placed in the global market for large and small companies without the action of third parties. First of all for the developer it is profit since the treatment is direct and its economic benefits are maximized, on the other hand, for the companies the expenses are reduced since it resorts directly to the source.

EFFECT.AI operation

Advantage: will bring the development of AI to the network.


This last phase creates a global computing platform, which operates in a decentralized and distributed manner. The purpose is to exchange the power of data processing of the AI ​​so there is no point of weakness. The advantage of this is to maximize resources and create a super machine.
After the operation of AI developed and is already commercialized in the market, customers can use AI from the cloud, ensuring the scalability of computing power through the EFFECT POWER network.

Advantage: The use of shared resources to distribute the algorithms.

The EFFECT.IA network in simple words will allow:

  • Access to AI technology by any person.
  • It allows the common citizen to be part of the group of people who will teach or feed the AI ​​by completing tasks in phase 1, either, distinguishing images, translating words, making forms, finally millions of tasks, which it would allow people to receive rewards in tokens.
  • Create a transparent and accessible market where you can buy and sell the AI.
  • Access to AI to developers and small industries.
  • Elimination of excessive expenses and payments to third parties or intermediaries.
  • Take advantage of blockchain technology to strengthen computing resources, ensure transparency, speed, reduce costs, to create an intelligent, fast, cheap and efficient ecosystem.
  • Have an open, accessible platform of intelligent algorithms.
  • Provide a platform of commerce, collaboration and incentive for the creation and development of artificial intelligence.
  • Ensure decentralized exchange with the EFX token.
  • Use of the Galaxy Pool to ensure liquidity, stable exchanges and a solid platform.
  • EFFECT.AI is designed to operate with NEP-5 token motorized with NEO and GAS.

cryptocurrencies that work with EFFECT.AI-Source

Team of professionals behind the EFFECT.AI project:



More Info and bibliography:

[Effect.AI Website](https://www.effect.ai/)
[Effect.AI WhitePaper](https://www.effect.ai/download/effect_whitepaper.pdf)
[Effect.AI LightPaper](https://www.effect.ai/download/effect_lightpaper.pdf)
[Effect.AI YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ-5wYjUkFA)
[Effect.AI Medium](https://medium.com/@effectai)
[Effect.AI Facebook](https://facebook.com/effectai)
[Effect.AI Twitter](https://twitter.com/effectaix)
[Effect.AI Telegram](https://t.me/effectai)
[Effect.AI Review/Explanation Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUmS2xO7hig&feature=youtu.be)

contest link



a whole lot of surprises...technology nowadays is very advance.

Thanks @baby07... You are a moderator who teaches by example. Thanks for reading me.

@mk40 Thanks for your vote, help me to continue. =)

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Curious? Read @resteembot's introduction post
Check out the great posts I already resteemed.

ResteemBot's Maker is Looking for Work

Great piece of work.
I've heard about effect.ie and I would also love to hear what do you think about DBC (Deepbrain Chain) and Singularity. How those two look comparing to effect.ie in your opinion?

Im personally quite bullish on DBC (mostly because DBC is related to NEO) and I hope to hear what do you think about this coin.

I will be following you closely.

One more time: great piece of work

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