
Want to get in on the ground floor of an investment opportunity in cryptocurrency?

How about getting in through the basement as they build the foundation of a cryptocurrency?

Swiftdemand is a digital currency and by signing up and logging in daily you can earn 100 Swiftdemand coins daily. Is there is a hint of socialism here? Swiftdemand likes the idea of a Universal Basic Income and has made it an integral aspect of their business model. Their white paper is here

From the introduction in their white paper.
"Universal Basic Income is a critical societal movement that must exist for the world to continue to function as jobs continue to be replaced by automation[1]. We live in a world with more abundant resources than ever before, yet there are still people who struggle to make ends meet. It is our duty as humans to ensure that every person has access to the core necessities of life."

There is something about this that truly appeals to me much in the same way Steem appeals to me in that it speaks of community, as well, it has a marketplace by which you can sell or purchase wares or services.

If this sounds like something you would like then follow the link below.


Full disclosure; for each referral, I will receive 500 Swifts.

Other posts by me that may be of interest to you.





Feel free to follow.


Universal Income was always a thing around a far corner for me.
Now i think it could be that we're almost there.

Please check my thoughts on a crypto currency ecomomy.

It is a necessity, otherwise, we will have all these bots producing goods and no-one with jobs or money to buy them.

Just curious, is there a reason you didn't upvote? You found the content worthy enough to comment on, so I was just wondering if there is something lacking that didn't deserve an upvote.


HaHa, no sorry. It's not you, it's me.
I was a bit in a rush to close up and get home.
I am gonna take my time now to do more than just scan and you got my follow and upvote.

No apology necessary, I was just curious. It is for the most part a blessing, this curious nature of mine, though sometimes........

I know, my curious mind gets the best of me sometimes as well.
Thanks for following. Have done the same.

I loathe the idea of a "universal basic income" that might be withheld if One does not toe some line somewhere. Especially when I can see that We can get rid of the need for money on Our planet altogether, allowing Us ALL to live as richly as We might CHOOSE.

And besides, presently... I am disabled, denied assistance, destitute, and technically homeless, crashing on friends' floors, hanging out and using Their WIFI's. So no "investing" for Me...

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