in #life6 years ago (edited)

photo courtesy of NASA

What is energy?

In my opinion, energy is relatively undefined, generally, it is understood as 'work' which is not so much a definition but a purpose. There are categories of energy as in electricity, magnetic, nuclear, gravity, light, mechanical, sound, chemical, etc. and we have devised different mathematical formula to define these energies, and we have means of transferring energy from one category to the next. A ball thrown in the air has potential, as it falls it accelerates picking up kinetic energy, and when it impacts the surface it becomes elastic only to bounce up again with potential, though with less potential than it had when originally thrown. The fact that we have all these different names and formula for energy might lead one to believe that all these energies are different; but are they?

What is Life?

Life is generally defined by certain characteristics relative to the biological processes such as breathing, consuming, digestion, excretion, reproduction as well as having the ability to interact with its environment and other organisms. On the last two points, there is some difficulty with this definition as it could be said that an atom is aware of its environment and knows how to react depending on what it meets in its environment. For the materialist reductionist, it is just a chemical reaction, but it can be argued that it takes knowledge on the part of the chemicals to know how to react. As for a level of awareness, it can be easily argued that it is certainly scalable becoming more complex as organisms themselves become more complex throughout the animal kingdom culminating at a point where we humans are aware of our awareness. Well, a few of us are though it seems the vast majority are not. One reason we insist that atoms have some sort of awareness or consciousness is the fact that we have some sort of consciousness and it would be illogical to assume that conscious matter such as ourselves evolved from unconscious matter. Rather, with greater complexity to the organism comes greater complexity to its consciousness.

Is energy alive?

When Descartes said, "I think therefore I am.", it was a statement announcing his belief of his individuation from nature. Like many beliefs, there is a degree of folly to it as we cannot separate ourselves from nature. I see it as an incomplete statement that requires the addition of a single word at the end. My version of it states, "I think therefore I am thought." And thought is essentially an electrical process, well, at least that is how the brain is monitored, through the electric currents running through it. And this is another one of life's biological processes, the production of energy. We are all an EverReady battery containing electric current. For not only are thoughts measurable through the flow of electricity, the muscles of a dead organism twitch when an electric current is applied and the nervous system utilizes electricity to transfer commands and information to various parts of the body. The mind is metaphysical and exists within an electromagnetic field that surrounds the body. Rupert Sheldrake posits that it is such a field that he calls the "morphogenic field" that instructs the cells of the body in their individuation from two to the billions that constitute the complex order of things we call life. Among electricians, it is well understood that electric currents produce magnetic fields, also, if you pass conductive matter through a magnetic field you will produce electricity.

image courtesy of Wikipedia

Fire, it can be said has many of the characteristics that define a living organism, it breathes in oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide/monoxide, it consumes matter digests it with flame and excretes ash, it can even reproduce via a spark and somewhat interacts with its environment allowing itself to be directed by a breeze and preferring a dry environment over that of a wet one. Is that not at a basic level a form of awareness? Fire is more than just an example of energy, it is an example of plasma.

Is the universe alive?

Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter and though it was the last to be discovered it should probably be considered the first over that of gas, liquid and solid, being the other three in my preferred order. Plasma was named as such by Irving Langmuir for it appeared very much like that of blood plasma in that it had a self-organizing ability and recently there have been several papers published discussing this very aspect of plasma. Plasma is, it seems, the most abundant directly observable matter in the universe consisting of 99.6% of the observable therefore measurable universe. Dark matter/energy are mere theoretical concepts created by mathemagicians, who, while good at modelling the observable are the worst at theorizing based on their equations as their equations are often not based on observations.

Weird huh?

According to Halton Arp, a once esteemed astronomer who dared to challenge consensus science by questioning redshift, plasma gives birth to galaxies via quasars and not accretion due to gravity. Hannes Alfven Nobel laureate for his work with plasma confirms this. In his paper 'The Evolution of Quasars into Galaxies and its Implications for the Birth and Evolution of Matter', Halton Arp reveals empirical evidence bringing into question many firmly held beliefs in physics, in particular, the curvature of space and Einstein's theory of General Relativity. Have you seen the deep space images that reveal a matrix or web of what appears like a decentralized network similar to neurons, though in all likelihood are Birkeland currents?

photo courtesy of NASA

When it comes to energy, the most common form is likely electricity. The electric plasma model of the sun is in accord with the majority of empirical evidence and observed phenomena unlike the nuclear theory of the sun which has to rely on ad hoc measures to keep up with observations. The solar wind is essentially an electric current emanating from the sun. Birkeland currents are invisible threads of electric current that connect all stellar objects in the universe. Plasma, an ionized gas has unbound electrons(electricity), lightning which occurs many times per second on this planet is electricity, all living organism that we know of utilize and produce electricity, our thoughts are electrical. And I will even venture to say that all forms of energy are represented within the electromagnetic spectrum and therefore a relative to electricity.

When it comes to resources, Nature, when it finds something that works likes to reuse that something over and over again. The appearance of the Fibonacci sequence throughout nature in growth patterns of organisms is scalable, as it is also seen in the formation of galaxies is such an example. The similarities between blood plasma and the ionized gas plasma are not mere coincidences. And while all things in the universe including life as we know it is a combination of the other three states of matter; liquids, solids and gas, it seems that until electricity lends its spark, said matter is not alive. And if that is the case, does that not imply that electricity is alive?

Materialists will want you to believe that life arose from randomness and chaos incrementally over time, yet I contend that life, which is a complex order of things cannot arise from randomness and chaos. That such a statement is illogical at the very least. A complex order of things that is life on this planet must arise from less complex order of things. Like consciousness being scalable down to the atom, so too must the order that is life be scalable down to the atom. The materialists it should be said were reacting to the religious ideas of creation and wanted to get rid of the idea of the all powerful anthropomorphic GOD, due to the abuses of religion. They sought a scientific answer to the question of the creation of life, but, anytime one enters science with an agenda, the results tend not to be scientific. The Big Bang Theory is a prime example of such. Created by a Belgian priest, Georges Lemaitre to fulfill the dictum 'creatio ex nihilo' and approved by Pope Pius Xll as a scientific validation of Catholicism. To which Halton Arp has empirically proven to be wrong and like Galileo, had suffered for his dissent of the establishment belief.

So, if what I say is true, then life, like consciousness, is scalable down to the atom and therefore it must also be scalable up to the universe, and such a scale would also include the planet Earth some call Gaia, already thought of as a living breathing organism. Thus all notions of the anthropomorphic God some claim created us can be dismissed with and that the true spirit (life force) of the universe is unequivocably Electricity and that if anything should be called God, it is the Universe itself, though I am fairly certain that the Universe is impartial to such titles and the word "God" is such a nasty animalistic grunt of a word that simply does not suffice for the Divinity that is the creative force.

Sharing is caring.

Suggested readings;

'Morphic Resonance; The Nature of Formative Causation' by Rupert Sheldrake

''The Evolution of Quasars into Galaxies and its Implications for the Birth and Evolution of Matter' by Halton Arp

'Cosmology in a Plasma Universe' by Hannes Alfven

'The Electric Sky' by Donald E. Scott

'Gaia; A New Look at Life on Earth' by James Lovelock

'Cell-like Space Charge Configurations Formed by Selforganization in Laboratory' by Erzilia Lozneanu and Mircea Sanduloviciu

'Experimental Investigation of Multiple Self-organized Structures in Plasma' by L. M. Ivan, C. Gaman, M. Aflori, M. Mihai-Plugaru, D. G. Dimitriv, E. Lozneanu, M. Sanduloviciu



These photos are what it is like to live inside my brain lol Thanks for sharing!

Congrats on having the perseverance to endure my verbosity.
I think of the mind as the infinity within, a universe of its own.

Your welcome and thanks for reading.


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