Trading steem with the power down cheat sheetsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

power down cheat sheet @

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We at enjoy giving back to the community, which is why we have decided to, on an adhoc basis, donate up to two of our weekly payment votes to worthy community projects. We have so far voted on the following post:

SteEMPOWERtwins Steem Brand Ambassador and Live Talkshow Sponsorship

Trying to get people together to collectively upvote deserving content is currently much like "herding cats" and not at all easy, however if everyone is already on Steemvoter, we have a powerful, easy to use curation tool. My proposal for now (until we have a better solution) is to opt-in all Steemvoter users into an "extra vote per day" curation guild with the option to opt-out. All of the members of our private channel will be in a position to help guide the prospective Steemvoter Guild and aid in the discovery of worthy content

the option to opt-out should be made available on the steemvoter site, so when you use the guild to vote for something I dont agree with then it's easy for me to opt-out of the guild, or unvote the blog post. The idea of using private steemit chat to decide what to vote on sounds like it can lead to collusion and politics, and I'm all about freedom. It's a great idea but needs more transparency

We will be putting a symbol in the logs on what votes on for our 7 per week votes, and another symbol for the guild votes (if are part of it). This will give you the opportunity to view and un-vote those posts. However, people who un-vote's posts might have their accounts removed as this is how you pay for those free rules you have.

steemvoter posts are great, I know what they are about and why they exist, so I would never un-vote those, but the guild extra vote per day is a heavy heavy load on my emotional state of being, as I'm currently always in a battle to manage my votes and keep my voting power above 88%, the idea of giving up an extra vote to something other than steemvoter blog post is like terrorism. I am not a fan of supporting blog posts that earn allot of rewards with tons of upvotes. I prefer to vote on blog posts of relatively unknown bloggers that earn small rewards, get a low number of upvotes, and have a low number of followers. Steempowertwins do not fall into that category, and I don't support charity, so they are not a good example to use in terms of what I would support.

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wOW that pic of Yuliana when she was a teen looks like your children haha 0r better yet they look like her ;)
They resemble both of you of course but in that pic in particular

So your working from the Daily chart, correct?
edit: ok I see your doing the right thing by observing multiple time frames ;)

I don't know, I use whatever chart looks good, and I click till I find the right one, regardless of what time frame

Larger Time-frames are the future and smaller time-frames are more current(present). 1min-chart is the most current well, no I take that back! I heard of ppl using even 10-sec-charts lol
I like how you use your cheat sheet however. I use to have one for bitcoin when I was trading that wild west market. Those days are long gone ;)

trading for me is not complicated, because the only time I care about is NOW

And now I know how you are able to receive daily payouts. You have more money coming in(mining);(off topic). For what I make, I get paid weekly(7days) and ppl who make less than me receive every four weeks :0
While the bitcoin network is cluttered. Come time the hard fork, I'll receive every 4-5 days

yes, it's better for you to figure stuff like that out than to ask and I give you the answer. I try to never ask questions, I wait till I figure it out myself

this page shows that all the steem will get powered down in 15 hours from now

The steemit account has 98 000 000 steem power, which means each power down should be about 7 000 000 steem. The power down chart seems to be innacurate.

the chart does not show how much steem is being powered down, just the USD $ value

I am talking about the power down numbers in your video

the steemit account is still on the old power down mode of 104 payments, to get on the payment of 13 weeks they would have to stop the power down and restart it

Oh that make sense, didn't think of that.

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