Huge YouTuber's Talking about Crypto - BAT

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Some of you may know that my bro is a professional crypto trader/investor. I have recently invested in BAT myself and we were having a discussion about the topic. I decided to interview him about his opinions on BAT and here is his take on the current situation and I feel that it warrants some discussion, so please read on and share your thoughts in the comments if you are a BAT supporter…


(@dobsidies) By now most of us that use BAT know that on the 6th of January all our donations go out and will hit some huge Youtuber’s. This means they should get an email about the project informing them that they have over $100 worth in there wallet. This is the big marketing strategy that we are all hoping for. However I think this has the potential to be a huge flop.

I feel that this may not be the massive hit everyone wants as a lot of the Youtuber’s already know about cryptocurrencies and may even know about BAT. So why are they not talking about it? Well it’s all about their reputation.

Huge Youtuber Philip Defranco has spoken about his interest in Cypto in the past, however he never talks about it now. Perhaps this is because he feels that if he spoke about a certain crypto such as BAT people would say things such as ‘You are manipulating the market just to get rich’ or ‘why didn't you talk about (Insert coin)’. Perhaps even ‘This is not news’ and I am sure the list of attacks would go on.

This isn't to say that big Youtubers won’t talk about this coin but I do feel that one of the big guys/girls needs to be the first one and nobody wants to be the first.

The thing I worry about is people holding out hope for this marketing strategy and then if it doesn’t have the impact everyone hopes for lots of people may react by selling off.

I am a huge believer in BAT but I think we all have a long road ahead of us and this marketing push is not the be all and end all.

Thank you to my bro for the interview. What do you guys think about the situation? Do you agree that we need to get some of the more renowned Youtuber's talking about BAT? Do you think the marketing strategy will work or will it be a quiet event? Please comment below!

Thank you for reading, @beautifulbullies xx

Don’t forget to Upvote, I would really appreciate it :)


That's an interesting perspective. I am personally a fan of BAT and primarily use the Brave browser on both my laptop and my phone. It's true that people may be afraid to speak about their preferred currencies out of fear of being called a 'shill' or being accused of market manipulating.

If a cryptocurrency is not relevant to the discussion, then I could agree to some extent, however BAT I feel is a bit different. BAT, along with the Brave Browser, are attempting to disrupt the online advertisement industry in a big way, which severely affects people, such as YouTubers and other content creators, who may primarily get their revenue through advertisements.

Regardless of where people fall on the issue, BAT specifically I think should be talked about more. It's a potential giant that could seriously shift up how we use the internet, being lead by the creator of JavaScript/co-founder of Mozilla.

Great response :) Thank you for your point of view! I agree, we need to get BAT talked about more, the general conversation about BAT is far too quiet right now

Agreed, and thank you :) Did your brother have any opinions on what would need to change to get the discussion started? In my personal-life, I've talked to a few friends and had them switch over to using Brave for security reasons, with a few of them excited for BATs full integration in the future with it. However, as much as talking to folks in real-life helps, it's hard to get the message out to the masses that way. Having bigger Youtubers or similar content creators like bloggers talk about it would have a way bigger impact in a shorter span of time.

I think conversations like these certainly help, but as you say, we need the big fish to get the word out. My bro is a big believer in the Youtuber's taking the leap of faith and risking talking about crypto's, but whether they will or not remains to be seen. They always 'shoot the messenger' as they say and nobody appears to want to be the messenger at this point...

True. I'm not sure how much this plays a role in it, but it could also have to do with the Youtuber's who know about it seeing it as a threat. Youtubers are paid through advertisements by Google, while Brave is a competing browser to Google's browser which blocks ads and intends on using BAT to create a competing ad network. Until Google signs on and agrees to play by Brave/BAT's rules, their Youtube content creators may lose money from viewers making the switch it it results in less Google ad revenue for them.

It certainly could be a huge deciding point for them. I guess it comes down to whether they believe in the BAT technology and if they do, they would be wise to jump on board. If they are ignoring it and hoping it will go away, then I guess they are relying on the fact that their exposure is paramount. So perhaps BAT needs to look at an alternative route to mass adoption than Youtube promotions? Do you have any thoughts on this?

I'm not exactly sure, to be honest. Getting BAT into the hands of the average person is definitely important, however I think the first thing that needs to happen is have BAT/Braves use-case be fully fleshed out. Right now, Brave is still in beta, with BAT not fully being used. I'm confident in Brenden and his team and trust that they are doing whatever is best for BAT. While STEEM has Steemit/dtube/chainbb/etc proving its case, BAT's usage is not far enough on the development side for the average user to make the switch yet.

I think what is most important, personally, is that the BAT/Brave team continue to get more advertisers on board. Convincing a bunch of Youtubers will get the message out to the average person, however convincing Youtube itself to partner with BAT would flip ALL Youtubers/users together, same with most other major sites and their user bases. I think the most important thing is Brenden and co. keep pushing it forward technology wise and partnership wise, hopefully adoption would naturally follow.

I don't know much about BAT. I would be happy for the big YouTubers to talk about steem.

I know top witness @aggroed is building a strategy to bring larger YouTubers over to steem/steemit. I think he is hosting a live panel / forum with big YouTubers in January.

I agree with you. I think steem would benefit massively from some Youtbe exposure, as would all crypto's. I have a feeling 2018 could be the year of the crypto ;)
I'll be watching for updates on the live panel!

BAT is a great coin, despite the push I think the browser has a lot of potential. Their vision is fairly ambitious from a few interviews that I've read up. If they are able to turn web browser free of ads and pop-ups, this will be huge down the road.

I don't think youtuber hype is the only influence on the coin, I think the fundamentals of the teams is very competitive with the ex ceo of Firefox I definitely think their vision is very achievable.

I agree! I think the main issue being raised is if people are hoping the youtube promo is the answer, and if it doesn't have the massive impact we hope for, then people will pull out their BAT investments

well, talking about crypto as a public figure nowadays can get you in trouble I don't think that a huge youtuber would influence a market that much but I do believe that the more public you are the less you should talk about crypto you might have a surprise knocking at your door one day.
By eliminating the middle man with blockchain we became our own bank, and I'm sure some peeps would love to get the nano S edge of one of those public individual figures if they were talking crypto, let's face it a geek with a usb key is a lot easier than an armored van....

oh now that is a scary point of view! I do take your point on board

i feel we might have an a 'new wave' of 'brand advocates' that start to peddle 'news' about crypto the same way we ended up with social media gurus so we will have to see how it plays out. i say to most people 'do the research' invest in it not to just make money but because you want the technology and what that blockchain serves as a service too.

Absolutely! That is sound advice. :)

oh thank you for shedding light on this one, didn't know it existed, and it looks to be catching up some growth now.
I have heard of brave though, looks like a promising project. Combination of both could lead to some good results :)
gonna look into buying some into it!
Of course steem is our #1 :D yet i also bought some few other cryptos, XRP could have a big potential too !

Yes, of course Steem is always #1 :D I took the opportunity to buy into BAT when we had the recent price crash. My main crypto is steem though :)

I think crypto is at its infancy at growth therefore not many firm believers. If in fact BAT is a coin to invest for the long term I think even the promotional giveaway to famous youtubers will be beneficial in the long run. Just think if a youtuber ignored their giveaway for a year and BAT rises 1000% then when youtuber realizes they hit jackpot and go back to the free cryptos they received I would not be surprise that they would mention the coin then.

The idea of being bias to a crypto to inflate it is difficult for me to believe because as long as the author admits to owning or not owning a coin it is fair game. Of course some investors can use their fame to boost crypto price, such as McAfee. I started out at youtube watching other people do recommendations on crypto and in turn lead me into steem. I for one think there is a ton of users already promoting all kinds of crypto and having more promotions will help BAT and generally all cryptos rather than hurt. Just my thoughts. Thanks.

thank you for your response! :)

happy new year

happy new year to you too :)

did you read the article?

I see the option in my exodus wallet for BAT but have never looked into it, so many cryptos so little time.

lol yea, I guess I am lucky as I refer to my bro regularly for advice on the new cryptos' he lives and breathes them all! I can barely turn on a computer haha

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