Steem Applications Bringing Steem To More People

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

I have always wanted to have a home-based job or business ever since I learned that you can actually earn a living via the internet. The prospect of having no boss and no commute appeals to me very much as I don't like being bossed around and commute in the Philippines is really unpleasant to say the least (not to mention very costly).

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The Philippines is now losing ₱3.5 billion a day due to traffic congestion in Metro Manila according to the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

I like the idea that you are in total control of your time and amount of work you have to do. I have tried many types of jobs online from data entry, Pay-to-click sites and doing survey questions. But nothing appeals to me more than doing cryptocurency related work. It was a lot of learning to do but it is all worth it as it opened up a whole new world of earning opportunities for me. I am not yet the cryptonaire that I would to be in the future yet but I can say that I know enough to live off them.

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Yes I am 100% living off cryptocurrencies and I am acquiring many more digital assets that might be of value in the near future. I am thankful that along the way I have met many helpful people who have given their time, effort and patience in sharing with me their knowledge about cryptocurrencies, to the point that I have enough skill and mindset now to learn more about them without any of their guidance.

As I learn more about cryptocurrencies I realize that this new type of money really makes an impact to the lives of those who knows to acquire them and augment them. That is why my crypto journey is a never ending quest of getting more understanding and know-how in order to leverage it and multiply them.

"My mentor once told me that I should teach others if I want to learn.... By teaching others I worked harder to understand what I am teaching. I had to remember concepts and procedures more accurately. And I had to execute task and strategies more effectively."

One technique that I usually do is to teach what I recently learn. In my experience, by sharing what you I know gives you the opportunity to learn more about the knowledge (cryptocurrencies) you wish to share. It forces you to dig deeper, learn stuff that you never thought you will be able to comprehend and find answers to questions that you yourself might not have thought of. I have written in one of my blog-post before that teacher and student roles is not set in stone as the student sometimes becomes the teacher and the teacher becomes the student. That is the beauty of sharing knowledge. You learn also from your students specially from their different prospective and their questions, and these interactions will bring forth new knowledge that is borne out of the interaction between the student and the teacher.



What better place to share knowledge than the internet and what better place to reward those who actively share their valuable knowledge than in the different STEEM applications that we have today: Steemit, Busy, eSteem, ChainBB, Steemgigs, Dtube, Dlive , Dsound, Steepshot, Zappl, Parley, Utopian, Dmania and many more.

The question of how much we should reward on the contributions depends solely on the person who gives it. The value he or she gives of course depends on his or her perceived value of the post or the purpose of the reward. The value of a post varies from person to person, it might be a "shitpost" to others but It might be a masterpiece to some. To illustrate, take for example this painting below, what value would you put on this artwork?


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To be honest, I think I have seen this type of art painted in some walls in the slum areas in our country. But you will be surprised to know that this art piece is valued at $181 Million USD and it was painted by one of the most famous painter who have ever lived in recent times, Picasso. Now some may reason that the inherent value of the art does not necessarily emanate from the work done but from the person who drew it, which is exactly is my point that a "shitpost" may not be representative of the value of what he or she can share in the platform. We don't know if that person is someone who can bring millions of dollars worth of investment in the platform. Or may be a person that could bring millions of new users in the platform. Or maybe the account is just being use to probe around the environment of Steemit, perhaps an exchange company (who would have known @deepcrypto8 is binance?) or even a world leader that wants to test this new type of decentralized and incentivized social network. You never know but we might have Bill Gates, Tim Draper or even Mark Zuckerberg lurking around the corridors of the Steemit platform to study it and learn more about it.

The same can be said with the different initiatives or projects that have been initiated using the Steem Platform. I am amazed how some people or group or communities takes a hostile stance on projects which to me, more often than not, brings more value to the platform. One of the main goals of STEEM is for "Mass adaptation" isn't it? Then the more projects or different use cases we can bring to the platform will help Steem in achieving this goal. Steem's first application, Steemit, was initially designed for blogging, but as Steem platform continues to evolve other applications was developed whose contents apparently are also posted in the Steemit condenser, thus making it more of a repository of contents created using the different Steem applications.

Therefore steem has evolve from a now all too common monetize blogging website to a "do it all" social network," making Steemit, a repository of other contents other than blogs-posts. Which I think brings more value to the whole Steem ecosystem for the simple fact that it brings other types of content in the platform and thus increasing the ability of Steem to cater to other types of users. Not all users of steemit are bloggers, initially at least. Do you think if we limit the users of steemit to bloggers only, and only very good bloggers at that, would we have the same number of users today? Or will it be as famous ? Whether you believe it or not those whom we call shitposters, spammers and plagiarist contributed in one way or the other in making Steemit the biggest and most popular social network medium today.

Let me be clear though that I am not condoning Shitposters, Spammers and Plagiarist, I see these users as newbies that needed to be guided and extended a little bit more of patience. Yes there are those who are abusing already but we have the steemcleaners and a bunch of other people who dedicate their steemian journey haunting for these types of content. In a way they should be thankful for shitposters, spammers and plagiarist because if not for these users they wouldn't have a niche where they can earn rewards from. In other words it gives something of value to them, an earning opportunity. I thought of being one but it does not resonate with my personality. I Just don't enjoy it and would rather use positive reinforcement than negative.

I was not a blogger, I am a crptocurrency enthusiast, trader, investor and mentor to Filipinos who wants to learn cryptocurrencies and seeking ways how to earn from it. However due to the welcoming and helpful attitude of many steemians and through the support of mentors of the likes of sir @surpassinggle sir @otom and ma'am @mers and many support groups like @steemitpowerupph @steemitachivers @steemph and @steemitfamily I have learn to be blogger, a steemian blogger at that. This also signifies one important aspect of the STEEM's continued success its sub-communities which I will probably talk about on another article.

STEEM is arguably the biggest and most successful social network blockchain platform to date in terms of number of users and number of use cases. This mostly due to the number of different applications that have been developed for it.

Steemit revolutionized the way we do social networking by incentivizing valuable user created content. This particular condenser also serves as a repository of all contents created in all other Steem applications(condensers). An improvement of this condenser is Busy condenser which enhanced the steemian user experience by giving them a much more easier interface to work with coupled with an incentivized invitation mechanism not seen in steemit. This condenser also gives out 12-hour upvote to users that use "busy" tag as a way of promoting the use of its condenser. For mobile users there is the eSteem which is designed and optimized for users of smartphones. It also gives additional incentives by randomly giving out upvotes to comments and post that are posted using the said application.

For those who are more comfortable using a forum format we also have a Steem poweredChainBB which can be liken to an incentivized version of bitcointalk. The condenser follow a forum format where steemians can interact with each other in similar fashion use on other online forum. I am not a big user of forums and have not use this condenser however it is nice that we have as such that would be able to cater to those who finds this type of interface more appealing.

Steemgigs is a relatively new condensers which enabled the steem platform to cater to freelance activities. It can be compared to the freelance market fiverr but has a decentralized structure and has a incentivized way of offering and seeking freelance services. Among all the condenser this one I hold closest to my heart since it is the perfect platform where I can execute what I have initially planed to do online: "Freelance work." In addition this one has one of the most feature-filled editor available currently. The project is still in alpha and some bugs are reported but overall the condenser is awesome to say the least.

Dtube is another awesome Steem application. This is the equivalent of youtube. I have not tried uploading videos here but once I purchase a better recording equipment and acquired a better internet connection I will surely be posting more content in this condenser. With crypto market recovering now I hope that it will be sooner than expected. Maybe now I can share my updated version of a Filipino rap parody there soon 😂😂😂. Joking aside just imagine how many new users we can bring in if Liza koshy or PewDiePie or better yet we might see the next generation of vloggers.

Dlive Here is another video sharing application but this one is geared towards live video streaming. I think it is the equivalent of twitch. I have not fully explored it yet for the same reason I have stated in the prior paragraph but I will soon. I think you can also stream gameplay's here. Maybe i will post an article about it soon to learn more about it and share it to my fellow steemians specially those who likes recording their gameplays. With this application Steem has open a whole new market unique user content providers and users in the platform: Esport game spectators and professional/Casual gamers.

Dsound is a condenser where steemians can share their audio recordings. I have tried this one before and I found it very effective. Those who are very active in sharing podcast might find this very much appealing. I plan to use this also to do some podcast sharing the wonderful world of steem and cryptocurrencies. My mind is tingling with ideas right now on what I would want to share in this condenser but that comes later with better recording equipment and more importantly time that I have not much of currently as it takes a whole lot of more time for me to do my task due to slow interent LOL.

Steepshot is one of my favorite condenser in the Steem verse for the simple reason that I love sharing my selfie. "A picture is worth a thousand words" as they say. I think this and the other Steem application that I will discuss next is one of the most under-appreciated application in Steem. I find it particularly amazing that some people think that contents shared in this app does not adhere to the standards of what was steem was originally designed for. Maybe, but things change and steemit is not anymore just a blogging platform but a repository of contents from the other Steem it applications. Besides without steepshot what will be the equivalent of Instragram in Steem? I love this application because this enabled me to share and be rewarded with simple and fun content that I create everyday. There are also contents that is best shared with pictures rather than words. If have seen "big foot" would you rather me describe it in a long and very well written blog-post or just a simple authentic picture? which one would be more compelling? Obviously we all know the answer to that. Still not convinced? How about checking out the the very new cryptocurrency Mithril and its first application check the charts think what investors are thinking about this relatively new crypto and application. See any similarities between the two? there are many but one glaring difference is that it does not have "downvotes."

Zappl. Although I have not been using this app lately, but this Steem application (condenser) certainly gives value to the Steem blockchain as this one caters to a whole type of users that wants information fast and concise. In the relatively short time i have been in this platform I have seen so many well written blog-post that could have been easily been summarized in just a few words. Those who does not have the luxury of time to do long written work has now an option do "microblogging" that has been proven successful in order social media outlets like twitter. Not all users like to read very long articles some steemians have no time to read long articles such as what I am writing myself now. They say "Time" is the most scarce resource and a Steem application that can convey the messages faster and as accurately indeed give additional value to the platform. For someone who doesn't have the time to read long blog-post Zappl is indeed a valuable steem application. Besides how else we can accommodate wikileak's founder Julian Assange request when he was looking for an alternative to twitter when he realize the weaknesses of centralized social media platforms.

Another platform that caters to a unique type of content creator and content consumers is the Utopian. These platform incentivize the contributions to open-source software or projects. One can easily compare it to an incentivized github where contributors are given rewards to contributions to software that is meant to be shared for free. I would love the linux company Ubuntu to have an account in Steem and use its reward system to encourage more contributors and more quality contributions on such projects that gifts the world software that they can freely download and distribute. By using this reward system it would be able to attract more talent and more effort in the part of the contributors. This is a prime example of a very successful Steem application that deviated from the original blogging site framework.

The Dmania is another Steem application that is "under appreciated" have been targeted by steemians who claims to have know the value of what a steemit post should be like. I have tried making Memes to upload in this condenser I am must say it takes another type of intelligence to create a picture or combine words and pictures that is humorous enough to make people laugh out loud or just to put a smile on there face. I have to be honest it is not easy. This type of application makes Steeming fun once again. What value can you give for a picture that can put a smile on your face or instantly change your mood even for one moment. What value would would it be for a depressed person or an unhappy person to laugh at a picture that titillated there imagination or or have tickled their sense of humor.I kid you not when I say that a good meme could save a life just read this article if you have any doubts.

There are many more Steem applications that are in development and have recently launched and as I have continue to discover then I will surely share my experience using them. I like to experience the fullness of being a steemian and participating in all of these cool applications. One of which is Parley which is very new to me but have already many ideas on how to leverage this type of condenser. Sometimes the mere action of directing content to the original source has value in itself and this application does that. What is unique about this platform is that is does not really highlight the content of the link but the engagement that it creates. This is the only steemit application that I know that actually does that. It is also an ingenious way of reviving undervalued post or sharing blog-post or links that is more relevant in the present time.

Before I wrap up my blog-post one steem application that I think needed to be developed for Steem that would be very interesting for investors and traders like myself. Is a candle stick graphical representation of cryptocurrency pair of STEEM and SBD. These application should also report historical buy-sell orders of the user such tools we might be able to bring in a new type of user in our platform. Combined with the speed and the cost of sending in or out of exchanges we might be able to create a crypto arbitrage hub using Steem as "carrier coin" a term that I use for coins that I use to move around exchanges like litecoin or dogecoin.

As you can see the sheer number of application that already developed for Steem is staggering and other cryptocurrencies are taking notice and some have taken their use cases straight out of Steem applications playbook. Although Steem can still be improved and bad actors abound one cannot deny that indeed the vast numbers of Steem applications is bringing more Steem to more people like never before.

Well that is it for now folks. If you have questions, concerns or suggestions please feel free to comment on comments section below. I would love to hear more your reaction to this blog-post. Thank you and Have a nice day!



To vote Steemgigs as witness, simply visit and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!

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You are producing some good blogs and your writing has been improving by the passage of time. Nice work @ankarlie.

Crypto is definitely a good source of income especially steemit, however, in this world both gains and losses are very high. Appreciate your post.

Its inspiring text from the start @ankarlie.
Liked it.
Teaching others is like opening new ways of learning for yourself.
And talking about apps, yes lots of apps are helping in order to make steemit viral and more available for the people.

Yes indeed. There's a lot of apps to use on top of Steemit. Am lovin' it. Haha. The #1 site I love is Busy with the sure and trusted upvotes.

I've yet to get upvoted by DTube, maybe because I only have one video there. I have never gotten any upvote from Zappl or Steepshot but I still use them sometimes.

Steemgigs is the best! I forgot to use it for my latest contest though. Huhu.

Hello, I admire the Philippine community and the mentors who have and support your community, besides I have been able to read to several of you and you are promoting and collaborating that is important to grow in this wonderful ecosystem of steemit, sorry that my English is not good, I must help with translators, but I love to read the posts of your community. It is a great advantage to be able to work from home and spend more time with the family. Happiness always

As per my recollection, I did not mentored anybody to become a blogger, I am not a blogger myself to the fact that I am not a good writer, I don't even teach how to crypto, I am just surprise how you grow along with my team. You're equipped of too much knowledge that makes you a hardcore blogger. Keep on!

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