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RE: Name YOUR decentralized social network?

in #cryptocurrencies6 years ago (edited)

My initial reaction was with "e" being the abbreviation for ecstacy pills

I appreciate the honest feedback. Frankly that’s very depressing. Luckily most of the 6 billion humans on the planet are not as exposed to drug culture as the decadent Western countries.

So do Brits think e-commerce means ecstasy-commerce? Is an e-book a publication about drugs? Sorry being a little facetious here to make a point.

The billions of humans in Asia have never been exposed to ecstasy. That is a Western decadence thing and pretty much for the generation after mine.

with it's repeated refrain: "Eezer Goode, Eezer Goode..."

I was very much into UK pop music in my youth and even Morrissey in the 1980s, but apparently the world doesn’t hinge on the Beatles legacy any more and the UK’s music influence is waning. I never heard that song.

So yes, I can well imagine the token naturally been known as "Eez" by the masses.

Thus I don’t see the masses making that association. I think the 6 billion people in the world are much more likely to associate ‘E’ with electronic things such as e-mail, e-commerce, e-book, e-ink, e-business, e-brokerage, e-reader, emoticon, emoji, ebay, ecigs, etc..

I think perhaps you and your wife are absorbed into a micro-culture, as you explained when you told me you had been a long time fan of the styles of music published by record label Bleep. Let’s instead try to think globally.

I do not like Everse anymore now that I thought of people confusing it with Biblical scripture.

I didn't associate Everse with this until you mentioned it. Perhaps it is more likely with Americans who have a much bigger church-going habit than with we mostly secular Brits! A shame if this was the sole reason that put you off using the name.

It’s true that maniacal religion has polarized views in the USA. But also many countries in the world were colonized by Spain and their maniacal Catholicism. Many people in the world feel that maniacal religion was abusive. A lot of people may mis-associate the verse with scripture or song verses instead of universal. Even a non-religious Finnish guy associated it with song verses.

Can’t we think of a better name? Why isn’t Eplanet superior because same intended meaning without the negative associations?

We decided against Everse because it sounds like ‘adverse’

Didn't for me.

That didn’t occur to me either (but I have been very low energy and not thinking so much lately), but you may be correct that only very vocabulary attuned individuals would make that association. But the association to song and religious verses is enough for me to search for a name without those negative (mis-)associations, if we can.

New ideas to replace Everse

Dunno. Possibly Exobase, but I still prefer Everse.

One of my reasons for suggesting so many name ideas, is to illustrate whether the names stand out from each other, or if they’re all about the same uniqueness and impact.

One of the tradeoffs with the Everse name is that it isn’t very technological. OTOH, Exobase is technological but a person with an average IQ won’t associate any meaning to it and thus won’t be attracted to it. It’s a portmanteau of fragments they don’t know the meaning of, e.g. ‘exo’. Perhaps sounds like a medical term to them with ‘exo’ associated with skeletal.

My favorites from the current list (may change if I add more ideas to the list) are: Antilog, Eplanet, Eputer and Galectron.

I like Antilog because it’s a way of stating a negative that isn’t negative because it is a math term. But it can also be associated with “not a (centralized) log”. It is technological yet abstract enough to be reinterpreted. Even people with an average IQ know what ‘anti’ and ‘log’ mean in the context of the Internet (e.g. blog). The downside is that it isn’t a very inviting name. And that’s a big downside.

I like Eplanet because it’s direct to the point without any severe negative associations. It’s inviting. The downside is that it isn’t that creative nor technological. From my USA, middle-age perspective, it’s a rehashed concept, e.g. Geocities and Planet Hollywood.

I like Eputer because it’s technological, relates ‘E’, implies to the the user that this is some sort of special computational engine, and it’s succinct with available domains. Also it doesn’t make the naive user think about concepts which they’re unfamiliar such as permissionless, censorship resistance, inverse commons, etc.. A new kind of computation, is sort of a catch-all basket for all those for the naive. OTOH, Eputer isn’t very specific and doesn’t speak specifically enough to strengths or purpose. None of these three names do. Antimeta speaks to censorship resistance and Antilog speaks to decentralization in a very abstract way.

I like Galectron because it’s technological, very creative, unique, and relates to the galactic or galaxy or star wars, so then in that way also relates to ‘E’. But unfortunately I think it is more a male geek computer games focused name, than a generally appealing one. It doesn’t speak to specifics of purpose, technological advantage, nor conceptual advantage.

Of the four above, Michelle likes Antilog and Eplanet. I tend to agree, and am not satisfied yet. Eplanet is a safe name. Maybe that is the best we can do?

Btw, Michelle’s lay person interpretation of Antilog is quite illuminating, “it means negative for me but it also means people who will go to that website who will log in twice in that website is not allowed.”

Her interpretation of Eplanet is, “Eplanet is like electronic thing like electronic money that take over the world.” So there we go! Perfect fit.

So what this demonstrates is just how careful we have to be with mis-associations. Our intended conceptualization isn’t likely to be the one people will have.

Those recent ideas were an attempt to stimulate a brainstorming process. So far no one else has been able to bring me any ideas that were even close to being compelling.

Naming a project like this very difficult and frustrating. It’s a lot of tradeoffs.


Bummer - I really liked Everse. As a brought up Catholic I didn’t make any association with scripture at all (although that probably says more about my level of devotion)… In any case, I’m glad you’re keeping ‘e’ as the token ticker/name. With regard to new suggestions, my two cents is as follows (addressing only ones I like and don’t so much - the rest neutral);

Eplanet (best)

Not sold on:
Eputer (not sophisticated enough for the project)
Ebunk (too much like debunk)
Anti-all (intuitively anything with ’Anti’ I associate with negative)

Further brainstorm suggestions:

Another suggestion: Etrix (Matrix)

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