Q Part II - Aleksandr Qgin and the Qouncil for National Policy [UPDATES]

in #cryptobeast6 years ago (edited)

Part I: #QAnon Blind Items Revealed - #All4aLARP?

In this post we will be going through some of the connections around people who have been pushing Q - including a surprising link to Russia. The post is much shorter than Part 1; if there are any updates I will put them at the end.

Q has not posted since the infamous WeAreChange "Defango is Q" interview. Has the operation now officially been shut down? Were Defango & his LARP co-conspirators sent out to "jump on the grenade" and provide a plausibly deniable cover story?

49% is a pretty low score for a YouTube interview. Most people are not buying Defango, Dreamcatcher and Microchip's claim that they are LARPers and trolls and Q was all a LARP - although I think everyone is pretty much unanimously in agreement that they are LARPers and trolls.

WeAreChange talked Q some more in their video today on their main channel (starts around 53:00)

They say "Discord logs can't be Photoshopped", but at the same time they admit they don't know anything about it. There are plenty of ways to create fake videos. Unirock's frame-by-frame analysis completely proves these LARPers are LARPing.

WeAreChange's insistence that they got the story right (with no evidence) even in the face of widespread backlash (with evidence) is indicative of what I believe is really going on here. Certain people have been ordered to shut this thing down, any way they can - reputations, truth and investigative journalism be damned.

Anon vs Anon

Source: Engadget | Illustration by D. Thomas Magee

Anonymous seem a little pissed that Q is taking over their "Anon" tag. They launched #OpQanon last August to take the rival Anon down just as it was garnering massive mainstream media attention. A month after this operation began Defango, Dreamcatcher, Microchip and Posobiec launched their Discord hoax video. This was claimed as "bombshell proof" that Q was a LARP. It did nothing to slow down the #QAnon movement's momentum, and Q continued as before.

Google Trends for QAnon

This week (Jan 20 2019) Anonymous (Construct*) released a new Anti-Q video. They have been out to get QAnon since August 2018, when they launched #OpQAnon.

[* I have been contacted by someone claiming to have knowledge of Anonymous who says that the Anonymous Construct video does not come from the #Anonymous collective. Read into that what you will - Ed.]

It is interesting that "Candice Lanier" (not her real name) who wrote the widely-quoted article when OpQanon was launched runs a private intelligence firm and was doxxed by Anonymous for being an informant in 2017.

Yet she is still writing on their behalf a year later. This is the problem with the Anonymous collective, how do you know that it is just innocent socially-minded "white hat" hackers behind it and not Intel Agents and FBI informants and other #govLARPers?

Here's the latest #AntiQ video:

Rather than being "the nail in the coffin" that it claims, this new video is basically a complete repeat of the Jack Posobiec "muh Discord" story from last September.

Intel Inside

Posobiec admits to a career in Naval Intelligence; so does his fellow Zionist former Trump insider Steve Bannon. More on him later.

Jack & Tanya Posobiec with Breitbart boss Steve Bannon

In June 2017, 4 months before the Q operation kicked off on 4chan, and a month before Defango went to DEFCON 25, Posobiec tweeted from CIA Headquarters:

Posobiec has deleted this tweet, which in itself is very telling. It reveals that he is almost certainly CIA himself, since they are giving him summer reading assignments at headquarters. Also note that he says "campaign reading" . There were no US elections in the summer of 2017, so he is talking about a different sort of campaign. A psychological warfare operation, perhaps? One being planned by anti-Clinton right wing factions of the intelligence community?

Putin's Brain

The book Posobiec was ordered by the CIA to read is by far-right Russian Aleksandr Dugin, who has been called "Putin's brain". This particular book translates in English to
Foundations of Geopolitics. It is the ideological foundation of the new military command of Russia.

Aleksandr Dugin has been called "Putin's favorite philosopher" and "Putin's brain". He is against the globalists and the international elite/New World Order cabal.

Dugin is a big fan of Trump. The feeling appears to be mutual. Vanity Fair asked "Is Trump's Chaos Tornado A Move From The Kremlin's Playbook?"

Like Trump, Dugin has been on InfoWars, several times. Jack Posobiec and Mike Cernovich are more like reporters for InfoWars than frequent guests. They often file field reports and conduct interviews. Posobiec is also a host on the right wing One America News Network.

These are the media figures who've been speaking about Q, whether good, bad, or both. Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi, Jack Posobiec, Lionel Nation, Jason Bermas - Zionists. Right-wing, pro-Trump, anti-globalist. For some reason they started promoting Q around the same time and then turned on it or walked away from it around the same time. They've been trying ever since to shut it down.

Jerome Corsi, Q app developer Jason Coleman, and 8chan board boss Pamphlet Anon in Washington DC. Pamphlet has been caught on live stream posting as Q.
Source: Steemit @motherlibertynow

Putin's Puppet Master

If you've seen Adam Curtis' brilliant documentary HyperNormalisation you might be familiar with this "Tornado of Chaos" idea. Dugin and the young Chechyen Vladislav Surkov ("Putin's Puppet Master") have come up with an innovative guerilla strategy for information warfare.

Vladislav Surkov came from a theatrical background. He is one of the most important figures of the 21st century, and has been instrumental in Putin's transformation of Russia over the last 2 decades.

"what he did is take avant garde ideas from the theater and bring them to the heart of politics.

Surkov's aim was not just to manipulate people but to go deeper; to play with and undermine their very perception of the world, so they're never sure what is really happening....

Surkov turned Russian politics into a bewildering, constantly changing piece of theater"

Hypernormalisation by Adam Curtis

Are you starting to see some similarities here to the #QAnon operation? It's a weapon in the alt-right's arsenal in the Info War. It's bewildering, it's constantly changing, it tugs on the heart strings. There's enough "real" evidence in there to make those who follow it the most believe it could be real...even though Q themself says "Disinfo is necessary". This is a key point: Q followers will believe Q even though Q says they are sometimes providing deliberately false information.

Q detractors seize on this and say "therefore the whole thing must be untrue", but I do not think this is correct. Many "Q proofs" have been given now to establish a degree of credibility to a (theoretically) anonymous poster.

This brief excerpt from Hypernormalization conveys the essence of this strategy.

"Political technologists" were the key figures keeping Putin in power. Is that who we are dealing with here? Is this a reasonable term to use to describe Defango, James Brower, Justin McConney?

Watch the whole Hypernomalisation documentary when you get a chance, it's brilliant and the late, great John Perry Barlow is in it.

"What they had done was turn politics into a strange theater, where no-one knew what was true and what was fake any longer"

This reminds me of the quote from CIA Director William Casey who said:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"

It's right there in black and white. Reagan asked Casey "what is your goal for the CIA" and that was his answer. Total disinformation. [Source: Barbara Honegger]

The government runs psychological operations to sow disinformation. The #FakeNews media is part of their transmission system. This is seen as a method of non-violent population control.

The Obama Administration gave us the "Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012", which made it legal to use every weapon in the military cyber-arsenal on the American people, including social media and "direct or indirect means of communication". One indirect means of communication is subliminal messaging; who knows what else that insidious term encompasses.

Qaos And The LARP of War

Trump is a master of Sun Tzu's the Art of War. His own book being called Art of the Deal is an homage to this.

Psyops are all about winning the hearts and minds, without fighting.

The point of the Q operation is to engage the base who were chanting "Lock Her Up" at Trump's rallies (that is, most Trump supporters) and keep morale up while the Trump team battles the Mueller probe and the Inspector General, DOJ and FBI investigations into the Clintons go on in secret, with multiple grand juries empaneled. There are now more than 74,000 sealed indictments.

Just because a bunch of military intelligence people do a psychological operation, doesn't mean it's a military intelligence psychological operation...right? This is a question I've asked about Burning Man also.

In this case there appears to be an intersection between the Council for National Policy, John Birch Society, InfoWars, QAnon, Cicada 3301, Defango's (McConney's?) troll team, and the US intelligence community. Are Secret Societies involved as well?

Discordians sow chaos. Alex Jones is a Discordian, and linked to the Council on National Policy and the John Birch Society. David Livingstone shared some great information about that in our interview for CryptoBeast 14:

Discordian Disinfo Defango?

Defango has been a political operative for many years. All these people are political operatives, but few of them play both sides.

Source: LinkedIn

Here is Defango a week after the launch of Q saying that "it is another part of the Cicada 3301 group's plan for the future". Remember the future...

Defango again, 3 weeks after #QAnon was launched saying that Q was part of Cicada and promoting #FollowTheWhiteRabbit

Why, when Q launched, did Defango devote so much time to attributing it to Cicada 3301 - if all along it was just a LARP cooked up by him, Dreamcatcher and Microchip?

Is this an honest person, dedicated to spreading the truth? Or a chaos magician working in 5D: Doubt, Distrust, Deceit, Discord, Disinformation?

Civil InfoWars

Roger Stone was formerly Jerome Corsi's friend, now they have had a public falling out over the Mueller probe. Corsi is suing Mueller for $350 million with Larry Klayman, another frequent InfoWars guest.

Roger Stone had NXIVM as one of his lobbying clients. Alex Jones has also been indirectly linked to NXIVM as he has the same lawyer as Holly Bhavani Lev Bronfman, sister of NXIVM bosses Sara and Clare.

Our previous coverage of Nexium as a modern-day MKULTRA drugs/sex/hypnosis cult:

Is NXIVM an MKULTRA Brownstone Operation Part 1

Is NXIVM an MKULTRA Brownstone Operation Part 2

Are Stormy Daniels and Pence’s Doctor Jennifer Pena Branded NXIVM Slaves?

Nexium Patent for Determining Luciferians

NY Attorney General Steps Down, Beat 4 Women, Links to Nexium/Weinstein/Clintons

The NXIVM case is one example of indictments that were formally sealed, which cause bombshells when unsealed. How can a case involving billionaires, politicians, and at least half a dozen stunning Hollywood actresses involved in child sex trafficking get almost no media attention? This case is a great example of why an operation like #QAnon is needed for the White Hats behind Trump to bypass the Deep State controlled Mockingbird media.

Jerome Corsi claims to have been bullied into ratting out Stone out to save himself. Now he's suing the Special Counsel Robert Mueller for $100 million with an extra $250 million thrown in for punitive damages.

Roger Stone has been tweeting back and forth with the President about this, so he is surely feeling pretty good about the prospects of a presidential "get out of jail free" card in the event he does get convicted of anything.

The Power Behind The Alt-Right

So how could Q gain access to insider information? The common assumption is it's one person. #AntiQ think this disproves the operation because how could one whistleblower avoid all the intelligence agencies during a massive crackdown against leaking?

I think it is more likely that Q is connected to a group. A powerful political bloc that includes people from the military and intelligence agencies.

Right before the election (October 4, 2016), intelligence operations specialist Dr Steve Pieczenik showed his face, the first time in more than 14 years of being a regular InfoWars contributor. He did so to tell us that Trump was recruited by white hats in military/intelligence.

Dr Pieczenik says that WikiLeaks and Julian Assange were part of their counter-coup. The Special Counsel has tied both Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi to WikiLeaks. InfoWars published How Julian Assange Turned WikiLeaks Into Trump's Best Friend on October 11, 2016

Alex Jones has previously revealed that he was recruited by this group also.

If this group could recruit Trump and Alex Jones, and Trump is doing Q signs in the air in his rallies and the whole InfoWars team are talking about Q, is it really such a stretch to think this group could be connected to Q?

Qouncil For National Policy

Members of the John Birch Society founded the Council for National Policy, financed primarily by Nelson Bunker Hunt (shortly after he and his brothers failed in their attempt to corner the silver market).

InfoWars Washington DC Bureau Chief Jerome Corsi is a member of the Council for National Policy - along with Steve Bannon, the Mercers, the Kochs, the Princes, the DeVos's and Kellyanne Conway.

Other names include: Richard Mellon Scaife, Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay, Trent Lott, Jesse Helms, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Dr. James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Reverend Moon, Oliver North, Tim and Bev LaHaye (end times novels), Coors family, Du Pont family, Reed Irvine, Grover Norquist, Edward Teller (father of Atomic Bomb).

Erik Prince, founder of mercenary company Blackwater and brother of Trump's Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, was one of the important early figures in kicking off the #PizzaGate operation that was built on top of the WikiLeaks revelations of John Podesta emails. Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone both deny having access to those emails before they were published; #YMMV.

Prince's "NYPD is ready to make arrests" message that went out on Steve Bannon and the Mercers' Breitbart News two days before the election on November 4, 2016 is remarkably similar to the narrative that Q came out with a year later.

Robert Mercer is not your average politically involved billionaire. He came out of the USAF Weapons Laboratory at Kirkland AFB, worked for IBM's research lab on machine translation and is an expert in artificial intelligence with a $25 billion A.I.-based hedge fund. The Mercers are part owners of Cambridge Analytica, which is a subsidiary of UK Defense Contractor SCL Group. This shadowy organization had connections at the highest levels of the globalist establishment and has been dissolved as a result of their scandalous behavior becoming public - just like the Podesta Group.

The Guardian: "I Made Steve Bannon's Psychological Warfare Tool"

Source: Daily Mail 21 March 2018

They used the same technology, tactics and "Big Data" on the Trump campaign and the UK's Brexit campaign. [Source: The New Yorker]

Cambridge Analytica obtained the Facebook Social Graph for 30 million people in 2015.

Scout: The Rise of the Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine

CNBC: Facebook-Cambridge Analytica: A timeline of the data hacking scandal

Does Q being promoted by people who are members of the Council for National Policy prove they are behind the operation? No, but it certainly would explain how Q has so much access to behind the scenes knowledge.

Who Is Are Luther Blissett?

Is Q a Vladislav Surkov-style theater piece, a Discordian distraction to charge the base up emotionally and build their loyalty to Trump through rage at the elites? Let me finish by taking a look at the Q book itself.

It's surprising that Defango, Dreamcatcher, and Microchip, who claim to have based their LARP entirely on this book, never mentioned in any of their interviews its unique crowdsourced activist nature (of course, I fully expect Defango to complain that he talked all about the book, on a deleted video on his backup channel).

Like Anonymous later, “Luther Blissett” was an identity adopted collectively by partisans of a certain strand of media activism coming out of Italy in the 1990s. Inheriting the spirit of Situationism and Italian mail art, they were early innovators of what art theory dubs “Tactical Media” or “Culture Jamming”—which is to say that before becoming authors, various members of the Luther Blissett Project engineered complex, multilayered media hoaxes.

Source: ArtNet Is The Qanon Conspiracy The Work of Artist-Activist Pranksters?

The Situationists spawned the Discordians. It's all about chaos.

Culture Jamming is specifically what Alex Jones says he does. His greatest example of it was probably his 2013 CNN interview with Piers Morgan about gun control.

Although Alex was ridiculed in the mainstream media for this guerilla theater performance, he got worldwide attention and massively boosted his audience of Second Amendment supporters.

The Q book was supposedly written by 4 people, but it emerged from a much bigger Discordian social movement.

From lutherblissett.net

"Luther Blissett" changed their name to "Wu Ming".

This group sound a lot like Anonymous, and the "pan-ic art" of Project MAYHEM. Chaos theory meets political theater. But does it sound like the #QAnon operation?

There is another Q-related book, "Q Clearance" by Peter Benchley - the author of Jaws. Was the "Q Clearance Patriot" post on 4chan really related to the young Italian activist collective Luther Blissett, or was it an intelligence community insider referencing an older American spy novel from a popular author?

Project MAYHEM - Ordo Ab Chao

Burning Man's genesis creation myth features many operatives from Project MAYHEM.

Anonymous has been linked to Project MAYHEM 2012 and Project MAYHEM 2020.

Ordo ab chao - order out of chaos - is the motto of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Putin is rumored to be a Royal Arch Mason. It would not surprise me if Donald Trump is one also.

Merkel is rumored to be Adolf Hitler's daughter; Hitler himself was rumored to be a bastard son of a Rothschild

Merkel is obviously very fond of this gesture. Although Freemasonry is men-only, there are many co-ed and women-only Lodges

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, UK Prime Minister Theresa May, EU President Jean-Claude Juncker all doing secret society hand signs

Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown at the G8 summit, 2008

Could Secret Societies conduct psychological operations? Or is that something the military has an exclusive right to?

Their Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall

Most of the people I've mentioned in this post, including Trump himself, and Defango during his recent "coming out as Q" interviews, frequently flash the "666" gesture.

Does Q = 666? If the Q operation is targeted against the Luciferian Cabal, why are so many of those connected to it using this gesture?

Do all the people doing the gesture mean it in the Satanic way? Or the Masonic way?

Are these people all Satanists, masquerading as the Christian Right? Or are they members of a secret society, casting Chaos Magick spells on the rest of us?

Further Research

If you found this post interesting please check out these videos from my series with Jan Irvin of Logos Media. The series is about Silicon Valley and the occult side of the tech industry and the military industrial complex. Some of the episodes are specifically about Burning Man; the ones below are more relevant to today's post. I talk about psyops, memetic warfare, Anonymous, Occupy, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Project MAYHEM, and the links between Silicon Valley and the military/intelligence world.

Start about 1:53:00 of part 7.

Part 7, the conclusion
Part 1, Silicon Valley
Part 2, Psyops and the Presidio

The role of the 7th Psychological Operations group, and its shift from the Presidio in SF to where the Googleplex is today, is a crucial piece of history that deserves more attention. This is explored in Part 2, above.

Luciferian psyop specialist Baron Michael Aquino says his MindWar ideas originated out of Russia, via the Esalen Institute's Transformation Project

[Update 22 Jan 2019 4:04pm]

I found this interesting diagram of the "Fake Q" hierarchy. I'm not endorsing this, it is @MotherLibertyNow's research and opinion but it seems worthy of consideration.

In this version, Thomas from Cicada 3301 is the ultimate puppetmaster of Q. I don't believe that's true, but in his own account, he and his organization were in the pyramid, as was Defango.

They have also placed Q in the hierarchy of parapolitics:

Defango Exposes Q Yet Again

I also came across this, which is a precursor to the "Cicada 3301 Expose" video I embedded in Part I. Every time I hear Defango tell the story it's different. In this one he is naming a lot of names.

In this video from May 2018 Defango says "I'm not a political operative [but] I proved I can do it better than him". Him being Thomas from Cicada 3301, who arranged for Robert David Steele to go on Defango's show. His beef appears to be primarily about money. He also says "I'm not going after the rest of the Q people, I'm only going to Thomas". Quite a different story from "I invented Q, presented it at DEFCON as a good idea, then 3 of us posted the first 2 or 3 4chan posts as a troll". YMMV.

"I've hacked into Government web sites on livestream, and nobody's coming after me"

He starts talking about Q at exactly 17:00, which makes me wonder if this is all part of some crazy LARPy Cicada puzzle. He seems to know nothing about Q, other than what Cicada tell him about the operation.

[Update 22/1/2019 5:26pm]

And then we have this guy:

Kidon, Hebrew for "Tip of the Spear", is the division of Mossad responsible for assassinations.

Is Aaron Ziegler part of the Israeli-based social media InfoWar specialists Psy Group? This is a connection I am still exploring.

Boing Boing Jan 16 2019: Gates tells Mueller of Trump campaign deal with Israel's Psy-Group for 2016 "social media manipulation"

Medium June 26 2018: Psy-Group Sister Company Controlled By Russian Billionaire

Calcalist 09/10/18 (deleted after Nov 2018) Psy-Group CEO Touted Company's Ability to "Change Discourse On A National Level"

[Update 23/1/19 2:39pm]

John B Wells, host of Caravan to Midnight, has released a video saying that #QAnon is real. He interviews an Anon named "D4", who does not provide any evidence that they have anything to do with Q and does not reveal any inside information. Why are they pushing this now?

David Seaman of Fulcrum News also came out with a Q story this week. He was formerly a big Q promoter, but turned on the movement around the same time as the rest of the InfoWars crowd.

Dust The Plan - How QAnon Put Trump's Base to Sleep When he Needed Them on Deck

This video from Matthew North is excellent. Is Q being used to set the country up for Martial Law? The US Army pre-dates the Constitution, and military intelligence trumps the alphabet agencies. Trump declared a national emergency on the solstice, December 21 2017.

Matthew North and Adam Green at Know More News have covered PSY Group and the Council for National Policy before (though not in the context of Q, as far as I know).

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://burners.me/2019/01/21/q-part-ii-aleksandr-qgin-and-the-qouncil-on-national-policy/

@steveouttrim I'm going to break your post into cryptic sections and post it somewhere ;)

Boy some deep stuff. Gonna take me a few reads to digest it all! Lots of topics here.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Completely absorbing, incredibly thorough and dense. Thanks for this Steve. Amazing.

Thanks for being apart of the community!

I wouldn't say that Steve is part of the community. He loves his Twitter and Wordpress site primarily.

; )

Burned by frankBacon. Well played, sir.

Highly rEsteemed!

Big improvement over Part 1!

Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at 12.29.17 PM.png

Hello Steve Outtrim,

Thanks for mentioning me & my posts in this article!

Please see my latest posts here:




Thank you


The original "Q" ever before there was a "Q".

The Destroyer of the NWO.

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