I'm So Done With Poloniex 😡 - What Exchange Should I Use Now?

in #crypto7 years ago

Not only are they now holding my crypto in a transfer that they haven't executed, for five days, their customer service is also horrible. I've been annoyed on previous occations, when their site has been down. but this is just very upsetting.

Look at this bullshit. Five days ago? When I've already confirmed through email.

I've had a couple of issues with Poloniex in the past. But this time, they have outdone themselves.

I transfered some crypto to Coinbase. They usually send a confirmation emai, so I confirmed and waited.
Usually this is only taking a couple of hours, or less.

This time, the transaction didn't happen. It says "awaiting approval". It's done that for five days now.
And they answered my email with an answer with an automated answer to what they probably thought I was having issues with.

When I replied "did you even read my email?", I got no reply.

So Poloniex now has all my money and is not responding to me.
What echange should I switch to? Bittrex?

I am not fast, but I am furious.



Dont you want to try BitShares exchange?

Am I the only one without trouble? Haven't had one problem.

I am in the same boat. I have had no issues yet with poloniex but do have fear.

Have you tried withdrawing currency? I am tentative to deposit more than ~$2k for fear that it will get trapped like Suzanne here.
Your experience doing this would be good to hear!

But when you get a problem, there is little help to get from them.

go check out bitshares and their openledger platform. very similar security to steemit; decentralized exchange. volume isnt as big as others, but gets the job done. EOS should bring margin accounts

Check this post out and let me know if this project would be something that would interest you https://steemit.com/crypto/@daudimitch/exchanges-continue-to-fail-during-peak-hours-traders-ponder-and-here-is-the-solution

Well... Thanks for share all this. I'm still not in the point to start using exchange markets because I'm pretty new with the crypto thing... But it is good to know this king of things.

Hope everything goes OK with...

Good luck with all you crypto stuff :)

Yea. I hear ya. BUT guess what the 0.1002 BTC that was in pololimbo for over a month I got back last night as I slept. ^^

Hang in there it will come. I was looking to learn a new exchange myself.

I just want to cancel the withdrawl, but I can't even do that.

They will get to your support ticket soon.

Living in WA state I was forced off Poloniex! @susanne
I did some research I decided to give Bittrex a try.
Best Thing that Ever happened to me in the Crypto Space... :)

Yes, I heard that. Stupid.
Oh, well. Then I am going to give that a try.

I will try Bittrex, but I've never heard about Liqui.

I have been using Bittrex for over a month now and I love it. Have not had one problem yet.

I third this. I started trading with polo but have had multiple problems because I don't have a static IP. It's annoying having to re-login a million times a day. On top of that it has been four weeks now and I still havn't gotten even level two verification much less level three which I applied for. So my daily withdrawal limit is still $2000

The only thing I use Polo for now is lending out my bitcoin to receive about 150k satoshi per day interest.

Bittrex has been good for me.

I would like to try kraken but I made a mistake entering my birthdate during verification and now I am unable to change it. Apparently I can't use their platform now.

the problem is scale. Most of these exchanges can't handle and weren't built for mass amounts of traffic coupled with a DDoS attack. Nor do they have the proper levels of staff to handle all of the inquiries. It is part of the risk of owning and keeping currency at an exchange. be patient.

I feel you because I am done with them as well
Disapproved an unauthorized transfer and still didn't get my funds and this since nearly 4 weeks

Oh my gosh, that is pretty bad. That gives me very little hope. I can't believe that they are getting away with this crap. It's people's money!

I am still speechless, reported more than one complain ticket but it doesn't go anywhere and I have no idea when I get my Funds back for a withdrawl I never asked for. Somebody emptied out my BTC. I am more than furious. I can't get used to bittrex UI. It's madness!

Check this post out and let me know what you think, would this be a project that you would be interested in https://steemit.com/crypto/@daudimitch/exchanges-continue-to-fail-during-peak-hours-traders-ponder-and-here-is-the-solution

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