STREAMITY - Blockchain Cryptocurrency Exchange Market

in #crypto6 years ago


The Exchange is Natural in the Human Being

Throughout history, human beings have taken care to supply their basic needs and also to gain power. One way to achieve this first was barter, which consisted in exchanging one merchandise for another depending on its value or utility. Then with the appearance of money the changes were facilitated since it was really paid for the value of a good. This step was important since the currency became generalized and avoided the problem of merchandise changes outside its place of origin. The evolution of money has led to form the largest method for marketing products worldwide, regardless of the type of currency that is handled, there will always be a conversion factor, either money itself or objects that are of great value.

Currently, new money trends have been devised, such as banking and electronic. These forms are the result of advances in the way of thinking and in the confidence that is given to money, not as an instrument of value but as a tool to acquire goods and services. Technological development definitely drives these types of money, since, for commercial activities it requires agility, transfer of funds instantly. The security is also framed in the field of money, because with this same technology, large counterfeits of currency have been found that alter the economic situations of a country, which has led to the implementation of security systems to make the counterfeit-proof banknotes and coins, typified today throughout the world as an attack on society, a crime.

Money has influenced the customs and needs of people, and societies have adapted to accommodate the different changes produced by it. From Barter to money as we know it today, many stages have passed through history.
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Currently it is very common for us to talk about cryptocurrencies. Because of the great variety that has emerged, markets have been created and exchange is a day-to-day thing. Acquisition of goods, shares and participations in established companies that have adopted this form of capitalization, large-scale commercial transactions and person-to-person exchange are some of its applications. Although the rise of the cryptocurrency is of surprising levels, still governments and nations of the world continue to trade with the support of FIAT. They have not yet turned to the use of these, although you can find certain initiatives of some nations.

However, digital commerce does not stop. In fact, the great powers of the world are trying to decipher the way to take advantage of this activity, perhaps with the imposition of taxes. The truth is that they have not been able to. They have not understood that the transparent and decentralized nature of the blockchain is the main generator of trust that functions as a shield that protects and supports all the activities of the crypto community.
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Streamity is Exchange in Blockchain

Taking advantage of this premise Streamity, with a large team of professionals in the business area, has adopted as its main goal the creation of a cryptographic community on a global scale. Giving priority to users and the crypto community. They have the mission of contributing to the development of crypto-community security, providing information that every trader and investor should know with the development of webinars, where the variety of topics will help to understand how securities and stock markets are structured, as well as provide the latest news from the world of cryptography. Through Streamity in blockchain, the user can be updated in terms of cryptocurrency, bitcoin and altcoin prices and more.

For all these reasons the holistic team of Streamity developed Streamdesk, thus reaching the climax of its philosophy.

They created the ideal platform for the cryptocurrency trade, which crystallizes the decentralized realization of P2P contracts where some kind of cryptocurrency is offered in order to obtain fiduciary money. All this with the shining figure and endorsement of the blockchain and smart contracts.
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This is How Streamdesk Works

  1. As in any commercial relationship, the first stage must comply with international standards against money laundering and against financing of terrorism, thus implementing a reinforced KYC procedure.
  2. By using a friendly and simple application the seller / buyer must create an application according to their need.
  3. The user must select the payment method and enter the wallet number for the automatic service, so you do not need to enter the wallet number each time you create an order or complete a deal.
  4. Once the request is created, it can be accepted by another user who wants to buy / sell, thus obtaining a status of PENDING CONFIRMATION. The seller receives a notice of acceptance.
  5. The system checks the parameters and availability of funds in the Seller's account, and creates an intelligent contract.
  6. The cryptocurrency will remain blocked in the intelligent contract until it is verified that the corresponding fiduciary money has been credited to the seller's account.
  7. Payment in trust money can be made through Yandex.Money, PayPal, Qiwi or other services. For the transfer of funds, the payment service may charge a commission, which is calculated and indicated when the request is created.
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Exchange with the Confidence of Protection and Security

As we can see, it is a very simple but safe procedure, which provides a wide margin of protection against fraud due to the conditions established in smart contracts. This protection focuses on avoiding scams for non-payment, but also avoids speculation regarding the quote rates of cryptocurrencies, since the exchange rates are fixed. They are obtained by averaging the amounts contributed by four recognized exchanges: bittrex, bitfinex, binance, poloniex.

Another advantage offered by the exchange through Streamdesk, is that due to the blockchain platform the procedure is incorruptible, so the publication of reputation or level of reliability of the participants is no longer necessary, so the buyer / seller should only focus in locating the offer that suits you according to your needs. In this process any intermediary is excluded, since P2P is done directly and decentralized from anywhere in the world and the commission rates are notably reduced since in most cases there will be no fees in fiduciary money. The rates in the purchase vary from 0 to 2%. This is reflected in saving time and money.

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Flexibility is Global Scalability

With Streamdesk, the borders are over!
Through the use of smart devices based on Android and iOS operating systems, users can access the platform using the application. Thus the exchange of cryptomonedas is totally scalable and reaches a global level. Regardless of the fiduciary currency involved or the cryptomoney, exchange is possible.

This characteristic is particularly noticeable in situations of trips to foreign nations, where travelers do not have the local currency. You can easily create an offer in Stremdesk by requesting the FIAT of your choice.

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Streamity is Much More

Streamity's goal is to comprehensively support the development of the crypto community worldwide. Focused on this idea, a holistic work team has been formed with professionals in all the areas involved, with graphic designers, software engineers, business developers, expert programmers in blockchain, financial investment advisors, experts in the legal area, front-end developers. All joining efforts with a single purpose: the development of the large-scale world-class project.

The educational reinforcement of all the parts that make up the crypto community is also a commitment for Streamity. Constantly from its "" platform, educational research seminars are offered that serve as analytical resources for large-scale community training. Without leaving aside the associations with public organizations and companies always with a view to technological development, they are already venturing into the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to be applied in several of Streamity's resources.

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STM Sustains Operativity

All Streamity operating services, including Streamdesk, will be canceled with STM, the Streamity´s token. Users can purchase them during the first public release (ICO) and cancel it through BTC, LTC, ETH, ETC, USD, EUR, with a minimum investment of 0.1 ETH. From June 25 to July 22, the second phase of sale to the public will be taking place. You can participate in the sale by following this link.

There is also the possibility of acquiring the STM tokens in the exclusive AirDrop for Steemit, where 50 STMs are offered for the first 500 users who apply. It is very easy, you just have to follow the instructions in this link.


Thanks to the great potential of Streamity services such as Streamdesk, the number of users will increase significantly, which will generate a constant demand. For this reason, the STM´s will be available in the main cryptocurrency exchanges and the users will be able to market them instantaneously, executing the conversion between fiduciary currency and STM.

As a stimulus to its users, Streamdeskestablished a privilege policy that includes lower commissions for those who possess a minimum of 1250 STM. They also offer the opportunity to earn 3% bonuses for the participation of friends within the platform.

Image Source

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More Information and Resources:
Streamity Website
Streamity OnePager
Streamity WhitePaper
Streamity YouTube
Streamity Facebook
Streamity Medium
Streamity Twitter
Streamity Telegram
Streamity BitcoinTalk
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This is my participation in the contest sponsored by @originalworks with the aim of publicizing all the excellent virtues of Streamity and Streamdesk


Que éxito Juan, demasiado bueno tu post. La información esta súper completa, no se te escapo nada. Como para que se note la excelencia!
Its perfect...Congrats

Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📈 24h📉 7d
ETCEthereum Classic15.406$2.82%-8.17%

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63101.67
ETH 2588.03
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74