A thought - Banks buy silver and gold. price runs. crypto drops. Banks buy crypto and they will control.

in #crypto7 years ago

I can actually see something like this happening. The big banks and powers that be cannot seem to get a handle on crypto currencies, and they are under threat. Could it be that they let silver and gold RISE in order to sway investors out of crypto currencies? This could help to smash the prices in the crypto's. Good for the silver/gold bugs as well. I'm waiting to sell pm's at a much higher price to put a majority of the money into crypto's. Here is a possibility:

Banks aggressively start buying silver and gold, and stop selling their paper assets. Those interested in cryptos would see the price rise in Metals and buy metals. Also, cryptotites might sell crypto due to a huge fall in price because of people moving on out to buy metals.
When crypto's are smashed literally, then the banks buy up every crypto currency coin available for penny's on the dollar. Walla, the banks then smash gold and silver, crypto's ride high again with the banks in control.
What are your thoughts? Thanks for reading my madness.


It would seem to be impossible odds to stop them, but they cannot win forever. The Duke of Wellington was once asked by a reporter what he considered to be his greatest victory, most people would say Waterloo but his answer was the 1803 Battle of Assay. In this battle his combined force of 9,500 with limited artillery, beat a force of 80,000.
Everyone that is part of this revolution in finance is doing their bit against overwhelming odds. They may buy governments and print money at will but they are worried. This Video clip should make you feel better about our prospects. :)

I very much agree. 1803 battle of Assay. I'll have to check that out. Thanks also for the clip. I am subscribed to your blog.

Thanks, there will be challenges but 'nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come'

Just watched the video. That about sums up the bankster cartel.

in the long term they won't allow anybody, to get out of the system! except those who are already, when the time has come. play the cryptogame, but keep some metal.

Yep. That's one of my great fears with crypto. Most of us know where all of this digital stuff is headed. Tracking, control, and less freedom. I am subscribed to your blog.

Methinks that the Banksters can manipulate crypto very easily because the blockchain market cap is still merely a drop in the bucket compared to other assets. That is why I still hold physical precious metals because there may come a day when goods & services will be priced in tangible weighted grams instead of imaginary digits.

I also couldn't agree more. I'll always hold a nice stash of bullion.

Good thing about Crypto's is there can always be a new one. If word gets out that banks are buying, lets say, the top ten then people will just move to the next one. After they stay on for the price increase first :-).... My strategy would be the opposite to your. I plan to play around in Cryptos but the bulk of my savings are heading into metals. The physical kind. If I make a bit at trading the cryptos I will be happy if not I'm only at this to get me further away from the banking system.

Also sounds like a good plan.

I follow your thoughts and they are pretty logic. The thing is that we can only guess if this is going to happen. Lets just hope it doesnt happen or try to be on the good side when it does..

Exactly. I am so hoping to be on the good side when whatever plan is instituted. Thanks for the post.

Resteeming this one :)

Thank you Mark. I do appreciate that.

Upvoted and followed, this is why I stack the shiny stuff and invest in crypto, whichever way they manipulate we will be ready to catch the wave!

Thank you Makecents. I'm like you. I've been stacking since 03. Sold off almost all in 2011/2012. Just waiting on the tide up so i can sell and move into crypto. Someday's i feel i'm missing the train but my gut tells me to wait it out a little longer. I am also subscribed to your blog.

One of the scenarios playing in my mind as well. I, however, think that when they don't succeed, they will shut down the exchanges so people won't be able to get the money out. It is not uncommon to have exchanges shut down,we saw it in 2001, 1987. This will force the liquidation for banks to grab everything.
I write a whole lot about gold, silver and crypto on a daily basis. Feel free to check it out.

Upvoted, followed you and resteemed.

Thank you ajain. I appreciate that. Thanks for your post too. It never crossed my mind they would shut the exchanges down. You are right. I wouldn't put that past them at all. I am also following your blog.

This is very possible, I would not even be suprised if this not already happening. I like the way you are thinking! resteemed. And keep stacking my friend

I appreciate that. Thanks for the kind words as well. If this does happen I will simply sell into strength and buy crypto.

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