Funding the future through crypto gains

in #crypto-news7 years ago

"I just wanted to say that thanks mostly to the cryptocurrency boom, which go figure, a lot of early investors in cryptocurrency are among our doners, the machine intelligence research institute is no longer strapped for cash as much as it is strapped for 'engineering talent'. Yeah, if anyone listening to this is a brilliant computer scientist who wants to work on more interesting problems than they are currently working on, and especially if you are already oriented to these issues, please consider going to if you would like to work for our non-profit." - Eliezer Yudkowsky

Transcribed from Sam Harris Waking up Podcast: #116 - AI: Racing Toward the Brink

Eliezer Yudkowsky is a decision theorist and computer scientist at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute in Berkeley, California who is known for his work in technological forecasting.

The entire episode can be found here.

Ok, two days ago I wrote a post about inviting Sam Harris to Steemit and parking an account for him in his name. Today while driving to shoot the weding, I was listening to an episode on AI and toward the end, the guest Eliezer Yudkowsky gave the above quote.

How Eff'in cool is that!

Now, this has nothing to do with what I sent as the episode is a week or two old but, read that quote again.

I just wanted to say that thanks mostly to the cryptocurrency boom, which go figure, a lot of early investors in cryptocurrency are among our doners, the machine intelligence research institute is no longer strapped for cash..

...if you would like to work for our non-profit.

Not only are the cryptocurrency investors donating what I would assume are significant amounts of funding but, it is for non-profit at the cutting edge of innovation and development in an area that is again likely to fundamentally shift humanity.

Do you want to witness a global phenomena start to change the world and make a mark on the future? There it is. Decentralized funding of some of the most important research in the field of AI.

This is going to happen more and more as time goes on as crypto billionaires stop worrying about Lambos and start investing into the projects that aid the global community in ways that non of the centralized companies will. They will start to create companies and re-engineer what was to bring fundamental changes to the world of status quo and 'good enough' thinking. And, they will do it for the lols.

It will be fun, interesting and they will push the boundaries of possibility to reimagine all kinds of technical and non-technical solutions to combat any number of issues, much like some of the Billionaires are attempting now like, Bill Gates in heath and poverty and Elon musk with transport, energy and environment.

Do you know what is the coolest piece of the future? Us. We have the possibility to be part of these shaping, many of us will have the possibility to support many of the projects, project teams or individuals directly via Steem and transfers via the Steem blockchain. Some of our whales (and witnesses) are already working on supporting processes like @pharesim with the PEvO project for publishing and evaluation on chain for scientific publications.

Essentially, in time, we are going to break free of the needs for governments and middlemen bankers to decide what WE will fund and what WE need, and be able to shape much of it ourselves. Doesn't this excite you? Doesn't it inspire you to push a little harder, work a little more to be a piece in the puzzle that steers this planet in a better direction?

There are so many applications and possibilities for the blockchain tech and the tokens that will arrive. But, there is massive potential for the ways we use the wealth it generates. In the world of crypto, we are all still potentially one percenters of the future and as the balance of wealth begins to shift, we can fundamentally change how the world operates.

The real question isn't an if, it is, Will we do better than those in power now when that power is decentralized to the many?

Exciting times ahead =)

[ a Steemit original ]


Was reading an article today about avoiding taxes on crypto gains in the US. Donating is one option to a charity as we pay no taxes on any of the gains made and get the donation value as of the date we donate. So someone who bought BTC at $1000 and donates today at $10,000 would get a deduction on their taxes based on the $10,000.

This wasn't news to me as I have a strong accounting and tax background, but it's cool that they are putting that info out there. If you wanted to donate it would be much better to donate an asset which has appreciated vs cash.

Wonder if this tax treatment has helped spur added donations from those with some newfound wealth.

There are going to be many ways to 'avoid taxes' and as much as I dislike tax, some are necessary aren't they considering others 'must' pay for access to services? The changeover from tax to know should be somewhat smooth perhaps. Having said that, the tax on crypto here is 35% I think. That is ludicrous.

In the US based on tax bracket and what state you live in you could be over 50% on your profits. top tax bracket is around 39% for federal and California is around 13% at the highest. Most states fall more in the 5% range, but still this can really add up.

Each transaction is considered a "trade" and it's a taxable event.

I share your opinion entirely. This is a start of a decentralized world and we should shape it from the beginning. We have a huge potential to shape it in a right direction and create much more wellbeing than in current centralized world. It is easier to build something well from the start than changing it afterwards.

The hope definitely for me is that here at least, we are able to test and shape and as more and more onboard and spiral outwards, they will carry a different frame of mind than what the average operates on now.

Yes, we could use some more variety here.

The real question isn't an if, it is, Will we do better than those in power now when that power is decentralized to the many?

Hehehe reason I call you a critical thinker . This is the same question I ask myself. We are about going to the moon with crypto and soon we will be free from the bankster and will be able to do things by ourselves without being dictated but are we going to do better that those in power now?

If there is anything I know about power, it is intoxicating and to be honest with you @tarazkp, I don't think we will do better. We will if we have like minds like yours but unfortunately ,the world is made up of diverse individuals and we can't have everyone thinking like you or having your kind of personality . Even right here on steemit we are people who abuse power simply because they have very high steem power. Imagine having many more of such.

Well this is just my speculation as I may be wrong. All we can do is hope for a better future with crypto and the decentralized system.

I don't have a lot of faith in humanity when it comes to handling power which is why decentralization 'may' be better

Universities, venture capitalists are basically curation businesses. Quality and consistency are what constructs a strong brand. For instance, Sam Harris is interested in debunking bad ideas, even if their own. That's how you get to discuss with him. With contrarian evidence as he's not all that interested in money.

I guess at some point you will get super selective on who you curate in the future. When is your trail starting?

It is interesting how often people not interested in money actually get it. I think there is a lesson in there somewhere ;) Trail, no one would want to follow my vote.

Though, if I did have a whale vote, I would be very selective with it indeed. I would use it as much as possible to build people who are willing to use their own gains to invest into others. Yes, there needs to be spread to many but, there needs to be support of good ideas too, and the people who have them. concentrating for some period on those who will build the community would supercharge the future spread.

The not-so-distant future of Blockchain is happening a lot faster than many realize.

Excellent t your sunflower photography really awsome i alwys see your post and follow you..

We can be a part to change this world as crypto is rising up day by day crypto is the feature of this world So if we contribute in it we can do it

thank you for your post i would like to say that all of us are abel to make a controbution to change the world but trust me as some friends said the loobies will never let us to make that change .thank you again friend.

why do you call me dear?

He loves you so muuuuch <3<3<3

Beautiful sunflower

wow..this is great news...i want to take part of this progress eventhough am still a minnows. thanks again @tarazkp for a very informative post.

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