UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME - could it be facilitated by blockchain? you bet it could ! *The Rise of the Blogdollar*

in #crypto-news7 years ago (edited)


It will happen. Maybe not right now, but soon. We'll all get a basic income to live on and we can fulfil our potential in whichever way we choose to. We may choose to continue to work, but nobody will have to do crappy zero hours jobs, so they will either have to be better paid or we'll just be served by robots in shops (more likely). My guess is that Universal Basic Income will only be facilitated once the economic revolution created by the emergence of cryptocurrencies is complete..or at least well underway.



UBI will perhaps be a key component of the economic revolution itself and ( I think) crypto can certainly help make it happen if the thinkers and decision makers get their ideas in order. UBI could even end up having it's own voluntary entry to society through the mass adoption of a counter-economy interfacing and eventually facing down a range of leading fiat currencies;

Let's call it a BloggingDollar err, I hear you say? that's Steem ? Gasp, shock horror , don't tell the feds, or the banks but do tell your local MP, governor, or other significant politician. OK I've gone way too far ahead here, but stay with me.. Admit it, this is a damn interesting concept and seen as how you're here (on STEEMIT), you're probably onto it.


I've been interested in the concept of Universal Basic Income since I first heard about it a good few years back. The first compelling argument I heard for UBI was the idea that by giving everyone a set monthly stipend regardless of means testing, the savings to the administration of a benefits system would go a long way to covering the cost of means testing, monitoring and allocation of such a system..

Of course everyone who worked in the system would also be defunct and this is where it gets interesting. On top of that, the idea that many low & unskilled workers will inevitably lose their jobs to automation means that everyone still needs to eat and live or we have a zombie apocalyptic scenario looming and nobody wants that. Not even the super elite inhabitants of Necker Island ! who's going to make the coffee? oh yeah, the robots. Ok they probably don't really care, but everyone else does.

robot picked tea.jpg Still from Terra 2050 Robot Picked Tea - precisely 80 bags

(I did predict robot picked tea.) You could actually take 10 minutes out to watch the award winning animated short documentary film series I produced back in 2004 about the future, with lots of great insights by some terrific minds about all aspects of the future including the automation hopes & fears for just about every human activity WATCH Terra 2050 here
terra 2050 automated appetite.jpg Still from Terra 2050 automated appetite


As the world moves relentlessly forward with automation, it seems once safe jobs are suddenly on the brink of extinction to be taken over by Artificially Intelligent programs. Not just the obvious car assembly workers who have largely been superseded by robot welders. They are so accurate and efficient that they produce a higher quality machined product than people. sorry people, I mean in conjunction with people.. but they do, don't they Nissan. They also don't get tired, want a pay rise, have sick days (surely they do sometimes break down !) or argue about whether 25 or 30 days annual leave is more appropriate after 10 years service.


There are a whole raft of white collar jobs including legal, insurance, trading and banking which could be automated in the next few years. Indeed the whole commodities trading market is being completed by algorithmic transactions, supervised by human eyes. It will soon be supervision by a faster, more accurate machine.

Tax Revenues

If all the work is done by robots and we live in an idyllic future where everyone wears leisure suits, spends endless sunny day on the tennis court, at the beach and in the gym (read spends all day - every day on steemit) how will it all be paid for. Henry Ford realised this when he set out to make the Model T Ford.. He knew, his workers had to be able to afford one or there would be nobody to buy the product. We know Amazon, Google, Apple, Paypal, Ebay and a zillion other tech firms make huge profits, largely from the revenues of automated technology. They also employ millions of lucky human sparks between them but if corporations own all the tech which makes everything we need.. do we need to tax the robots ?


Hell yes we do or we lead to a future very soon like Neill Blomkamp's sci-fi film, Elysiumwhere the rich few live in off world immortality and everyone else lives in the dirt with the everyday robots.. Oh yeah, it's no coincidence that * The film's Earth-bound scenes were shot in a dump in the poor Iztapalapa district on the outskirts of Mexico City, while the scenes for Elysium were shot in Vancouver and the wealthy Huixquilucan-Interlomas suburbs of Mexico City. = wiki source


UBI Experiments

There have been quite a few experiments on small scale communities where the idea was to test the impact on communities and individuals life chances / spending outcomes. The basic, (pardon the pun) outcomes from some of the findings is that people didn't just get drunk with the free money but more kids went to school. Interesting, although it also didn't really affect health or house ownership.. I'd say it sounds like a promising start.

There are quite a few in the pipeline. They will be carefully analysed. Perhaps piece by piece, eventually everyone will have a blogdollar debit card and the blockchain will take care of the rest !

Professor Doctor Yanis Varoufakis

Yanis Varoufak gives a compelling argument for UBI in this excellent youtube clip


interesting thought.

Thanks Tim.. It's just a very nebulous jamming together of two important future possibilities converging. If my grasp of Quantum physics is anywhere near right.. the subatomic particles which make up the future haven't popped into being yet so it's (the future) undecided.. yet.

We all co-author reality on the fly, (like a blockchain) and there's no going back ! so if we talk about it enough and think about it, it may just happen ! or some version of it ;)

I've never combined the thought of UBI and the blockchain, but these two converging, and complementary ideas could combine to create a revolution in society unlike anything since the industrial revolution!

Great post, upvoted, resteemed and followed!!

thanks, appreciated ! I agree the 3rd major revolution or the 15th is upon us. depending what you count
-1) publishing
-0.5) scientific

  1. industrial
  2. informational
    3 Economic ***
    3b) energy / automation

following back

I found this very interesting! I'm researching the legal issues arising from the inability of Australian society to provide employment for older Australians (over 50, being our retirement age is 70), with technological and social change.

This has resulted in an increase in micro businesses but the legal system is failing to protect these micro businesses from big business in both trade practices and credit provision areas both at the legislative and judicial level.

So having lost their jobs to rapid progress and started a one person businesses to survive, they then get screwed over again by the government and the court system! As I'm sure you're aware there are massive real life repercussions including suicide.

Let's hope UBI is at least in part a solution to this problem. So I'll be staying tuned to hear more!

hey Aussiesteem, thanks for your comment. I agree it's an issue which will affect the current working generation sooner or later and partly where my own interest in blockchain got started. I got really sick, have 2 small kids and thought, what If I can't go back to work ? luckily I'm better now but it's set me off on a new path / hardfork 2017. I think UBI could be a part of the solution to tackle the upward wealth funnel of corporatism.

I think that I have seen a couple of projects doing UBI on the blockchain, specifically grantcoin.

Viva does something similar, and even Steem can be considered a step in the direction of UBI

thanks nenad.. kind of guessed it might be heading that way.. I think you're right. Steemit is it's own kind of UBI global project !!! onwards and onwards

@outerground. on a smaller/different scale the state of Alaska has already implemented a yearly payout from oil revenues. i think last year it was $4,000-5,000 thousand dollars for every resident(man, woman and child) so a family of 4 would receive a check from the state for $16,000-20,000 thousand dollars. not a bad start to a UBI(universal basic income) though i think these payouts are considered Dividends from oil revenue. i don't care what you call it, a good start by the state of Alaska on UBI. i'm no expert and have just given a sort of outline, i hope, about a possible way to get a UBI off the ground. doesn't the federal government charge an excise tax on every gallon of gas sold in the country? seems like that could be a good start somehow, alaska has figured out a way to make it work. maybe , also use the excise taxes on other commodities as well?(electricity, i think, probably others as well?) anyway just some thoughts, i like your blog. upvoted/following.

Thanks Alvinfang (good name).. Yeah I think the Alaskans deserve that money as they might not have anywhere to live soon if climate change continues! it seems a bit like a sweetener in respect of environmental pollution, but is it a good example of how revenues which produce massive wealth with a small workforce can be encouraged to share.. I mean the average Alaskan probably spends a good proportion of that money on diesel anyway and I think in their case it's directly linked to the industry which dominates the area. let's hope BlockChain will have a part to play in a Universal system of Income.. Will the beaches be overcrowded? I don't think anymore than they are now.. I'd still be here. perhaps writing more music, poetry and taking more photographs ( like I don't already when I'm not being paid to do it ! following back

please follow back i just followed you

ok, post good stuff ! ;)

So let me get this straight.. We collectively move to cryptocurrencies in order to escape central government control of the monetary system but then give the money back via a progressive communist income tax to a central government system so they can redistribute it on our behalf? Am I missing something here?

yeah something like that ! actually more like.. we all move to cryptocurrencies to escape the power of central banks. and that INCLUDES governments who are held to ransom in perpetual debt by said private banks.

Then said governments move their own benefits systems onto a non means tested basis and potentially use a new form of MONEY -a crypto token probably using erc20 tokens (just thinking out loud) to redistribute the HUGE profits from the tech sector in the form of a corporate automation tax to the people. who said communists ? this is not North Korea..

Thank for your counterpoint to the idea.. they are just (thinking out loud) ideas at the moment !

I think we probably have slightly different ideas about the economic revolution, society and the function of the state.. and that's a good thing ! discussion is the scalpel of ideas and arguments are the scissors of enlightenment.. or something like that anyway

What you are hoping to solve for is the automation problem, and I get that, but you will never solve that through an inherently corrupt government system. And although I agree that governments are currently captive, unless you first solve the problem that they are run by monetary corruption at multiple levels (and I mean lobbying, insider trading, revolving door positions, and all other forms of monetary influence) you will never get honest government that works for the people. This is regardless of central banking. So until this is solved, I would never dream of handing more socialist influence to a large bureaucratic entity. They will only use it to keep people dependent and captive to their free money system with lots and lots of strings attached.

That's a very good point you make. I agree, until Blockchain makes governance incorruptible for the first time in history, (recorded or otherwise) and corporate lobbying becomes unlawful at best, we can't really have the socialist dream. A system which is provably fair for everyone and in which everyone gains on a more or less equal footing.. equal chance anyway ! Which again is where I think Blockchain can help us evolve, willingly or not. As I said in my opening introduction, hang on I think I've gone a bit far ahead already.. meaning to say I realise that we're at the start of a journey which has not been routemapped, planned or even thought out carefully and that is why it's just so crazy it might just work. Thanks for adding to this post. I do appreciate your comments :)

and I'm following you now cos' I like people who write paragraph comments ! respect

Excellent text @outerground. Upvoted & resteemed

Thanks @lighteye let's hope it happens.. I feel like Steemit's already took a massive unknowing step into the future and it really seems like blockchain tech is going to blow everything out of the park.. and it will be very difficult to stop.. cos the geeky nerds who make this stuff are so much cleverer than the politicians and the banksters, that all they need to do is keep on doing what they're doing !!

this is awesome, I was trying to explain the potential benefits and downfalls of UBI to someone but had no idea they did pilot tests, Good post, followed you!

Thanks Quattrophoto. yeah some of the pilots were started in the 70's (as negative income tax) and it continues to hold interest in various parts of the world.

check out the link in the text at the bottom, there's a good index of projects !
following back :)

Great post! I'm glad others are coming around to these ideas.

About 5 years ago, I had the idea to build a sort of permaculture village for artists and engineers (an ambitious and expensive project)... and one of the key features was a cryptocurrency-based basic income.

The idea was for the village to have its own crypto and accept/exchange with others as well. That way the village could easily pay out the basic income in its own crypto (which will have greater spending power within the village - the village would have all these internal services, it's a whole thing... maybe I should be calling it a hamlet or town or something) and let the villagers exchange for an equal value of their preferred crypto if they so desire.

I never really abandoned this idea, it's just so much that I had to return my focus to, well, "getting by"... But between your post and @dana-edwards post about UBI, I'm starting to think maybe I should re-post that idea here on steemit for fresh opinions and ideas.

Right now, it's just hanging out on my hard drive as a tiddlywiki file. ^_^;

oh you should definitely revisit it. Permaculture will be one of the big uplifts of the economic revolution. It will eventually render huge acres of farmland surplus to requirement. It has long been my dream to develop a permaculture lifestyle.. alas at the moment it's just not possible, but perhaps if the Gods are kind, I would like to do it, write about it and also document it as a series of films for tv / internet.. Thanks for your response. I'm really pleased it's re-ignited the spark in you. that's a pleasant surprise for me ! (there are whole abandoned villages in Northern Spain) available for such a project ! you can buy one for the price of a 1bed flat in a large city. @dana-edwards post about UBI is right up my street too.. good luck pegaus, may your wings take you to where you wish to be ! (following)

(there are whole abandoned villages in Northern Spain) available for such a project ! you can buy one for the price of a 1bed flat in a large city.

Really? I'd love to learn more about this. Please, tell me more! Because that actually sounds far more achievable than trying to build it from scratch.

click this old link - still relevant

try googling spanish ghost village for sale or something similar

p.s send us your reel & voice reel I run shroomstudio

Absolutely! Thank you! I mean, first I'll have to do some research into how to put together a reel & voice reel, then do so, but then I'll definitely send it over. Any advice?

yeah only put your best stuff on and put your best stuff first. If you think maybe nahh.. you're halfway there. a reel is like a chain..only as strong as the weakest link ! put them up online and send me a link through the site contact page ;)

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