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RE: UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME - could it be facilitated by blockchain? you bet it could ! *The Rise of the Blogdollar*

in #crypto-news7 years ago

I found this very interesting! I'm researching the legal issues arising from the inability of Australian society to provide employment for older Australians (over 50, being our retirement age is 70), with technological and social change.

This has resulted in an increase in micro businesses but the legal system is failing to protect these micro businesses from big business in both trade practices and credit provision areas both at the legislative and judicial level.

So having lost their jobs to rapid progress and started a one person businesses to survive, they then get screwed over again by the government and the court system! As I'm sure you're aware there are massive real life repercussions including suicide.

Let's hope UBI is at least in part a solution to this problem. So I'll be staying tuned to hear more!


hey Aussiesteem, thanks for your comment. I agree it's an issue which will affect the current working generation sooner or later and partly where my own interest in blockchain got started. I got really sick, have 2 small kids and thought, what If I can't go back to work ? luckily I'm better now but it's set me off on a new path / hardfork 2017. I think UBI could be a part of the solution to tackle the upward wealth funnel of corporatism.

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