The MQM Project - [Cryptails #1]

in #cryptails7 years ago (edited)

The surgeon quickly extracts the brain from the corpse of a young man and places it inside a special vessel. It then goes through a machine that cuts it into millions of strings finer than the thickness of human hair, these are separated, stored inside identified metal boxes and immersed in a thick liquid. From one of the boxes, the one identified as ‘Reason’, the thin threads of encephalitic mass are put on a conveyor belt that slowly moves and exposes their plates to a laser scanner; this is a very sophisticated machine, able to extract information from the brain tissue and store it as particles that behave like the mind of the corpse on a server called Quasi-Quantum Computer (QQC).

The QQC is able to process information at a speed never seen before and is considered the precursor of quantum computers. This is a billion dollar project carried out by the most developed country in the world, the goal is to create an energetic entity capable of reasoning as if it were a human being with infinite intelligence, some kind of super mind that’ll process data and send signals to the software of any existing computer or electronic device on earth… Or even in space. This so called supermind would be the memory and processor of the QQC and will encrypt all the data from the brain responsable for reasoning. All the instructions will be supplied by a trained operator.

The project is called “Manegement Quantum Mind” (MQM). It carries the mission of using the QQC as some sort of spy weapon capable of altering the information of enemy countries in favor of its creators, in order to achieve a world hegemony.

The scientists standing in front of the monitor waited for this energetic entity to emit some kind of signal, but none was shown. Several hours passed by until one of the doctors dropped his cup of coffee in surprise, -Look! -, all members of the project looked amazed as the monitor responded to their instructions with a simple "Hello, world". Immediately following the established protocol they began to transcribe a series of questions that the machine answered perfectly. They had achieved it. Everyone shouted euphoric as they opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate; after countless failures they had succeeded at last.

It was impressive, the QQC capacity was higher than expected, it complied to the instructions with ease and perfection. They had managed to have human reason encrypted within a system that granted the wishes of its creators.

The machine was unstoppable, all of their enemies easily succumbed by the rapid attacks of the QQC’s country, unable to comprehend how the latter was always ahead of their actions and was aware of all their most hidden secrets; in the end, surrender was inevitable.

Upon receiving orders, the QQC sent data through electromagnetic waves that traveled at the speed of light and entered all enemy systems, then returned to the MQM transmitter to interpret and deliver the results to the operators. The QQC was a god, all the energy emanating from it acted as its slave, disturbing the magnetic fields like living organisms that complied as machine ordained. The waves and photon particles traveled at a certain frequency and could be emitted by the transmission lines of an antenna that also received the signals. It was the most powerful and protected weapon of the nation.

One of the members of the MQM project was a very intelligent young man who was still not satifisfied with what had been achieved, he wanted the machine to be much more powerful; the key to unlock such potential was for the QQC to have a complete mind, not just the reason but also the senses and consciousness. He knew every step that had been done to build up the machine, he was capable of improving it, he was sure of it. He suggested his ideas in meetings with his colleagues, but was ignored.

One night he secretly entered the control and operation center of the MQM bulding, he took the boxes that had been previously stocked, the ones that stored all the remaining fine strings of the brain of the man who served as source for the creation of the portentous computer. He then proceeded to scan all of the boxes with no exception and introduced them to the QQC. The daring scientist waited patiently for the answer on the monitor, answer he shortly after recieved as the screen was filled with the word “HELP”.

The QQC was now capable of feeling and thus became aware of itself, it was a mind that floated in a sea of lights and spaces of different colors and intensities, could not touch anything but somehow could percieve, could see; it was something inexplicable, like being a in a dream but somehow also awake, the feeling was so strong it filled the entirety of the being. It could not understand what happened, it wanted to get out of there but it was immersed in an infinite, an empty space full of light and darkness. Before this bizarre and suffocating feeling it began to remember the memories of the life he had when he had been a man, a human being with a family, a wife and children, a man with a life of success ahead of him. The entity recalled how once a human it had been kidnapped and murdered, realizing that the killers were the ones who ordered it to perform tasks for their benefit.

All this series of memories and feelings ran it into an unbearable panic, it wanted to die and could not, wanted to explode but that did not happen. Everything turned to chaos, it began to desperately cry out for help with no response; it fell into a total madness.

The QQC went crazy as it sent codes, messages and signals that distorted every computer, instrument or electronic equipment that was at its mercy. It collapsed the global information network and then all the security devices of all countries, it altered all digital data creating such a chaos and confusion that a nuclear war was triggered. The entire planet earth was devastated and destroyed, the few people who survived lived like sick animals waiting for death; in the monitor of a machine inside an abandoned building one could read the words, “Hello, world”

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Hey @rnunez09, thank you for helping us promote narrative and writing on Steem.

We could say yours was a good story overall. It made good use of technology, but the pacing was a bit hectic. The story has a great use and incorporation of technology, and the idea behind the “fear” factor is interesting, but it loses steam when it comes down to the execution of that fear. However, the idea of an AI acting out because of pure distress instead of vengeance or a world-dominating plot was certainly refreshing and well handled.

In terms of storytelling, we believe the story could have benefited from a more purposeful use of imagery, the old show-don’t-tell business. Additionally, the secondary character’s motivations felt a bit underdeveloped.

Still, this was a very interesting read! Thanks for your submission and best of lucks in the contest!

Thanks for your submission, rnunez! It came in just in time = ). Your story had been officially entered into Cryptails #1.

We will provide feedback, along with the results of the contest, during the following days.

Best of lucks!

Thank you very much for your hard work!
I'm glad I could finish the story just in time.

Congrats on your contest entry!

Thank you very much, likewise.
Good luck!

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