Crowd Machine: New way of making income online.

in #crowd20186 years ago

What is Crowd Machine?

Crowd Machine is derived from 2 words Crowd amd Machine. According to, crowd means "a large number of people gathered together, typically in a disorganized or unruly way" while Machine means "an apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task" thus the name can be explained as an apparatus using or applying mechanical power by a large number of gathered people.

Crowd Machine is a platform made by the combination of Crowd Computer, Crowd App Studio, and Crowd Share that started Jan 2018 and will be launched by Oct 2018 until May of 2019. 

  • Crowd Computer: If you tried or know how to mine cryptocurrencies by using hashes, Crowd Computer uses the same principle. Using shared computational power, users can devote a part of their computer power to earn online. This would mean extra income and opportunity specially to businesses.
  • Crowd App Studio: There are a lot of users out there who are starting to get more involved in cryptocurrencies. This normally requires a good understanding of different high level languages such as Solidity. Crowd App Studio solves this by making it easier for starting enthusiast make their own programs and platforms. If you know how to make a program in Visual Basic, this has the same idea. A drag and drop interface that makes programming easier for the users.
  • Crowd Share: Crowd Share is a combination of GitHub and appstore. Users can use this platform to share their codes and programs online. The benefit of this is that everytime your program is used, You earn.

What will be the benefit of using Crowd Machine?

Crowd Machine is like internet or play store. You get to develop new things and get paid when someone uses your programs. This would mean new ways of online income. You get to work at home and earn everytime your work is used. 

It is like steemit in a sense. In steemit, you make a blog that is usable, helpful or interesting and you get paid for each upvote. The more interesting the product and content is, the more you will get recognized and earn.

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All photos are owned by Crowd Machine and its developers.

You can find more information on these links: 

This is an entry for the @Originalwork sponsored writing contest contest. Details can be found at: .

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I've read few posts about Crowd Machine and yours surely is one of the better ones out there.

Im not sure if I understood it right. Correct me please if Im wrong.
Crowd Machine will provide developers with some sort of "templates" that can help create decentralized apps on blockchain?

Potential to use this tool in the future looks very promissing.

I know that you're taking part of @originalworks contest. Good luck to you :)

Obviously UPVOTED ! :)

Cheers, Piotr

Thank you for the feedback. Yes you are correct. Instead of hard coding (making programs by using codes) there would be some templates that can be dragged and dropped on a workspace. The same idea works as in Visual Basic. Let's say you want to make a Box that can be filled up like a form, instead of making them via coding (like Solidity Language), you can just pick a box on a tool bar or option, then drag it in the workspace. Done! Simple as that. I believe this is made for people who wanted to start their crypto app developing adventure. Useful for starting enthusiasts and for advanced users as well.

Thank you for your kind reply. I really appreciate.

I really found your post about Crowd Machine very informative and this project is still blowing my mind. I've read number of posts related to that crypto and Im just wondering how possibly would it affect job market. Wont be there thousands developers and programmers losing their jobs ?

Or is demand huge enough to provide jobs for all those people. What do you think?

Are you personally a programmer/developer ? And did you try by any chance their beta version? I tried to register myself here: s://

But this program is temporaty closed and in order to receive news about future beta programs I need to subscribe. The problem I faced is that each time whenever I try to do that their website is crashing with some errors being displayed.

You mind checking if you have similar problem?

Keep up with good content. Will be following you closely. Hope to read more interesting posts about blockchain technology projects :) or crypto in general.


I strongly believe that there will be more programming jobs due to Crowd Machine. It simply inspires those who don't have really deep background with programming to start one. Each of us wants something unique. I started programming before because I wanted to make an android app that is only for me. This is what makes me pursue Information Technology. The same thing can be applied here. There are people who wants to make an online crypto wallet with all the coins that you are using. There are no wallet that can store ALL the crypto so you may have 1 or 2 wallets that you are using. You may be able to make one via Crowd Machine since it is only drag and drop and you may not need to learn VERY HARD coding (though you may need to learn at least a little bit advance). This inspires those people who wants to do things but don't have the time or maybe not too capable of doing hard tasks and thinking. This would help them a lot. Sorry for bad english. I just woke up haha.

Hi there. Good morning and thank you for your kind reply

You mentioned that you used to do some programing. Did you find it hard? What language did you try to learn?

My excitement about Crowd Machine is growing steadily for past few days. More I learn more I like this project. This is one of very few ICO's that seem to really serve some purpose.

Would you perhaps know when another beta testing version will be available? And could you please see if you're capable of adding your email to Crowd Machine subscribtion list? I tried few times and I'm always receiving some errors.

Are you planning to write for @oryginalworks this weekend? If you do then I wish you good luck. You can always send me a link either to my email: [email protected] or write it in your comment/reply. I would love to read it and support you.

Have a great sunday :)

ps. your english is still way better than mine. Where are you from if you dont mind me asking? Im Polish but living in Malaysia.

Cheers, Piotr

I am not a programmer but I know how to do some due to my interest in computers.

Also since it's not the first time we're engaging ... what would you say about following each other and trying to support each other too?
Perhaps you could drop me a short message at my email (previous post)
I would love to be able to keep in touch with you

Notification system here sucks. And lack of PM is disturbing

Hi again

I just wrote a post related to Crowd Machine and I would be absolutely happy if you could comment it and perhaps upvote it too.

I will not be self-upvoting plus Im planning to get several bots to upvote my post on sunday. This way all curators (including you) will be rewarded well.

This is post Im talking about:

Would you be so kind to spent few minutes and drop a comment? About Crowd Machine, future of developers job market or DADI (CM competitor)
That would help me and my followers a lot.

Thank you

I just checked @originalworks contest results. You will do much better next time! Dont give up.

I hope you dont mind my comment again, but I have some more questions related to Crowd Machine. I tried very hard to find answers and I read quite a number of posts related to this issue but I failed.

Most of all: what advantage Crowd Machine has over their direct competition ( DADI is already listed on for quite some time (and available on KuCoin).
I dont know much about DADI. I just found out about this project few hours ago and I would like to hear your view.

You mind telling me how in your opinion CM can affect current market and existing platform?

Will ETH, Cardano, Neo, EOS, Lisk, iota, waves or qtum benefit or is Crowd Machine a threat to them? Hope you can share your view on this issue. I would appreciate a lot.

ps. Im super passionate about crypto and blockchain technology and it seem that we're both sharing this passion. I will be following you closely.
Please continue with great content. Steemit need people like you more than anything else (I mean solid content creators).

Cheers, Piotr

I'm sorry but I do not have the slightest idea about DADI haha. I will check if I have time but for CM, its effect would depend on how many people would appreciate it and how much popularity it will gain. In my college, they teach us about programming and most of us uses Visual Basic Language, the drag and drop language which is really easy to use. Probably the easiest if compared to other language. If schools (probably finance or business schools) would include crypto to its curriculum, theres a high chance CM would be part of it. Again, that is an "IF". My content is not that great btw. I just tried to put it in comparing to other things so it would be easier to understand. :)

Thank you for your kind reply and at the same time sorry that it took me so long to write back.
Just wanted to let you know that I read your comment so your time didnt go to waste. I appreciate your support and willingness to share your knowledge.

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