What is STEEM's Brand Story? A Fun Community Experiment: Crim Says Take Action
In this video, I talk a bit about how we as a community can take action now to help define, change, and inspire with the Steem brand story.
We have a unique opportunity right now to change the course of Steem away from confusion with Steemit Inc and towards what we see and love about it. Whether you're focused on Dapps and games, you're a content creator, an investor, an entrepreneur, a content creator, or a crypto crazy enthusiast, the way that you see and understand Steem is valuable, and really important to helping others see and understand! We've had an incredible few weeks full of talks, planning, leadership and community groups coming together... but if you're really not sure where to start, or you don't feel like you have the time or aren't comfortable seeking out a huge role, then this fun little challenge is aimed at you.
Momentum is one of the hardest things to build. It takes a first step — even if that first step is a bad Dtube video, some silly memes, a few dorky gifs and some big hearts.
This week I'm challenging you to do something simple and fun. Steem is not just "post and get paid!" Steem is a set of tools that allows for platform building that has brought an incredible community together around fast, fee-free transactions, censorship resistance, open source technology, original content, and shared interests. Steem is a turnkey blockchain, made for sharing. As part of this experiment, think about what this might mean to you, and how this might influence the story you tell about Steem. Then, make something silly, make something fun, make pretty much anything, and take that first step with all of us about changing what's out there about Steem. This isn't a job for a perfect team of highly trained professional market spin doctors... THIS IS A JOB FOR A COMMUNITY OF PEOPLE WHO LOVE TO MAKE TURKEY AND BEE MEMES! (You should probably watch the video, or this last sentence might sound like I'm having a stroke. I promise it's relevant.)
I'll be giving away a Steem tshirt, some STEEM, and voting and sharing around whatever it is that gets made because of this.
If you can, please use the #crimsaystakeaction tag if you can remember, as it will help me find your stuff to appreciate on. This is for fun. This is an excercise in getting people in the community seeing what it feels like to throw caution to the wind and to make something fun that tells the story of their Steem! I'm doing a lot of work in the marketing and branding arena, and I want to be more in touch with ALL of the people who are proud members of the community who feel like there's something they could be doing right now, but they aren't sure what. I'm excited to see through your eyes and to laugh at your jokes... and to send you bees in the mail be a part of the story of Steem.
Bonus Content: this is my second Dtube video and it's hilariously bad. I know. I do editing and animation for clients, and manage to totally botch my own video. IT'S ENDEARING, OKAY?
If you're planning on becoming a video content producer, please learn from my silly mistakes. I pulled some really distinct crummy moves in this one and they're terrible, but we gotta get this show on the road, so here's the video in all of it's real, true, crummed out glory. #tooreal
- Don't walk your dog in the rain seconds before you film so you're weird and damp and uncomfortable and worried about your limp wet hair sticking to your face
- Don't choose ten minutes before you leave for work to film so that you're watching a ticking clock and ad-libbing without a script because it turns out you will miss things you want to say
- Don't have both your camera and your lighting pointing upwards at your face.... helllllooooooo faux double chin!
- If you're a professional photographer who shoots in manual mode, then FFS check to see if your camera is still in manual when you film so that your entire video isn't fuzzy and out of focus because you move and gesture like a crazy person and step off your mark constantly
- Make sure if you stabilize your video to make it nicer to watch that you realize that it sometimes cause dorky black triangles on the edges of the shot and you will look like someone who has no idea what the hell they are doing
OKAY so, TL;DR: make something this week. I don't care what it is. Tell me the Story of Steem, in whatever manner you choose. Share it with others. Make it cute, funny, short, long, with your talent or as a parody. Just DO something. #CrimSaysTakeAction 🖤

▶️ DTube
Greetings, beautiful Crimsonclad.
Congrats on your second video. It was really cool. I can not understand everything, therefore, I do not have English as a native language.
I confess that I find you very, very, very charming. Your glasses are very beautiful in your little eyes.
Thank you so much for the video tips. I need several of them.
Good Morning!!!!
Thank you so much for the compliment! Feel free to write in your native language to me whenever you like... we're lucky to be in a global community that can use translators. 😊 I will definitely think about providing captions for some languages in the future to make videos more inclusive!
hola chica tienes muy buen contenido , soy nueva en #steemit y me encanta que seas parte de esa población que aporta contenido interesante y divertido @crimsonclad
YAY! Another Crim video :D Loved the energy - you'll learn to focus your camera next time :')
For those who are not aware yet and want to do 'something' with the Steem brand, it just got an update and all the resources can be found here: https://steem.com/brand/
Of course this is Steem specific and there's so much more, just thought it would be useful for a few joining #crimsaystakeaction.
I was wondering how I get the exact colours!
This is so useful cheers!
Posted using Partiko Android
Enjoy creating! \o/
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thanks for including that! I didn't even think to... perfect for people who want to get on board with a cohesive look. I'd love to see a bit of everything; I know many people are feeling like they might not have "the chops" to be part of a coordinated revolution, but just having fun and making something shareable is worth it. So is flipping their cameras to "autofocus" 😂
Absolutely! You never know what is going to 'stick' or gets used in posts or gets shared 'outside the Steemosphere' - so every visual or message is welcome :D Can't wait to see what comes up and hope to join in as well!
I love this more than words can say.. so glad you are doing this!! Love the message and of course your amazing energy. This is exactly what we need right now.
As far as your tips .. the manual thing made me laugh as I may have done that before 😬
And double chin... shut your mouth, you look absolutely stunning as usual!
Way to go Crim, this is really great to see.
FAUX double chin! I pull a crum, so you won't have to; all part of public service, obviously. I'm looking forward to trying to get a little more out there and pay better attention to the feedback people have given me/ the requests they have made. 🤗
Steem is a turnkey blockchain for sharing downvotes
honestly, if more of us gave out small downvotes more often and more lovingly, the ecosystem would be a better place. Get sharing in your own unique way (double plus good use of downvotes instead of flags)
Excellent fun and engagement project.
Let's see what happens. You're the queen of shareables~ if you had to quickly tell Steem's story to someone who doesn't know it, or who's heard an incorrect one, what would it be?

If Bitcoin is: Peer to Peer Transactions
Steem is: Peer to Peer Communications and Publishing.
Whether you are publishing - Dapps, Stories, Songs, Recipes, Communication, or News. We connect you.
Awesome contest idea @crimsonclad! I've been thinking about a lot of this stuff recently... today I was actually contemplating running a similar contest, not about branding, but about what to me is a connected topic, dApps. I'd like to see Steemit and its dApps be adopted more by the mainstream, and I think for that to happen there needs to be a usable, intuitive interface that allows newcomers to jump right in and have fun, without having to learn what amounts to another language in order to use it, esp. for those who are unfamiliar with crypto. I think we're getting closer - Partiko is my fave at the moment, it even features private messaging - but I think the interface itself has to set us apart.
Anyway, I think this is going to be an interesting contest and look forward to seeing what people come up with. I could keep going on this topic, but... maybe I'll make a post about it for the contest instead!
that's exactly it! Part of understanding the brand story of Steem is realizing that it is a turnkey blockchain that allows for people to build projects, be social, play games, post content... 'made for sharing' applies to every aspect of what people do with Steem. By extension, the story of Steem is told by the apps, services and dapps that are built upon it~ so talking a bit/making something about an app you love is STILL going to have a net positive for the Steem blockchain! When I talk about Steem's brand story, it's just simply something I want to hear more about from all of YOU~ because how you see Steem is how everyone should (and will) someday see Steem.

Exactly :) I'll get an entry in this weekend
Posted using Partiko Android
lol just saw that... SO hot right now!
I love your enthusiasm and support and I'll keep talking about it, but it would be way cooler if all of the faces got steemy real quick
arm waving int e n s i f i e s
YAYYA!!! Crim is turnkey hashtagmaker made for kicking ass.
Super down. Working on my project whenever I get a little bit of breather room.
....and I really do want bees. (but i guess a tshirt is cool too)
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
I would love to see something fun and useful out of the creative-y sorts, and you are very that. Looking forward to what you were suggesting earlier!

This week is getting away from me fast but hopefully ill have something cool/pretty/helpful soon! <3
It's Far from being a Bad Dtube video! Really inspiring! I'm in!!! To the infinite and beyond!!!