Studio Visit, Keeping the Creative Flow in the Face of Adversity

in #creativity6 years ago


Every career creative has to reckon with keeping their creativity alive and well. We build our lives from the conditions that support our process and enable us to produce our best work. As life throws us curve balls we get better and better at creating within more diverse and adverse circumstances and actually our success as creators depends on our agility in this regard! If we can only produce in ideal circumstances, we won’t do it very often.

Whether it’s an ideal space to work, time, bandwidth/headspace or compensation, I’ve heard every lament out there from friends who’ve struggled to be their at their creative best. If you are a creative person, you know all about navigating life on a daily basis to carve out “room” for your creative process.

Lately I’ve had to probe my own capacity to keep my creativity alive, awake, flowing. I’m someone who has become very adaptable to working in even the crappiest tiniest, coldest, contexts but I have found that what’s essential for me is more about peace of mind. Fear steals this particular life force from me. I have to be able to create some kind of bubble that has at least an hour, is undisturbed, and is free of stress. I can sit and cut clay or continue something already in motion anytime, anywhere -literally - but for me to drop into the sweet magic of innovation and deep focus, I need my bubble.

Life is full of stressors so sometimes I just press pause on my worries and dive into the place in me that is always present, but during the past few weeks emotional stressors have amped up to a fever pitch and my creative process has taken a big hit. It’s been particularly trying because these have been conditions I can’t control like troublesome renters, ridiculously long work hours and clients who need exorbitant amounts of attention. And all of this on top of a brain that’s usually overly taxed with tracking too many details anyway.

So what to do when you have to face challenges of extremely limited time, energy, sleep with high emotional stress and worry?

As you’ll see below, I’ve been very productive in the studio regardless of the adversity, but things that require real bandwidth like creating content for a post or glazing the pool house mosaic haven’t happened! This post is evidence that I’m shifting this and finding some peace despite circumstances and in the coming weeks I hope to step it up one increment at a time.

Some good news first -
You may have seen my post a few weeks ago about an Art Nouveau style fireplace mosaic I did for a very appreciative couple in Atlanta. Today I received photos of the the work installed on site which is always a great experience.


we made custom sized tiles in steel blue for the hearth as well

And some of the work on our work tables -

This week we're shipping 2 orders of DUALS in the Ash color from our Cloud Porcelain tile collection. Our DUAL tiles are cast pigmented porcelain tiles and are half glazed with a transparent gloss and half raw. They undergo 3 different stages of sanding, once after they undergo a bisque firing and this smoothing is done on a belt sander. Then once by hand following this to soften the sharp edges left by the sander and a give them a slight face cleaning (now @doctorcrypto’s job), and then lastly once they are finished they get a quick sand with a 220 fine grit sandpaper so that the surface is smooth to the touch.


I wish you could touch these tiles, it’s not an exaggeration to say that they feel silky!

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@greyhawk and @doctorcrypto packing and preparing for shipment

Meanwhile I’ve been working away on a Firebox Tile order through a New York Architectural firm for a Martha’s Vineyard home. These are simple shapes with a stony dark blue, these ship out on Tuesday or Wednesday this week.

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tiles in the kiln and finished

And lastly, the large mural pool house mosaic of a Hawaiian landscape is coming along and I’m making good progress in the cutting phase. There’s now a firm time line with a completion date of the end of June. I hope in my next studio post to be able to show you some glazed pieces, this will help it come alive more fully.

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cut sections of the Banana Tree and water

What does your creativity need to thrive? Do you have insights to share about keeping creativity alive in the face of adversity? Love to read them in the comments below!

Thank you for following my studio life, my creative process, my ceramic work! It truly makes all the difference!

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Sndbox Steward



Firstly, I love the fire surround, it turned out lovely and their use of the pot on the chimneypiece really draws in and highlights your work.

I would love to feel the 'silkiness' of these tiles you make. I can imagine they must look amazing when in place in so many different environments.

I find in the Summer is harder for me to focus and therefore I work harder to KEEP the art focus. Off season, Late Autumn, Winter, I have more free time to mainly focus on art as career, work, joy. In the Summer (and now Spring) I have two cottages on the Cape that I rent out. It is a great thing and I worked hard to get it up and running and it also played a big role in my own further focus full time on art. However, it IS work and coordinating guests for one week visits, managing the cleaning, upkeep and yardwork takes a lot of time. And over the past two years I have seen an increase in earlier lettings (for example my one cottage has it's first guest this week, when usually it didn't start until mid June.)

This time of year, as well, I am driving back and forth to the houses, getting landscaping readying (I laid some gravel today and did some mulching as I lost my landscaper) and getting new towels and linens that sort of pretty shopping needs to be done. So, this part of my schedule that involves me dividing my day between this job and art has come earlier than usual. This is good on one hand, but also means more organizing and strictness with my own schedule.

As an artist and business owner we have to make our own schedules so I do try to be pretty strict with mine, but I also make it fluid in that I make a schedule for the next day the night before in two parts, one is what needs to be done and the order I would like it, the second is a wish list schedule and how I would order the day to include it. And both of these schedules include Steemit time (commenting and checking in, posting even a short post ) and drawing/painting/arting. It really has to have that.

With that being said, I'm horrible as far as connecting with friends as I am usually to involved in my schedule and too selfish with my art time to throw it aside to pop out and get a drink. But, that is okay for now, but can change depending on the season.

I am also trying to work on my artists website with the idea of it being a new way for me to have a website, thinking about the digital world and where we are heading as artists. This has been taking a back seat of late, but I hope to dedicate a portion of each day to it once I get into the 'swing' of the rental season.

I know what you mean about the stress of renters as well, as I used to do year round rentals and would never do that again. The horror stories of that could fill a book, only I'd not want to revisit it, so I'd never write that book :)

I am really excited about blockchain and digital life and art and hope and feel that our paths might cross in a positive way in these regards.

Lastly, I wanted to ask about sndbox. I only know a bit about it and sometimes use their tag but am not completely sure of what they are all about. I see that you are a sndbox steward, and I haven't a clue what that means, but would love to know?

Well, after that long comment, I look forward to 'comment chatting' with you soon. And I can't wait to see the update on the poolhouse mosaic!

Hello @donnadavisart! Your comments remind me of the old days here on Steemit when people really took the time to read a post and have a real conversation. I am guilty of reading, upvoting but not commenting these days due to time constraints and wanting to make sure I support as many as I can, but I truly miss these sorts of meaningful interactions on a daily basis so thank you for reminding me of the value of a really good comment.

A few responses - I can imagine that your rental cottages are quite a lot of work and I hope that income is enough to make it worthwhile because that makes all the difference. If so, it sounds like a great situation even if time-consuming.

My renters are in my studio and in my home which is very very suboptimal to say the least, but my rent has increased so much that I simply have to have them to manage rent. Even with them, I can't manage it, lol! I have only had 2 nightmare renters and the recent one was one of those. It can be really difficult and I can't wait to step away from this role as a sublessor!

I like hearing/learning more about the inside of your life and how you cobble everything together to make it work in terms of time and resources.

Regarding sndbox, the project itself is an incubator designed to help and support steemit bloggers use and contribute the best quality they can to the platform as well as to bring the power of steemit out into their physical lives. I've watched people bloom and grow exponentially within this incubator; this project is a force of good here. Here's their website which will explain everything much better than I:

They have a semester- like format and take on a new cohort each time and alums can serve a role as well if they want to. Sndbox upvotes it's cohort and also charges a monthly fee each month to but the rewards for each "fellow" (name of participants) increase enough to more than pay for the charges.

I am a Steward which is in their words -
"Sndbox Stewards are collaborators and influencers who have a pulse on talent and creativity within the STEEM Blockchain ecosystem. These Stewards aid the growth of Sndbox through feedback, votes and the nominations of new members." I'm not part of the incubator program, just a mentor-like supporter.

Kirk and Michael who started and run sndbox started steemit around the same time I did and we all were good friends right away, and I've been a big supporter of this endeavor from day 1. They are clear-thinking, transparent and incredibly talented guys who've created a forum that benefits this platform and its users at every turn. They are innovating ground-breaking ways to link the platform to existing institutions and opportunities out in the world. Let me know if you're interested in participating.....and/or if you want to see some examples of what fellows have done.

Hope that helps!

wow look at all your beautiful work. I find it hard to allocate myself time, at the moment so much is happening in my life, that recently it is when everyone goes to bed that I write, which then leaves me tired the next day as I have my children and they are so full of live. But then if I don't have time for myself to write I begin to feel drained, we all need our outlets in order to keep our lives in flow. At the moment I have got my partner to take the kids for a walk so I now have time to catch up with things on here. Oh to find the balance in nurturing ourselves and others

reading your post I'm chuckling in's really amazing to hear how many of us or rather that ALL of us seem to struggle on a daily basis trying to find time, space, bandwidth for our creative endeavors as well as family, friends, making a living and everything else! whew....and those who have children are challenged on a whole different level. I believe that being a mother is the hardest job on the planet! Yes very rewarding but it challenges one so deeply. Actually I don't have children so I shouldn't say "us", but I really know intimately about the mother's experience since I'm so close to several mothers. Anyway, congratulate yourself on whatever you're able to manage each day!

thank you @natureofbeing, it is all about balance x

This might sound either weird or recognizable, but: I need a lot of procrastination to feel creative! Time to let stuff bubble in the back of my head before I finally start to gather tools or other means to create something. It's annoying until you accept it :-)

Gosh, that fireplace looks so pretty - The woman who saved up for so many years to have a piece made by you must be in heaven right now!

It's recognizable....and I love hearing that you've learned about the ways you work best and accept it.

When my life has more space, I love to give myself time for ideas to germinate and grow and then come forth when I'm ready or they are!

Hi @natureofbeing! 😍 What a relevant read as I'm going through some trying times creating wise myself. I too need my bubble and for the past year I've been working in less than ideal conditions being without a "proper" studio.
I found that what I had to practice was more gratitude and less life or death attitude 🙏 I am a huge over thinker and perfectionist and that really has held me back a lot! I think for my creativity to thrive I need my bubble yes, but I found that there was a lot I could do to make my own bubble 😊 Having lots of good music, audiobooks, tea, candels and artbooks really helps me on days that I don't feel things are going right. I feel I could write a very long comment now, haha.. but yes, remembering that every creative person faces adversity and that you are not failing because of it helps too. :) But of course you know this ❤
I love the art nouveau fireplace and I am so happy to see all the wonderful things you are making!
Go go go @natureofbeing!! 😊😆
You are awesome! 😘

You are awesome too. You dig audiobooks! (Been my quest here to find anyone who uses them to create more bubble-space in their life). I dig good music, much tea, candles always and artbooks all over the place. Still, it can be a challenge to switch off fears/worries and press the Create button! The Mood seems to take time to become what it needs to become once you've thought yourself into a place where you need to be. (Then of course, the trick is not think yourself out of that place again!)

I agree with you that @natureofbeing's fireplace tiling is a sure boost to just DO! Gorgeous piece in such a central place of people's life (the hearth/heart of the home). Amazing project to have taken on. Everybody should hire an artist for a designer piece in their home!

Heheh, thank you very much @sukhasanasister! How sweet you are and how wonderful to meet another audiobook bubble-space creator here on Steemit! :D

Unfortunatly, no, we don't have a create button, but I think a lot is done just by showing up and making the best of it :) Even though I have days where I don't create anything particulary good the fact that I showed up always makes me feel better at the end of the day. :)

You are awesome! :D <3

I too blaze through audio-books like crazy!! And I agree that pressing the CREATE button can be a real challenge, I guess we all struggle more or less with this and always improve yet the challenges sometimes increase too. Great to meet another creative and hear your rituals!

I love your long comment ;-))!!

You are so right that attitude really does make a difference and gratitude in particular - great insight!
It's great to hear about you creating your own bubble and using the support of tea and such to help set the mood and engage your senses. I can imagine this in my mind's eye, you with your drawing and painting.

As you say, it really helps to know the experiences of other artists and especially in helping us not to be too hard on ourselves. We do get stronger and more adaptable each time we go through times like these but whew, it's not fun.

I raise a glass (of tea at the moment ;-) toast to abundant creative flow and great success for us as happy healthy artists!! Thanks for your wonderful support and friendship, it really means a lot to me.

I am so happy you do!! :D <3 Heheh...

I join in on your wonderful toast ( also with a cup of tea at the moment)!
And want to thank you as well for all the much appreciated support and friendship <3

What a truly great platform Steemit is that lest's us connect and share our experiences and thoughts with like minded people :)

I wish you an inspiering and creative week ahead with lots of good energy and smiles <3

thank you :-)))

Absolutely beautiful ceramic work you do. The fireplace is really cool. You have to have passion to do this type of art. Always wanted to have that kind of creative vision.

You have plenty of creative vision as far as I can tell ;-))
thanks for your support!

YES! It's essential to be inspired and creative under a whole range of situations. For me, poetry has usually been driven by emotion and the need to get things out. Right now, I'm suffering through getting my taxes together, but I'd rather be working on my novel. Oh well. I've got something to look forward to when the boring, must-get-done stuff is out of the way.

The fireplace looks wonderful! So glad to hear you're creativity is flowing, even as life tosses waves at you. :)

oh I hear you with taxes and all of those tasks I just really dislike. I too just try to labor through them as quickly as possible. so glad you are working on your novel by the way ;-))

thanks for your support and friendship @katrina-ariel!

So lovey to see the finished fire surround in place @natureofbeing. It's beautiful! 😊

I was going to ask if they sourced the tiles themselves and then saw your sentence underneath the image mentioning that you made them. in my mind I was thinking it would be hard to file tiles that match the quality of the ones in the surround but, lucky for your clients, they didn't need too! 😁

I was interested to see the developments with the pool house mosaic too. Those pieces look very intricate.

Sorry to hear your emotional stressors have amped up but it sounds like they might be on the way down again so that's good!

Thanks for your comment and support @gillianpearce, glad you like the finished product!

I'm doing a better job managing all of it thank fully!

Absolutely love this post! I haven’t thought too much about under which conditions I work best under, life is always stressful for me (hopefully changing that soon) but creating is largely escapism so I am taking the chance that if I find more peace I will not be as creative.
The fireplace is so beautiful! the colors of the mosaic are gorgeous. I’m following you and can’t wait to see more posts 💕

Thank you @wildempress, I've always known that there are creatives out there who do better in adverse conditions and it's good to meet one :-))! I imagine you are very well suited for these turbulent times we live in and actually gives me a shift in perspective to remember that what's hard for one can feed another. Makes me feel better about life as it is since there is a balance to it all.
I'm a fan of yours as well!

Hi, I am very glad that you found time to write a post. Stress is really something that can greatly weaken creative impulses. When you can not stop the process of work, but feel the emotional tension - it is very weakens our energy. On these days, we are working to the limit of their capabilities, and then our body makes it clear that it is time to pause. I have usually this manifests itself insomnia and loss of appetite. There comes a time of apathy. And then only silence, nature and meditation can return me to a positive mood and improve my health. And loneliness is something I sometimes desperately need to recover. I wish you to remain inspired and to be able to withstand stress.

Hello @anna-mi, you're so right that we are always on an everyday basis pushing our limits so when we have one more stressor, it can push us over the edge. Isn't it great to be able to read the signs within yourself (insomnia, loss of appetite, apathy)! For me, I get depressed and it's like my whole body, mind, emotions and spirit is rebelling and just won't do anything.

I also wish you well and healthy in your life and creative process!!

Busy, busy! It's good that you have found your creative groove despite adversity, and I'm sure you'll get time to glaze those tiles eventually!

I love that fireplace, I can see why they were appreciative, I would happily stare at that whilst snuggling down on a winter's eve :-)


Hello @cryptogee, great to hear from you! Thank you and it does make a difference to have something beautiful to snuggle up in front of.

You seem to be as productive as're always an inspiration to keep "at it".

You seem to be as productive as're always an inspiration to keep "at it".

Thanks, though I'm pretty sure it was you who recommended 'The Effective Executive' by Peter Drucker, which has really helped with productivity, so thank you! :-)

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