Post 6016 Benjamin FRANKlin BACON Current State of Health Are pictures being avoided for a Reason

in #creativity6 years ago

I followed the links in the Brilliantly detailed notes listed in the description last night , I ended up at zacko s video re; Roger Stone!s CNN orchestrated early morning (late evening) Raid & subsequent arrest , wow !
Jaw dropping reveal, the comments section took the journey even further down many rabbit holes !!!
~Liam Hollingworth - 4 days ago

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TOTHECOURT: MynameisREDACTEDWarsaw00/270,Poland

Ideclarethatthefollowingstatementistrueandcorrect, on penaltyofperjury.
IammakingthisstatementtoaddresstheallegationsmadebytheDefendantJasonGoodmanhasmadeincourtdocument number78concerningmyself.TheDefendant hasallegedthatIamaco-conspiratorinaplotagainsthim.Iknowofnosuchplot.


thatMR.GoodmanandMR.GeorgeWebb(Sweigert) havealreadyactedoutthesescenarioswhentheyclosedthePortofCharleston,South Carolinaon6/14/2017duetoa"dirtybomb hoax".

The videopodcaststhatIpresentlyproduceon YouTube distributefactsvia documentedevidence,whichinturnhasalsoexposedthefraudulentclaimsofMR.Hawkins. OneofMR.Hawkinsfavoriteclaimsisthatheisa"forensiceconomist". Thisisuntrueandadmittedtobeingnothingmorethanaself-professedtitlebyMR.Hawkins.


Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at 11.52.18 PM.png

DRAW your OWN Conclusions!





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