Second Creative Writing Challenge Task #6: The Woman at the Train Station

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A story that feels just like unrequited love, painful with no climax.

Roger: Charles, are we still in the hospital?

Charles: Yes sir, after my last story you fell asleep.

Roger: Good. Charles, may I share something with you? I'd like to tell about one of the girls I really fell in love with.

Charles: I'd love to hear that story sir. Let me pour you a glass of water.

Roger: Thank you Charles! You are so kind. So, here we go. I was 22 years old. The last time I fell in love was maybe 8 years ago, but I have never loved anyone like I loved Eva. I first saw her at the train station. She was taking the southbound train, and I was supposed to be going north but next thing I know I’m following her along the platform and into that damn train.

Charles: How romantic! Did they catch you? Where did the train take you, sir?

Roger: When they came along to check my ticket, I just covered up the destination and he punched it without looking too close. The train went down south, and she got off in a little town in Georgia. I, of course, followed her.

Charles: Did you talk to her?

Roger: No, no. I wanted to learn more about her before I made my move. I don’t know what I liked so much about her. Her hair? It was brown. Or maybe it was her face? She didn’t smile much, but she had a nice nose. Nice butt too.

Charles: You speak of her like a poet. What happened next?

Roger: She checked into a motel. I managed to get the room next to her.

Charles: So, did you have a rendezvous at the hotel bar?

Roger: Naw, but if I held a glass up to the wall, I could hear what she was listening to on the TV. Sounded like soap operas.

Charles: Hmm. I don’t mean to be impolite, but is this going anywhere?

Roger: The next day, I waited until her door opened. She was dressed all in black, super slimming, super hot. I followed her to a church around the corner. That’s when I heard her name. An old woman came up and hugged her and said, “Thank you for coming, Eva.” Eva! What a mamacita. I sat down in a pew next to her. It was too close. She noticed me.

Charles: How the sparks must have flown!

Roger: She asked me how I knew the deceased. And, I don’t know, I was flustered. I said I was a relative.

Charles: Oh, no, you didn't.

Roger: She was a relative, too! A first cousin. She said she wasn't close to her family, but she didn't remember me from any reunions. I didn’t know what to do. I was so embarrassed I left.

Charles: So when did you see her next? I bet that was a tale to laugh about afterward.

Roger: Nope, that’s it. I never saw her again. Oh god, I should have said I was adopted… Why didn’t I say I was adopted?!

Charles: Oh. That’s... unfortunate. I was hoping for something juicier.

Roger: Yeah, no one will ever understand how sad I felt afterward. No one.

Charles: Roger?

Roger: Yeah?

Charles: I have my own unrequited love story. May I tell you about it?

Roger: No, Charles. I'm tired. My face still hurts from being filled with porcelain shards.

Charles: I understand, Roger. Good night again.

Thanks for reading! I changed the name from Adam to Roger for consistency with my last story, otherwise the prompt follows the one given here. I decided to keep the same characters even though I didn't like Roger in the last story. I saw continuing his character as a challenge! He's not a good storyteller. I can feel the tension between him and Charles beginning to build, but Charles is so patient. What will he do next?
- Katie, @therovingreader


I'm not much for reading fiction or novels. But wow I'm impressed. If I had a publishing company.....signed! I felt like I was watching a movie in my head! Great work! -Dan

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