Creative Commons Art by Steven Sanders

Creative Commons Art by Steven Sanders

I just discovered some amazing creative commons art by Steven Sanders, while reading this post by @mikepm74.

As a professional artist, Steven Sanders has dedicated years to the arts and is constantly seeking new and innovative ways to develop new skills. [...] I do know that I like to draw fun things, and have happy clients.



In 2012 Steven Sanders successfully funded a Creative Commons art book called Symbiosis at kickstarter.

Symbiosis is an art book with a Creative Commons ["Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported" ] license, that provides an inventive, exciting biopunk world. Symbiosis encourages readers to enjoy Steven Sanders biopunk world as an art book, as well as an inspiration for their own creative ideas. Use Symbiosis to create art, games, cosplay, novels, comics, or anything else your imagination can explore. This is your world as much as mine to play with.


Symbiosis was started for a number of reasons. The main one is that I simply like thinking about alternative worlds and drawing things that are in them. Another one is that I have often been told that my drawings are evocative and make people want to write stories about them.


The second reason is why this book is licensed Creative Commons. I firmly believe that you, the reader/viewer, are as much a part of making art as I am. I can only grow the crop; you have to take the harvest and process the goods. I can think all I want about this book, but at the end of the day, what I think and see here doesn’t really matter. It’s out of my hands in now in your head.


If the project is small (i.e. It's not for a corporation or an LLC) commercial license will be easily granted with an affordable licensing agreement. I'll likely not ask for any cut or fee at all. If you are a corporation or LLC, drop me a line and we'll see what we can do.


The Symbiosis Chapbook

Some time ago Sanders release a so called Chapbook of the Symbiosis. Basically it's an abridged version of the original Symbiosis art book.

The Symbiosis Chapbook is a pay what you want (PWYW) publication. Consider it an investment in the final product of the entire Symbiosis art book. You'll receive a print resolution, DRM free PDF, a web/tablet resolution PDF, and a high resolution CBZ file.


So if you find inspiration here, and it’s my sincerest wish that you do; go with that. This is all yours. Use the art as you wish, change my descriptions, add to them, throw them out completely and start anew. There are stories here. There are video games, there are comics, there are table top games, there’s things I’m not even thinking of.


Documentary Video

Here is an interesting Mini-Doc about the original Symbiosis project.


Steven Sanders homepage

Check gumroad to get the Symbiosis Chapbook!

Click HERE to see an extensive PDF preview of the book.

View his tumblr here


Regarding the pdf preview, the works of the Symbiosis Chapbook are all licenses under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Thanks for watching and now go create and have fun!



I am really grateful to have discovered your preence on steemit, it openned a field of new perspectives and opportunities of sharing and supporting our social project pro creativity and entrepreneurship empowerement! Thanks a lot for your share and your great supporting post which re motivating all the creative community! I am looking forward to continue to be inspired by and contribute to the CC! Best, Jean

Hey Jean, thanks a lot for your appreciation :-)

Makes me really happy to know, that my initiative has such a positive effect on you. I really love to motivate and inspire the creative community to contribute to CC and Steemit is a perfect place to do so. Together we can make a change.

Looking forward to your next contributions!

Good morning CC,

We all need great example and empowerment, yes, your initative is inspiring and is a source of fulfillment for creatives :-)

I am glad that I met your path thanks to steemit and I am enjoying to read you :-)

Together we can make a change.jpg

Looking forward to pursue this inspiring cooperation together!


Have you written him and asked if he would consider using Steemit?

Not yet, will start by sharing this post on twitter and mention him.
Hopefully this will catch his attention.

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