Kryptocek's Scavenger Hunt: IFC S02R14 entry

in #ifc5 years ago


This is my entry for the Season 2 Round 14 of the Information Finding Championship (@ifc, run by @apolymask). This round is a photo scavenger hunt, which is my favourite round!

It was a bit of a busy week with school holidays on... so I didn't get to go out of my way too much to collect those elusive ones. There were a couple of items that I missed!.... but I had my best crack at it!

Video Game

I guess this is one of the exceptions to the rule of... not on a computer! Pictured here is one of my all time favourite games, XCOM-2... which I've just got some nice shiny new DLC for! I'm looking forward to to trying it out... even to the point where I uninstalled the Long War mod, to see how the Vanilla experience is!

... but in case there is an issue with the computer game on a computer... there is also a Switch game in the lower left!

Toy Monster

You defintely don't want to meet these guys in a dark alley....



A stream?.... well, sort of a man made one...

... or a video stream from a the Netflix streaming service... about fresh water... which should have streams in it!

Alternatively, some information about modelling stream surfaces... laminar flow... bleah, no one likes Fluid Mechanics!


Come on! I live in the Netherlands.....


My neighbour has a skateboard... and I was on the way over to ask if I could take a photo of it... which would have been a little bit strange... but luckily for me, it was already sitting outside! So, then I needed to make up an excuse about why I was in his backyard... a little less awkward!


Weirdly enough... lots of the taxis here don't have that thing on the top of the car which says... "Taxi"...

...but I have a counting book about taxis!

Paint Brush

My kids love painting... so this wasn't too tricky!


I did spend the week trying to get my toddler cross and then snapping a photo... but I could never manage it and get the @ifc tag in and get a decent shot.So, a vector Cross product!

...or a cross on a coat of arms....

Some buildings seem to have crosses as well... must mean something....

Business Suit

Tada! I hate wearing these....


At Amsterdam Schipol, you can get a nice shot of the planes taxiing (hey, that would have been two!) over the motorway where the cars go... I was considering taking a shot on one of the days that I needed to go to Amsterdam... but one hand for the camera, one hand for the @ifc tag... leaves no hands for the steering wheel at 130 kph... probably not worth it! it is a bit of a distance shot is there if you zoom in, on the right of the @ifc tag.


.... bummer... can you believe I went to a ship museum... and they did NOT have a Zodiac boat?



I love this shirt! Both my girls have worn it... soon the toddler will be too big... the passing of an era....

Chinese Straw Mushrooms!... I love these, so do the girls...


One of these is a cactus....


... ooops!....


My complete gold collection! 1 gram of pure gold... it's not really Fort Knox reserves....

Gargoyle Statue

Well.. these stone guys were the closest I could get... it's more of a Catholic thing, and Netherlands is more Protestant. I was also trying to look for the water-spouts that direct water away from the walls (which are known as architectural gargoyles), but all the old buildings in Netherlands use gutters and down-pipes....


...well, this was the closest I could get....

4 Leaf Clover

Nope... not this time!

Heart Shape

I am surrounded by heart shapes in my house! So this wasn't too difficult... however, I was considering asking my brother to go into the hospital morgue and snap a shot of a human heart... probably too morbid....


Alas, on any other week, this would have been a breeze.... but this week was incredibly windy in The Netherlands... and so there were no butterflies to be seen. How about these nice earrings by @aloha-creations?

...or a classic children's book! The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar...

Upgoats by ryivhnn
Account banner by jimramones

The classical music community at #classical-music and Discord. Follow our community accounts @classical-music and @classical-radio. Community Logo by ivan.atman



Very fun collection of photos @bengy, success in the contest!

Thanks, a pity I didn't manage to get them all!

Nice one. I like the creativity of some of those pictures, like the cross and stream. That's a different take on it. Well done.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks! I'm always looking for a different angle on them... It makes the hunt more fun!,

Love it I didn’t hear of this contest before ! Great stuff even for the kids holiday a great entry

It's a fun round!

Nice work. I like the pictures and the unique take on some of the topics/items. The stadium was a tough one. I have a small stadium (hockey arena) in my town but I didn't get around to driving over to it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks... It's nice to try and do a different angle on the topics, but it isn't always possible!

Awww I love that airplane!😄💕💛💜✈

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, lego friends are a big hit in our house!

We are SO proud to have you as a member of our
FANTABULOUS Power House Creatives family!
uvoted and/or resteemed!

❤ MWAH!!! ❤

Power House Creatives Logos FINAL_float.png


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You defintely don't want to meet these guys in a dark alley..

Lol! That part made me laugh pretty good. Enjoyed your entry a lot, sorry it took me so long to get to it.. I'm playing a bit of catch up as I got very overwhelmed.

I just went through and counted them all up and your competitors, there was only leaky20 who played against you this round. And.. He beat you by 4 points.

However.. He submitted his entry a couple of days late and he didn't put the date on his IFC tag like he was suppose to.. So I wanted to ask you what you think? Should we give him the win or you? He got a few more points but didn't get his entry in on time and didn't put the date on his tag.. Which is enough for you to claim a victory if you want to.

Though you're doing pretty good this season and he hasn't won round yet.. So I just wanted to check with you first and see what you think..? Should we give it to him? Or do you want the win? It's totally up to you at this point.

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