Faith's candle tea cup

in #craft5 years ago

I rarely speak about my wife here; I mention her but haven't said much about her. I'm a pretty lucky chap to have her in my life and tell her so all the time. She's smart, funny, tolerant (important for someone living with me), attractive, caring and many other things as well. Something many people don't know about her though, people in the real world, is how creative she is.

Faith is good at drawing and painting, has a keen eye for colour and design and a very creative nature in general. It comes out in various ways, through her work in our business of course, home decorating and design and in drawing when she has the time. Another thing she does is make candles. You can see one pictured.

These are soy based, burn for a long time, with very little smoke and have amazing fragrances. We have many in our home and I've got a couple in my office also. We rarely light them either, the fragrance just permeates the room without even being lit leaving a really lovely scent in the room. There's a couple she made last week below waiting to set. You can see the wick being held in place. These jars have lids that will be fitted once the wicks have been trimmed.

They come with many different scents and can be coloured any colour also. I like the coconut and lime, vanilla and Thierry Mugler Angel scents the best. There's so many others though: Rose, lime, lemon, vanilla and chocolate, cinnamon and vanilla, lavender, orange, jasmine, Chanel No.5 etc. Loads and loads of them.

My wife used to sell the candles but demand got so great she had to scale back. Sounds weird I know, but between our business, social life and other commitments it got too difficult to find the time to make them. She only makes a few now and then and gives them as gifts mainly now, plus keeps some for personal use. The tea cup one you see was made just to use up the last bit of wax but a while ago she did a whole series of them which were all pre-ordered by various customers...All 100 of them!

Anyway, I thought I'd share this on my blog as I rarely say very much about the most important person in my life. So, that's about it about my crafty little wife and her candle making skills. Maybe I'll say more sometime...But not about her cooking skills...They're, well...Not so good. She'll freely admit it too. 🤣
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default. 🇦🇺

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My girls love candles. Perhaps I should suggest they learn to make them. That Angel scented one could be a winner! ;D

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It's reasonably simple, a little time consuming. All the wherewithal is available on the interwebs.

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That is great! My wife loves to craft as well but has not gotten as far as candles (until she sees how to)!

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Women are crafty things...🤣

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Don't think I've seen a teacup candle before, it's adorable XD

This one is a bit jacked up as she was just using up the last of the wax. The last lot were all colour coordinated. She's a clever little bugger sometimes. 😆

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My favorite couple in the whole wide world 😍 the other day I even bragged about you guys !!! I was having a conversation with someone who said that after decades being with the same person doesn’t feel the same anymore, he claimed that the romantic love dissipates and turns into nothing more than platonic friendship to which I replied No, No, No! It does not have to be this way! This happens to couples who fail to nurture their union and give it the care, respect, compassion and attention it needs 💜 and then I plugged you in saying that this awesome guy on Steemit has been with his wifey for 30 years and he talks about her in a way that is so pure and thoughtful and he even misses her when he goes on shooting competitions and yadi yadi yada LOL:P I’m such a fan 😂😂😘🙏🏻

😂 Well thank you. It takes work and I'm probably a very frustrating person to tolerate but luckily she's an angel and puts up my stupid ass! ☺️ Hope you're well.

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