The Criminal Nexus Of CPS, Catholic Church Organizations, and Other Government Cult Members

in #cps6 years ago

Individuals working within these organizations cooperate to achieve sinister objectives.

There have been thousands of documented child sex abuse cases involving Catholic priests in the US and worldwide as well.

With that in mind, would it make sense to have such an organization responsible for the well being of children? To point out the horrendous hypocrisy and corruption of the so-called “child welfare system”, here I present a glaring example from the state of Texas.    


The CEO/president of Catholic Charities Galveston-Houston has announced plans to resign after more than six years at the helm of the nonprofit organization.

The organization confirmed the departure of Bonna Kol in a statement but did not respond to questions about whether her resignation was connected to the fallout from a sexual abuse scandal at St. Michael's Home for Children.

By the way, that was in 2012, and you would think that such criminal behavior would shatter confidence in that organization’s morality and overall ability to fulfill its stated objective of child care.  Right?  

But, as of March 2018, here are the numbers for client service contracts between the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services and Catholic Charities.


Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio  


Catholic Charities Diocese of Ft Worth  


Catholic Charities Diocese of Ft Worth  


Catholic Charities Diocese of Lubbock  


Catholic Charities of The Archdiocese  


Catholic Charities of The Texas Panhandle  


However, that’s just the state of Texas.  That’s just one drop in the larger cesspool.  The incestuous relationship between the two religions of church and state is much larger in scope.  Let’s have a look at another sample, shall we?

Did you know that Catholic organizations have been one of the largest recipients of extorted funds (taxes) for decades? 

Check this out from the Washington Times…..

Catholic Church collects $1.6 billion in U.S. contracts, grants since 2012…..

…..The Church and related Catholic charities and schools have collected more than $1.6 billion since 2012 in U.S. contracts and grants…..

…...Catholic Charities USA, the largest charitable organization run by the church, receives about 65 percent of its annual budget from state and federal governments, making it an arm of the federal welfare state….

It is widely known that various political and business figures have been involved in pedophilia scandals in recent decades.  I won’t go into detail here, but resources for research into this subject will be listed at the end of this article.    

Now we can see a thread common to CPS, The Catholic Church, and Political Figures.

Sexual abuse of children.

So let’s stop and take a step-by-step look at how this vicious cycle of suffering and slavery is perpetuated, to a large degree by various actors within these institutions.   

1.  Individuals from the government cult violently extort trillions of dollars from you and just about everyone else.

2.  Some of these extorted funds are used to create organizations like CPS and support organizations like Catholic Charities.

3.  CPS kidnaps children.

4.  Catholic Charities receives some of the children from CPS.

5.  Some sick, degenerate, psychopathic individuals from both CPS and Catholic Charities help arrange for children to be exploited by other psychopaths, such as politicians, so-called royals, and oligarchs.

One last interesting detail of this nefarious nexus is found in Catholic Charities Financial Statements.  Did you know that this organization has investments? It buys stocks, bonds, and government securities, amongst other things.    

Some charity, huh? Read for yourself @

For further research into CPS and Foster Care abuses, I recommend @familyprotection here on Steemit, and this article by @canadian-coconut in particular.

For a first-hand account from a former CPS worker, you can find valuable information from….

CPS Whistleblower Carlos Morales

And for deeper research into evidence of pedophilia in ruling class social circles, here are some good resources to get you started. 

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from



The rabbit hole is deep and dark with children being used and treated like commodity for other's narcissistic selfishness. Thanks for sharing the truth @steeminganarchy

Thanks for the comment, @enjoywithtroy.

why don't you use familyprotection tag?
the info is very useful!

Hi Talia. I thought about using the familyprotection tag, but wasn't sure if my article fit the posting requirements for that tag exactly, so I decided not to. Anyway, I'm glad you found it useful. Thanks for stopping by.

and the community found it useful as well:)
you're so modest, and I like it
many people like to sit on the neck...(in Russia we say so about impudent people)

LOL, wow. "Sit on the neck", huh? I definitely haven't heard that expression before. That's a new one for me to chew on. Thanks!

yeah, smth like this

one of them is always tolerant and kind, and the other is just impudent crazily

Hilarious. A picture is worth a thousand words. :)

It truly is disgusting, and whats worse in the UK at least these so called children 'charity' organisations are all fronted by closet paedophiles. Makes me sick to the stomach!

Thanks for the comment, @tonysayers33. Yeah, so many front groups with candy-coated PR, but when you dig into the core, it's terribly rotten. Very sickening, indeed.

Absolutely my friend, keep on fighting the good fight!

I got 5 days working on the CPS as a psychologist and the truth is that the system is a disaster, I've done a post talking about it. But yes, you are right and even generate impotence

Thanks for stopping by. Yes, agreed, the system is a disaster.

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