Trained by Corporations

in #corporatism8 years ago (edited)

Thinking in a hedonistic way when it comes to my needs

While I was grocery shopping today at the store, I was trying to think about the things that I needed for the next two weeks. I noticed how much trouble I had planning out what I would need in the future, compared to what I wanted in that moment.

I realized that this is because I have been indirectly raised and trained by companies/corporations pushing their products onto me with every opportunity that they can gain.

This is why I had trouble planning out my groceries I needed for the week. Grocery stores and companies with products do not profit from someone who is self sustaining and thinks in a long term type of way. These companies profit off of someone who comes back and becomes a consumer as frequently as possible.

This I suspect, is also why the name microwave dinners became popular; This relies on a premade meals made by a company rather than cooking and putting the ingredients together.

Proof that corporations have indirectly trained us

A corporations goal that only focuses on only profit is to get you to associate as many things as possible with their product and name brand. We see the play out with certain companies even going as far as to try to associate certain emotions with their products; Using phrases like "happy meals" and making mottos like "I'm loving it". This is an attempt to get kids and adults to associate happiness and love when consuming or thinking about their products. This is something that happens subconsciously and is not something that can be restricted in a conscious way. These companies know this and rely on it when they spend billions on advertising.

I am going to make a test for you all. If you would like to participate then please leave your answers in the comments.
This is not a test of right or wrong, Nor is this a test to show how resistant you are to corporate advertising. This is just a test to show how easily advertising reaches each one of us, even if we have very little exposure or we're not really focusing on it. I am going to say something and then you respond in the comments with the first thing that you think of:
1.Chocolate & peanut butter cup
2. Lemon & lime soda
3 Search engine
4. Auctioning website
5. Healthy Grocery store

Most likely a lot of these things we think of in accordance to these statements will be similar. All of the things that we think in response to these statements, even if its different from my answers (which I will be posting in the next 24 hrs), are associations that we have made; Often pushed onto us by repetitive advertising, until its strongly in our subconscious mind.

Sex and Subliminal messages

Another trick that corporate advertisers use is to make these associations to their products without you even consciously knowing about it. This technique is called subliminal advertising, which completely bypasses your conscious mind and only reaches your subconscious mind.

The most common subliminal advertising is of a sexual theme. Since sex reaches us in a very primal way, many advertiser take advantage of that by associating their product to a sexual reference; Subconsciously creating a feeling that is exciting when you finally have your "physical" interaction with that product. This is done in many different ways but the most common is by hiding the word "sex" in the background or blended into something else.

Here is an example of the word sex and a sexual image being used to advertise coca-cola.

At first it is hard to see these things since they are only meant to be noticed by our subconscious mind but as you start getting good at spotting this its start to become more obvious over time.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn't exist."

This is a quote from the movie, "The Usual Suspects". This quote becomes obviously true with corporate advertisers constantly implementing subliminal messages yet denying that they are doing it at the same time. When researching this category though, the evidence of this existing is completely irrefutable. Starting all the way back more than half a century ago!

Here is an excerpt from a very detailed blog about subliminal manipulation. It goes to great depths to show how often and how carefully each one of these subliminal ads are crafted. It even allows you to try to spot the subliminal advertising yourself. If you can not manage to find it, you can click on each image and it will link you to an image that highlights the areas where the subliminal messages are located.

"We are convinced that there is no subliminal advertising in America today" said Charles F. Adams speaking for the American Association of Advertising Agencies in 1981. Isn't that so? Well, see for yourself. The following excerpts are taken from a leaked top secret training manual belonging to one of the largest advertising agencies on the planet:

Further the manual explains various embedding techniques including swear words, horror faces, sexual symbolism, etc.

Gaining awareness of the subliminal & Consciously retraining our minds

Realizing that the majority of the biggest corporations only see you as a dollar sign is a very important first step. Most of them are willing to do anything, even if it is morally wrong, to keep that money flowing into their business.

This includes manipulating & training your mind to think about their product and company as often as possible.
Often created by linking biological functions that we all have like emotions & sex to their products.

It is necessary to gain conscious awareness of how we are being manipulated in these ways to negate it from affecting us. As we gain conscious awareness of these things they will cease to be subliminal and will no longer reach directly into our subconscious minds.

The phrase,"What we can't see, won't hurt us" does not apply in this situation; This phrase possibly not true about anything. For now we know that the subconscious mind sees and remembers everything. Constantly without biased, programming 90-95% of everything we do.

We have let our subconscious minds become our masters and it was never meant to do this job. The subconscious mind is meant to be a slave that follows all the orders of its master, the conscious mind.

Here and now in the present moment, It is time to reprogram ourselves and become the masters of our subconscious. For that is the destiny of becoming the creators that we were made to become

If you like the content I create then please upvote, resteem & follow my blog @ballinconscious, Thanks!


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Good article, resteemed..


Awesome, Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the resteem to, I appreciate it.

Thanks steemprentice, Always appreciated. Nice new logo you got there ^_^

Very well written and explained @ballinconscious ! Thank you !

Thanks you, I appreciate your feedback.

I always hate McDonald's commercials and their jingles that prompt us to stuff ourselves with their preservative-packed artificial products.

Yeah, pretty disgusting. Especially how their marketing strategy is so ruthless, that they target kids at a young age so they can get them attached to the idea of eating there when there adults.

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