My Life with Corona Virus, the experience so far...How are you?

in #coronavirus4 years ago (edited)


Where are you?

I am in the US
We are just starting to respond and things change everyday.

Where are you?


Where do you work?



I work in a hospital.So far my work is open and we still have jobs. We wear masks and gloves to interact and if they are coughing a lot, we ware disposable gloves. Our governor is advising everyone to stay home except essential travel. Our business is essential and we are interacting with the Public. I will work until they send me home sick.

Where do you work?

How is your life at home?


On the home front...
I and my wife stay home all the time. We can’t go to Botanical Gardens, State Parks for Hikes or to the Beach to swim....because they are closed. We have a yard and drive way, so we take turns walking around to garden and enjoy the flowers. Our lives have changed drastically. We are compliant and give thanks for our current good health. But we miss our old life and long for a return to normal. But when that will happen I don’t know. But we are cheerful and refuse too give into despair.

How is your life at home?

How is Coronavirus Effecting you?

It is important during this time to come together and care for the vulnerable portions of our society. It is important that we be smart and protect ourselves with social distancing and reduce our unnecessary meetings and gatherings. My job cancelled nonessential travel, my business cancelled meetings and now they will start sending people home.

How is Coronavirus Effecting you?

By Shortsegments at Steemit for 24 moons next Month



I left Canada in January for an 8 month vacation to Australia. I even rented out my house. So I made it to Australia before the outbreak and I'm staying (for now) at a childhood friend's place in Tasmania. It made the most sense to us that I hunker down here. The only problem was my current Visa didn't allow me to stay in Australia more than 90 days at a time, but I learned that I could apply for a different Visa and all will be fine. Tasmania closed its border pretty quickly and things are gradually shutting down and becoming more restrictive. I'm probably safer here than at home and we're near parkland so we can get out and walk. Watching the world news is so surreal.

Wow an 8 month vacation in Australia! That sounds great! And you ended up in Tasmania! It sounds so great. But I guess ever where you are you have to worry a little about Coronavirus. I hope the closure of the borders helps. May you stay healthy and safe there. 🙏🏻


Thanks. The question is how long will this all last? I hope you and yours stay healthy too.

Good question. It lasted 3 months in China.
I am worried that it will last that long here also.

I am in the USA. We are not on lockdown. We are advised to stay home. The government closed everything where we could go for fun. I was sent home for 14 days yesterday. I am watching TV and playing video games.

I can hardly believe it’s happening. I honestly don’t know what to believe. Some are saying that this is a big hoax. I miss basketball and stuff. My town hasn’t had any deaths. Are people really dying?
I am really confused and don’t know what to believe.

I believe this is real. It’s all over the News, it’s not just liberal media reporting this, it’s everyone. Real disease, real deaths, a real pandemic. I am glad it hasn’t hit your town or city yet.
Good Luck. 🍀

hello shortsegments i am in rotterdam holland and we have it bad, we are on almost 90 % lockdown waiting to shut down completely. We see italy and that will be our picture aswell. we have icu bed almost full and people die alone, its horrible, but attacing people WTF I WISH YOU HEALTH AND SAFETY

I am sorry to hear about your hardships there.
I pray for your good health and I pray your country will somehow avoid the fate of Italy!

As for the attacks on Chinese or Asians, I am so ashamed of my countrymen. We are better then that. We must be better then that.

We will be like Italy in three weeks. Hopefully we have better facilities but we have 20 more deaths every day. I pray for the world. And lockdown is inevitable

Sorry to hear about your country.
I hope things get better.

20 deaths a day is really crazy! That’s terrible! I hope your facilities are not over-run, we are worried here that our Intensive Care Unit beds will fill up, so we are trying to slow the rate of infection with isolation and closures of all but essential personnel.

I am still employed and going to work. Several of my coworkers have been fired. It is slow at work, but with reduced staff I have something to do most of my shift.
I am thankful to be working. I am following the quarantine and staying home when I am off work.
The streets are quiet. Life is surreal.
Thanks for posting about something happening in the world

Wow! Sorry to hear your coworkers were fired.
How harsh is that!
I thought the USA government was guaranteeing 14 days of pay?
I hope things get better🙏🏻

At home quarantine for couple of days. Govt asked to stay home till 31st March, 2020. Thats why educational institutions have been shut down for this period here in Bangladesh.

I am glad your not sick. I hope the schools are safely able to open safely soon. Education is so important

I am a mom, I have a small business at home, I am in the USA.
My job is my business, which is slower, but still selling things.
My husband works outside the home, so we are practicing social distancing, he stays away from me and sleeps in a kids bedroom. Plus we are staying home.
We don’t go to parks or the beach. We go out at night to the store and we stay away from other people about six feet. Even in line we space ourselves out. I don’t know if it

I am sorry to hear about social distancing in your home. But it sounds like the smart thing to do. I hope your business picks up. I will also pray for good health for you and your husband. Essential personnel don’t have the luxury of staying safe at home. 🙏🏻

I live in Vietnam and things are really calm here. They are starting to lock certain things down but for the most part the spread was always under control... well, that is if they are actually reporting real numbers and have any sort of idea how widespread it is. I have not lived here very long so it is tough for me to say.

I live in a tourist area and tourism is nearly 100% done, most of the hotels have closed up shop and released all of their workers so I suppose things are going to get worse before they get better. Let's hope for a vaccine / cure ASAP yeah?

Living there must be cool. Too bad tourism is drying up. I hope the vaccine guxes this issue too. The worlds economy can’t take much more of this shutdown.

Please do not hope for a vax! As recently commented with more detail at

On your questions I want to recommend this posting to you, including our conversations in the comments.

(This is on Steem, cross commenting on Hive.)

Thank you for the information. I will check out the links.

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