Costumed Thug Assaults Nurse

in #cops7 years ago

Short clip shows nurse being assaulted despite calm and courteous demeanor - Source: Salt Lake Tribune

Another day, another assault. This time against a nurse who would not give permission for a police phlebotomist to remove blood from an unconscious man. Ironically, the hospitalized target of the blood draw was in that position after a police chase drove a fleeing truck into the path of his semi. No word yet on the crime the chase erupted over, but I’m certain it was worth the fallout; after all, we must enforce the law at all costs or the next thing you know we’ll be cannibalizing each other.

Now since this nurse is a woman, and of a pale complexion, and was completely calm, and didn’t say anything rude, and frankly looked terrified and uncomfortable with the situation she was in; since she clearly wanted very badly to please the officer but was in an untenable position, the usual cries supporting the actions of the Grim Blue Line are kind of muted. Unfortunately for the police and those who will excuse essentially any action taken by anyone in a uniform, this woman didn’t cuss, flail, or God-forbid: reach toward a pocket.

Instead, out come the Constitution Fetishists. This may be an unpopular stance, but I’m sick of hearing about it. I’m sick of hearing how defending this piece of parchment is some solution to our problem. The problem being that men with legal authority granted by the Constitutional system, to carry guns and initiate violence against non-violent people, actually wind up doing exactly that.

In other news, the internet loves cats.

There is no such thing as a “Constitutional right,” only pre-existing rights that were jotted down with much ceremony (and secrecy), appended to a document that enormously increased the power of the central government, and presented to our great-great-great-grandparents as though it were a real benefaction. Sort of like being re-gifted a shitty Christmas candle, that you later discover also had a credit card skimmer attached and your money's all gone. Do you know why we have the Constitution? No, not to defend our rights. Jesus, people, read a book that wasn’t assigned in Civics class. The Bill of Rights was an afterthought.

We have a Constitution because after a bunch of wealthy merchants convinced our several-times-great forebears to put down their plows, pick up their muskets, and revolt over what amounted to a two-to-three percent tax (yeah, think about that next time you check out your gross versus net fields on the ol’ paystub, suckers), those same merchants loaned the central government money to wage that war. You know, so they could get out of a three percent tax, and George Washington could have the finest food and drink available for his officers while your great granddaddy’s feet rotted in the cold. After granddaddy won, those merchants wanted their money back, and the only way to get it was through taxation.

Surprise, surprise, when men who came home wounded for life winning a war they believed was against King George’s taxation and the oppressive measures used to secure it, didn’t feel like paying taxes. Men who had been paid in scrip that was in many cases never even made good on. The truly unlucky ones sold it for pennies on the dollar to congressional cohorts right before said cohorts passed a bill in Congress to pay on it at a great profit to these scavengers.

What a coincidence.

As there was no power to force the individual states to pay the debt, the Constitution was conceived and it has proven the most effective trick ever played upon a free people. Today someone told me, “That ‘piece of paper’ as you like to call it is an expression of values and a social contract with the governed, providing guarantees to the people of the United States.” Well unfortunately the only people I can see regarding breaches to the Social Contract [I didn’t sign] are the people violating the terms of that contract. And I’m supposed to ‘defend it?’ The very contract that birthed this system?

Around 150 years ago Lysander Spooner recognized that:

[W]hether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.

It took me until around 2012. I don’t care anymore about some imaginary Constitutional Authority. I care about the God (or nature or whatever you believe) -given rights of individuals. And we don’t need a piece of paper to tell us that what happened in that video is wrong. I hope if you don’t see it yet, you do soon. Defending a piece of paper isn’t the answer. The only answer is in promoting the values that paper supposedly protects within our families and communities. Love peace, show respect, embrace joy, and promote responsible liberty within your own sphere of influence. The real battles are always won in the heart and mind.

Full video for the "What did she do?" crowd

Tip of the hat to @kafkanarchy84, whose post HERE, at his always-wonderful blog, first alerted me to this particular violation.

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On what grounds do they even have the pretense to arrest her? Even if this case is thrown out, her co-workers are now probably cowed and terrorized to just do whatever the fascists in uniform say in the future lest the same happen to them; that's probably all that was happening here. And, of course, nothing will happen to the cops, because generally nothing ever does.


I m amazed at the number of social media commentators who claim the nurse was "obstructing justice," "failing to do her job," or otherwise somehow at fault. Copsuckers are everywhere.

Innit incredible? She provides documentation to the officer detailing the situations in which he could compel her to draw blood, none of which are present, and she's arrested for "obstructing justice."

What a time to be alive.

It's quite disheartening, for sure.

I think we should make everybody the police and nobody the police. Regulate ourselves the way markets do. Stop acting like children sucking the tits of an authoritarian, borderline mother in Washington DC.

I think I love you, @geke.

You know I agree with you two.

Hey Jr. Great post. The question always comes down to how much force is appropriate. I can't find a satisfactory answer. The poor nurse was doing her job as best she could. I'm not a lawyer, but looking at the video puts me entirely on her side. She has legal guidelines to follow in her duties, the cop may face a lawsuit.

I'm not taking sides, just thinking out loud. Government control is always executed with force; there literally is a gun in the room when we think of Government. I can't think of a system that does not exert this force in controlling a people. Without it, what's the alternative? Without some measure of force we descend into chaos.

Is there a better way?

Government control is always executed with force; there literally is a gun in the room when we think of Government

Exactly. Wish I hadn't delegated away my ability to even give you a nickel for this comment ;)

As for a better way, I think it's important for people to recognize government as we know it is a monopoly on force and the judgment of when that force is permitted. The police are a monopoly. They are paid through the forced extraction of funds (taxation). They have no incentive to do better, promote peace, or stop crime. If crime goes up, they get more cops and more guns and faster cars. If it goes down, voters start talking about maybe not needing so many cops. If someone you love is murdered, have fun explaining to the police how you've paid their salaries for 20 years and you'd like some restitution for the fact that they failed to do their jobs and protect that loved one from harm.

So the better way is competition in security, private law, and all people equally subject to it. Not this crap where you can be kidnapped for doing your job, while being rude to a cop will land you in the hospital and he'll keep right on carrying a badge.

I think you hit the nail on the head @jrhughes. While common law did leave a lot to be desired, it was established over a long period of time and arose from decisions of previous courts. Using that as a legal baseline and arbitrating disputes using private arbitration firms would be the ultimate goal. Couple that with private security, whose primary function is to secure property and protect persons (within their contract), and you have the foundation for a private law society that does respond to market forces.

Oh! I powered up a little and was able to give you a penny! Now you'll be able to finish law school, whew!

Thanks, Andrei. You're 100% on the mark ;)

Perhaps there are broader outlines that we aren't able to see. If you look at population replacement levels, both the white and black demographics are below replacement levels. Meaning, in a few decades, both populations will be a minority in their own country.
Marriage and family are the exception rather than the norm, leaving behind an aging population and a dearth of labor (cue immigration). When a civilization begins to totter on the knife edge of it's own progress; when nuance is lost to ideology and sentiment, people choose increasingly authoritarian government. Imho, this is unfolding before us.
I suspect, with the pc police in full force, suppressing dissenting views, we are inevitably going to find ourselves in a place where there is only one 'right' perspective. One narrative. One worldview, sanitized, and so rigidly enforced, we may choke on our inability to breathe live into an anaesthetized pubic. Progress will be discouraged. We become prisoners of the majority, bending to the will of corporations and their slave drivers.
I have no solutions. Only a terrible certainty, we are hell bent, wading up shit creek barefoot, pretending not to notice the stench; lost in smart phones, dreaming of a better tomorrow, whilst setting fire to the planet.
I fear it will collapse before it can get better..........

Strangely, I find smartphones and internet a promising development. When government inevitably fails is as they always have historically, we are better placed now than ever in the past to move beyond it and thrive. We are connected. Across borders and cultures. The worship of hierarchy is slowly giving way to a new generation of laterally connected people and they are the future.

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