In the Kitchen - Deboned Leg of LambsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cooking8 years ago

Summer in Cape Town is hot, really hot and yesterday was no exception so I decided to prepare dinner in the Weber outside in the garden. Once again this is not a recipe but more a ‘how to’ guide for making a really tasty, tender and juicy deboned leg of lamb.

I was not intending to do a ‘medium rare’ lamb but rather a cooked through, juicy lamb so I unwrapped the bound deboned leg of lamb, scored the skin and fat. I then rubbed garlic all over the leg, stuffed some of the score marks with bits of garlic, seasoned with Moroccan type spices (Cumin, whole coriander, mixed spice, stick cinnamon and bay leaves) and placed the meat on a bed of fresh rosemary and sliced purple onions.

splash the meat with a generous helping of olive oil and red wine

I placed the dish in a big baking bag as my good lady does not like open meat in the fridge and placed the meat in the fridge to marinade, turning every half an hour or so.

marinade for at least three hours turning fairly regularly, best is overnight

When ready to prepare the lamb I made a small wood fire and sealed the meat all over in the open flame ensuring that the juices are well sealed in, ready for the slow cook in the weber.
I did have photo’s of me doing this but it was nsfw category … not suitable for a cooking or food tag so I shall just show the sealed meat

Place the seared meat into a roasting pan and cover with lid and place in the weber at around 170 degrees celsius (340 Fahrenheit) to slow roast for around two hours (depends on meat size and how one likes it cooked)
To make the roast root vegetables I quartered some beetroot and potatoes and par cooked them in the microwave.
I like my roast potatoes crisp on the outside and mash on the inside so once out the microwave I put them in a bowl and sprinkle with olive oil and seasoning, this time I used garlic and herb. Place the vegetables in a open roasting pan and place in the weber for the last hour of cooking to crisp up.

Usually I would use a meat thermometer to check for medium rare(151 degrees celsius) and remove from the oven but a wine-marinaded piece of meat produces plenty liquid so I cooked the meat through, drained the juice to remove the rosemary and onion pieces and made a gravy from the sauce in the pan. Was delicious but alas I forgot to take pictures.

Usually we would have a green salad to accompany the meal but the juicing has made me tired of greens so I made some hubbard squash, just boiled and mashed with butter, salt and pepper

It goes without saying that this can also be done in the oven. The meat was really tasty and tender.


Nom nom nom...

I am listening to Joni Mitchell's Cloud album (unfortunately on CD) ...would so love to do this lady as a music legend...alas alack... I do not have the album anymore.

I know your rule is to only do artists who you have on vinyl, but I've broken MY self imposed rules all over the place... {sly grin}

I lurvvvv that sly grin.... will think of something. Listening to Tracy Chapman at themoment....gosh what a talent. {sigh}

Yes, I don't know how I managed to miss her off my list. But I'm going to have to do some posts of random missing people, so she could go in there. Actually I think I do know. I seldom listen to whole albums any more, as our CD player upstairs is a bit poked, but have a pile (over 80 hours worth) of tracks on my PC that I usually play on random. I suspect I never ripped her CD to mp3. There's a Xmas holiday project for me. Go through my CDs and make sure I have them all in mp3.

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