Do Angels Exist? Why Yes They Do!

in #contest6 years ago

Do Angels Exist? Why Yes They Do!


At the age of 23, I found my world being turned upside down. Not only did my father die a tragic death, but my 5 year relationship with my then fiance had fallen apart and I called our wedding off. These two people, I loved very much. This all happened within a week of one another and I was devastated! I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep - my heart was broken.

Within two weeks, I had lost 20 lbs and my heart was racing so hard and fast that I could literally hear it in my head. How could I sleep with this ever-present reminder of my broken heart? It was like living in Edgar Allen Poe's "Tell Tale Heart" and the ending scene of "Somewhere In Time" all at once. Could someone really die of a broken heart? I wondered. I had never felt like this and was quite scared by it.

As I laid on my bed listening to my beating, broken heart and feeling so overwhelmed, sad and scared, I suddenly screamed out, "Oh God, please help me...I cannot do this on my own....I need you!" Apparently, this 'distress signal' was heard because before I could finish my last word, I found myself hit with a wave of energy so powerful that my entire body was vibrating and when this reached my head it was filled with a blast of bright light and then my inner eyes opened to a projection of my father and I side by side. :(

And then it stopped. There I laid in awe of what just happening, not knowing what it was. However, my pain and sadness were gone. It appeared that I was 'healed' both emotionally and physically.

Sounds wonderful, right?

No, not entirely. I was grateful for the healing but this experience seemed to also turn on a switch. I truly wasn't equipped to deal with these changes at this time.

I went from 'normal' to suddenly having spiritual dreams, dreams with audio, psychic dreams. I was okay with this for the most part, but then I started having experiences while talking to people where I would see a colorful light around them - this alone, scared the living daylights out of me! Was I going crazy?!

These changes turned my world upside down and affected every relationship I had. The few attempts I made at confiding in family and friends did not go well and wasn't well-received. After all, this wasn't normal and I was living in the Bible belt. I would get anything from, "That's weird" to "That wasn't God"

After hearing about my father's death, my fiance re-appeared in my life. We decided that we would try to work on 'us' again and I moved to Mississippi to be closer to him. It wasn't long after moving that I began having those dreaded dreams. They involved my fiance cheating on me. No, this didn't go over too went kind of like this, "How can you be so upset over a's just a dream!" he'd say with a laugh. And yet these dreams persisted...whether 'just dreams' or not.

Yep, I was beginning to feel like I was going CRAZY!

To remedy this, I thought it would be a good idea to have more time alone to re calibrate and figure all this out. Every weekend I would drive to visit my mother and then hang out at the beach in Alabama to think and write. However, my mother wasn't very supportive of my move nor reuniting with my fiance so visits with her became increasingly 'unpleasant'.

Then, on one fateful visit, my mother said a lot of hurtful and horrible things that just threw me over the edge. I didn't stay, instead I jumped in my car with my emotions completely unhinged - angry, confused, hurt. I tore down the road crying so hard that I could barely see the road and then I just 'floored it'! I don't know why, not my 'normal' controlled behavior. I could feel my car begin to vibrate wildly with the acceleration of speed and yet I didn't take my foot off that pedal - I wanted to feel the danger in it perhaps - tempt life - I was a little angry at life in this moment. And then...sputter, sputter. My car lost momentum. My gas gauge was reading 'empty'. How could this be?!

Apparently, I unknowingly set off another distress signal!

Angel at the gas station?

The back country roads in Alabama don't have gas stations for miles. I was lucky to see one just as my car was coasting and out of gas. "Pay Inside!", the note on the gas dispenser said.

Given my emotional breakdown, my eyes were red and swollen. I sat in my car for a few moments collecting myself, slapped on my sun glasses and gave myself a little pep talk, "It'll be fine....short walk, pay, walk back, pump gas...You can do this!" With focused determination, putting one foot in front of the other, I set out towards the door..."Left foot, right foot, left foot..." Then I hear, "Hey little lady, how are you today?" I ignored this voice coming from my periphery. What are the chances of this happening? A man trying to pick up on me! I ignore it even though I was pretty sure he was following me. Then, "Hey little lady...stop for a minute."

Self talk: "I can lose him when I get inside and by the time I come back out he'll be gone."

I quickly paid for the gas inside and scoped the outer perimeter for signs of the man before exiting. "Coast looks clear!" I walk towards the door and suddenly he appears again opening the door for me! "Hey little lady, can I talk to you?" he asks. I keep walking, "Left foot, right foot, left foot...." He continues to follow, "Hey little lady...wait." then "little lady, little lady.....let me pump your gas for you....I really want to pump your gas,let me do that for you!"

At this point, I feel my emotions stirred up all over again at the spectacle of having to fend off some strange man that is wanting to pick up on me when I just want to be left alone. He was invading my space and being so aggressively pushy about it that I have to tell him, "NO! Please just leave me alone!"

He doesn't listen to me proceeds to follow me all the way to my car, "I just want to talk to you...let me pump your gas" Again, I tell him, "No! Please just go away...Please!" Then he says, "You're on your way to Jackson, Mississippi..." He paused just long enough for me to think about that for a second. It did take a few seconds for my mind to catch up to to his words because I realized there wasn't any possible way for him to know that information (I still had my Alabama tags on my car and I was at a gas station in Alabama).

Confused and stunned, I looked at the man's face for the first time. He had the warmest, most soothing blue eyes with a little smile in them. Not at all what I expected. I felt myself instantly calmed. Then he said, "Now that I have your attention, let me pump your gas for you." I felt like I was in this daze of inbetween-ness - knowing yet unknowing and on some level recognizing this numinous moment for what it was as I handed him the hose.
He suddenly changed before my eyes into a serious wise man. "Now...What you are going through is a turning point in your life and it is necessary for you to go through this. You will understand more later...but for now, you will have to go through this in order to learn what that is. Everything will be's going to be okay."

"Well, you're all filled up and ready to go," he said. "Can I see you smile?" Teary-eyed, I gave him a difficult smile with my now quivering chin.

I thanked the man and then got into my car with my mind spinning. "Goodbye!" I said as I started to drive away. But then he said the most peculiar thing, "Oh, you'll be seeing me again!" as he let out a little chuckle. What did he mean by that???

The road back to Mississippi was called 'Bloody 98" for a reason. I have no doubt that this man saved my life that day. I drove all the way back 'under the speed limit' thinking about this man and what just happened. I tried my best to put it in logical perspective but there was nothing logical about it. Was he an angel? And what did he mean by, "You'll be seeing me again." ???

I would realize the meaning of those last words soon enough.


Six months later, after leaving my fiance, I moved back to Alabama. I was now jobless, penniless, friendless...and mending a very broken heart.

This turning point in my life was not looking so good! I had stopped at an ATM machine to withdraw my last $20 to put gas in my car. The line at this ATM was rather long (10 or more people). As is often the case with mourning the loss of someone, I still had those waves of grief that would visit and unfortunately you can't always predict when they come. Why not have one standing in line at an ATM machine! ha! Oh, how I tried to subvert this wave by thinking of something else, blinking my eyes...nothing worked. Just when I was about to abandon the ATM line, a strange man popped out of nowhere right in front of my face, "Why aren't you smiling?!" Jolted, I turned my head away from him and looked away only to have him bob to the other side, "Why aren't you smiling?!" "I don't feel like smiling." This should have made him move on to someone else in the line but he just persisted, fixated on making me smile for some strange reason. Then he resorted to bobbing and jumping all over the place like some hyper-Leprechaun. "Come on, I want to see you smile and I'm not leaving until you do." He then planted himself in front of me with his hands on his hips, "Smile and I'll leave."

By this time the entire line was turned around watching this spectacle. Being such a shy person, I was mortified by the attention he was bringing. It was clear that he wasn't leaving. "Please, I don't feel like smiling right now.", I pleaded with him. "No, I'm not leaving until you and I'll be gone." It was the hardest thing to do to push that smile out and as I did he watched and imitated me like some kind of animated character - it was so funny that I couldn't help but laugh...and smile. "See, don't you feel better? You should smile more often.", he said with his twinkling blue eyes. Blue eyes? And with that he was gone.

The very last encounter was the cherry on top - amazing!

I had moved through the bulk of this turning point in my life. I had a new career, was going to college, had new friends and on this particular day would be my very first date since leaving my fiance six months prior (someone I had been with since I was 19 years old). I guess you could say this was a really big moment! A milestone.

At some point during the evening, I excused myself to go to the ladies room for a little self-pep-talk and deep breath. Although I was having a wonderful evening, it was a little awkward. Walking back to the restaurant through an empty corridor, a man jumped out of nowhere and stood in front of me saying, "Why aren't smiling?!" I wasn't sure I heard him correctly..."What?" He repeated himself again, "Why aren't smiling?!"

Self talk: There are those blue eyes again!

"I'm smiling, I'm smiling!" I said as I was taking in the uncanny similarities to the other experiences. I began laughing at the thought of this. "Good, then my job here is done." he said as he winked at me. His words only added to my curiosity. I've looked in these eyes before, I knew I had...and his words! Is this possible? Could it be? "Are you...." I paused trying to wrap my head around this, "Do I know you? You seem so familiar to me." With a big smile and chuckle he said, "I think maybe you do!" I started laughing again hysterically - we both did. Were we even laughing at the same thing? I simply couldn't verbalize what I was thinking out loud because this was just too CRAZY and beautiful all at the same time!

"Well, I really need to get back to my table...thank you for reminding me to smile", I said. "My pleasure" he offered as he walked away. "Keep smiling! hahahahaha"

This is my entry for the NEW 'Pic-a-Topic' Writing Contest by 'AverageOutsider'


A very engrossing story @youhavewings , thank you for entering it in the writing contest.

We certainly can, and do, entertain angels unaware (Hebrews 13:2). And, as it turns out, sometimes we are well aware.

This is a very moving piece. Don't ever let anyone tell you you're not normal because you don't experience life the way they do. God has a plan, purpose, and place for all of us. And He still speaks through dreams, visions, and angels. Acts 2:17

"Oh God, please help me...I cannot do this on my own....I need you!"

I've felt this way before. Maybe not for the same reasons, but the same way. It's horrible, I know. But that's the thing about life. It never stops and it always finds a way no matter what.

I too have had days in the past where I thought to myself that there was no hope left for me and that I was a complete mess, but somehow, things got better and kept getting better.

I feel really sorry about your father, and what that man at the gas station did for you was priceless. We need these kinda people in the world. People who are willing to make a positive change and help other people recover.

Really enjoyed reading your article. A well-written piece!

Thank you, @ayushjalan

Yes, life can be very messy at times. Our hearts get thrashed around quite a bit over a lifetime and life does certainly return over and over. The ebb and flow is necessary - eventually we learn its rhythm

Thank you for your words about my father :(

what that man at the gas station did for you was priceless. We need these kinda people in the world. People who are willing to make a positive change and help other people recover.

Yes, indeed :)

Have a beautiful day, @ayushjalan

Very moving piece.

And I enjoyed it immensely.


In spite of being a pragmatic type of guy most of the time, I believe in personal, benevolent entities like the angels in your article.


Statistically, I really should have died several times over in the military. But, in too many instances to be mere "coincidence", someone or something always saved my ass!

Great post.

Namaste, JaiChai

Thank you so much, @jaichai - Took some courage to put this one out there ;)

In spite of being a pragmatic type of guy most of the time, I believe in personal, benevolent entities like the angels in your article.


Statistically, I really should have died several times over in the military. But, in too many instances to be mere "coincidence", someone or something always saved my ass!

I'm sure you experienced a lot being in the military. And I completely believe you. I've heard and read many stories on the battle field similar to what you describe.

It's life-changing to have these experiences, for sure. Even when it's just a' mere mortal' that intervenes. Life can be messy. However, there is certainly an element of beauty/Divine that reveals itself in these moments. Sometimes I wonder if that's because we're more open to see and receive it....maybe it's there all the time and we're swimming in it ;) Actually, I do know this to be the truth.

Namaste ~YouHaveWings~

I can relate a very similar story about a total ending of my old life and the start of this, my new life! Never discount a meeting with the Holy Spirit! All things will become new! Blessings and upvoted!

What an amazing experience!! Thanks for sharing!

Blurry eyed, having not had enough sleep I am jolted awake and remain so as I will have to attempt getting out of it soon to go for an event that will bring much joy to many.

I decided to just check in on discord and find a little red tag....wasn't sure what it was for....and soon find my name tagged on this post.

It caught my attention and had my blurriness wiped out in an instant, and my full attention.

Oh, it just stirred my soul. Thank you for sharing something so precious, and so well narrated.

I'm curious if those blue eyes turned up again. :)

I know these encounters a little too well and absolutely love them.

I feel compelled to ask you to seek out two communities, The @WelcomeWagon and @buddyup if you haven't already my love. I think there are some people here who would welcome you with such open arms the love might kick you back slightly....but one you would feel right at home in.

I do hope our paths cross again on this steemiverse.

Keep shining little lady! And I hope you have smiled today, and everyday since the world can't miss out on a single Ray of sunshine! Xx

What a beautiful comment, @kchitrah My whole intention for sharing something so private. These experiences we have can be so special and maybe lift someone else up.

I'm curious if those blue eyes turned up again. :)

There was one other experience that happened right after the gas station one. Probably one of the most profound of the 3. It would have made this post even longer and perhaps been way over the top of believability? :) I had these visits 4 times during this difficult time and a lot of miracles inbetween to keep me going. That last visit truly was his goodbye - "my job here is done" :)

Thank you for the invitation to check into those communities :) I definitely will.

Keep shining little lady! And I hope you have smiled today, and everyday since the world can't miss out on a single Ray of sunshine! Xx

So beautiful for you to say this, @kchitrah ~ YOU are that single Ray of sunshine ;)

Much love to you xx

Awww ... thank you love. I like to think we all are .... and that's what makes the sun so brilliant!! :)

Okay, now to some serious business....

There was one other experience that happened right after the gas station one. Probably one of the most profound of the 3. It would have made this post even longer and perhaps been way over the top of believability? :) I had these visits 4 times during this difficult time and a lot of miracles inbetween to keep me going.

Are you kidding me, forget what people think. Firstly I want to hear all about it. If I may .... I demand to hear all about it as a curious reader who now suddenly feels short changed! LOL!!!!


And more importantly, it is precisely things like this that we need circulating more of .... to bring us back to that part of ourselves that can imagine that everything IS possible. Miracles are NORMAL. And we are Divine beings.


What fascinating experiences! It is good when our souls open to other realms, and other possibilities. ❤️

You are such an excellent writer, I always enjoy your pieces. There is this talent of yours for storytelling and what makes it exciting is that you talk about things happened to you in your life.

I must admit that I had a hard time believing you just for the simple reason nothing of this kind has ever happened to me. Sometimes I wondered why all members of my mothers family have survived their times as they were in life danger so often.

It's indeed brave to put this out as you can be sure that some reactions could be shaking heads. Have you talked about this angel within your family and friends circle? And what did they say?

What about the man you dated when you saw the angel last time? Are you still in contact to him?

Your username you picked for a reason, I would say :)

Thank you, @erh.germany Your words mean so much. I've always approached life through the lens of 'what am I learning from this?' and I think that is why my writing comes out in storytelling form. I shouldn't have survived many of the things that happened in my life - I could even be an angry, messed up person from what I've experienced in my life, BUT I took the jewels with me and protected my heart. What is 'life'? Who are we? It might be that this 'something more' has more to do with the answer than you might think. Do hardships define life? Or are they just teachers?

I must admit that I had a hard time believing you just for the simple reason nothing of this kind has ever happened to me.

I had a hard time myself!!! You have no idea how difficult this was. YET, these two years were also the most amazing. I left out a lot about the story - some even more unbelievable (like the 4th visitation) or all the inbetween occurrences that you could justifiably put in the 'miracle' category. I couldn't wrap my mind around it for a very long time. In fact, my mother traveled to NYC and went to the Greek Orthodox Church there to get 'advise' on what was happening to her daughter. A nun met with her and after hearing whatever my mother's view of the situation was, the nun told her not to worry about me, that I was given a gift and then gave her a silver hand with some blessed chalk to give to me for 'writing'. I just remembered this! Interesting. I still have that silver hand - maybe I'll take a photo of it and upload here. To the point - friends and family (and myself) had a very hard time with this. I eventually learned to accept and absorb and keep it to myself unless I was with people I knew I could talk to about it. Hard for someone that lives life as an 'open book'. It was brutal.

I would think that your family members had a sense of protection around them, Erika? Maybe they never spoke to you about it in those deeper terms? People do usually keep these things to themselves. But yes, I would say that they were being protected. :) Since I wrote this story, I've had quite a few people write me in pm telling me about their similar experiences - it's unfortunate that these beautiful parts of life have to be concealed for fear of scrutiny. So, it's much more common than you would think. Read the comments on this thread, too. ;)

Have you talked about this angel within your family and friends circle?

Most of my family eventually accepted this...eventually. When they've had difficult times, they knew they could come to me and talk about it - and some had their own experiences. It's always like that - we have to experience things for ourselves - I do understand that.

My poor husband has lived life experiencing all this along side with me. He is a very 'logical' minded person like myself but without these experiences to draw upon prior to our meeting. The moment we knew that we were supposed to be together, was a miracle in itself - it actually made the newspaper and just continued from there throughout life - 25 years! So much more I could say on this but.....

Testing the waters....

What about the man you dated when you saw the angel last time? Are you still in contact to him?

No, those dreams were accurate ;) A huge story in and of itself - I ended up being stalked and threatened by this woman. I left. One of the hardest things I've had to do because I did love him very much...even as I was driving away. But I knew we were on different paths/different people by this point. When I didn't come home after the weekend, he called my mother's house and I had to say, "I'm not coming home anymore" and then I threw up. Hard. Breakups are hard. I did call him many years later when I heard that he was getting married just to 'wish him happiness'.

Your username you picked for a reason, I would say :)

You might think my username is connected to this story or all the others, but it's actually not (in large part). I chose it to remind myself and everyone else that 'you have wings'. I have spent my whole life helping others, surviving unspeakable hardships and only just recently broke free from that. I have never written about it and don't know that I ever will and to this day I am still working through the healing process. So choosing that name was based on, "Hey, you have wings now, learn how to use them". What do you have to contribute to the world and yourself? What makes you 'fly'? And what is the wind beneath your wings? Let's find out! Because our hardships do not define us, nor this sometimes chaotic world...not even an angel knocking on your door. What makes your soul fly? It's a statement to the individual and to humanity itself...."you have wings"....let's see where we can take this. I do LOVE seeing all the creativity and ideas, compassion, love, truth that takes place here on Steemit - it's inspiring beyond words. Perfect place to spread your wings and see what happens.......

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