Need your help - Have a dilemma tonight

in #contest6 years ago


Here I am getting ready to start prepping tomorrow nights blog post and I am stuck before I even get started...Help!

The last week of @thedarkhorse's Pay It Forward Curation Contest is in the books and no further entries will be accepted. While the contest isn't ending it will no longer be "my contest" and instead is moving over to the @pifc account.

Not that I ever really saw this contest as mine as so many people have helped and keep helping make it happen. It has taken the support of many to make this contest happen and last this long. Support has come in many forms including the Judges (@tryskele , @lynncoyle1, @energyaddict22, & @wolfhart), sponsors (current:@thehoneys, @bengy, @andrewharland, @el-nailul, @kaliju, @erodedthoughts and the others who have also sponsored in the past), and those who have given some large upvotes supporting the contest like @surpassinggoogle, @knircky, @krnel, @esteemapp, and @good-karma. Plus the 2 great programs that are used to reward entries and/or featured bloggers @steem-bounty and @josephsavage's amazing @steembasicincome.

Not to mention all support from those of us that can't drop big votes yet, but each week help cover the costs of Steem Bounty and SBI share with your collective votes. This contest gets 60-100 upvotes a week from people that may not have time to enter, but want to support a good cause. With 1 exception these votes are all natural and are not paid for so that says a lot to me about how amazing the people are here on steemit.

So onto my dilemma tonight, everyone mentions the Pay It Forward Contest as if it's mine and it's not, it's all of yours. This is a big part of why I wanted to get @pifc up and running as this contest and others we run are not only for the community, but they take the community to happen. Without all of you none of this happens. So the question came to my mind tonight....

Do we change the Week Number?

The next week would be Week #18, but as we are moving the contest over to @pifc do we change it back to week #1?

I put this out to you, the community of supporters who make this contest possible. Do we keep with week #18 or is it now week #1?

I know, I know

Yes this really is my dilemma tonight and I know it's such a little thing to be hung up over. But just be happy I don't share all the things that keep me up at night. Sometimes I obsess over the small shit, but as long as the big picture items are still moving along it's ok.

So please let me know below your thoughts on what week # we should use when @pifc hosts it's first Curation Contest in 24 hours.

If you have followed @pifc get over there and do it now or you will miss next week's contest!

Photo taken by me at MSI Chicago


I would keep the number the same. Nothing has changed except changing the name. No matter how you look at it week 17 is still Payitforward PIFC. It is not a start over and we need to keep our past and embrace our future.

My thoughts

Absolutely agree with you @wolfhart, we need to keep the number as it is, because I say it is not as personal @thedarkhorse thing but about PIFC, so keep it on.

While I agree, that might become confusing in the future. 3 years from now we'll be in week 170 or something like that. We could go by @bashadow's idea and name the current season as Season 1 and go from there.

You don't have to wait three years at the begging of the year all you have to do is number it like week 1-19...week 2-19 and so forth. the max # would be 52. Plus it gives us a couple of weeks to put out the word of the # change.

I agree with @wolfhart, keep the numbers rolling!

You could Bill it as Season 2 - Week 1 It's mid year, (sort of still), a new studio, so to speak. Then after a few weeks, drop the season 2 moniker, as people will already be on the same page as everyone else, or keep, and every 18 weeks, call it a new season. (well maybe extend the seasons out to eventually 25 weeks, with the last week of the year and the first week of the year, a kind of two week hiatus for family life.

This suggestion seems excellent. We could begin a new season every year.
Heck, we could even have a Christmas Special Feature and a New Year's Special Feature to mark the end and beginning of each season! 😃

I like this season 2 approach, gives it that real contest seriousness vibe! But if we're going by the majority of voices - keep it rolling, no need to start with week 1. But think about two-4 years from now... Are we really going to be writing week number 2000 lol I say you guys consider the seasonal approach to keep thing organized and looking neat 👍

I don't know, saying week 120 or whatever might be kind of cool. If this is still running in week 200 (assuming you didn't mean 2000) that would be pretty freaking amazing.

Continue with the week 18 is the best, since we already mentioned about @pifc will be the next host of the contest. Unless you want to start another brand new kind of contest😉 that you must start with 1 then.

Aww this is really nice @thedarkhorse! I agree 100% :)

I think I would continue with the numbers as it, but perhaps include a little blurb, "the contest formally known as..." A bit like Prince :)

Who knew just a few short months ago, that this is where we'd be, right?!

No kidding. Week 18 about to start and I was worried there would be enough interest to even keep it going for 2 or 3 weeks.

That's exactly what I was thinking @thedarkhorse. It goes to show you that there was a gap that needed filling; and it's encouraging to know there are a lot of really good, selfless people here!

I would say keep the number, it is like a movie sequel with a different director. :-)

keep the numbers it works and easy to follow

You could always number your seasons like TV episodes. So next week would be week 101, or a01, to indicate that it isn't Season Zero anymore.

Then you could come up with something extra fun to do at the end of each season.

But also just continuing to number them from #18 seems fine.

I agree the number system will have to be changed.
The 1st of the year would be the best time to do that. and that would give some time to figure the format for it. Smaller or 1 change at a time would be best so that people are not slammed with big updates at this time

I think numbering it by seasons is a good idea. And how about letting the new seasons always run 18 weeks as a remembrance that the contest only needed 18 weeks to get its own account. I still remember your post searching for ideas for a contest and then this great contest came to life - have you ever thought in the beginning that it's gonna get that far? :)
Anyway, I wish you continued success with the contest - this contest is for sure a part of things that makes steemit a nicer place.

I agree that we should keep the numbers going. I don't see a big change here and thanks again for the work you have done on this and will still do. It was the first time I was able to find people to enter and it was fun and meant a lot to one of them. Thanks everyone.

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