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RE: Need your help - Have a dilemma tonight

in #contest6 years ago

You could Bill it as Season 2 - Week 1 It's mid year, (sort of still), a new studio, so to speak. Then after a few weeks, drop the season 2 moniker, as people will already be on the same page as everyone else, or keep, and every 18 weeks, call it a new season. (well maybe extend the seasons out to eventually 25 weeks, with the last week of the year and the first week of the year, a kind of two week hiatus for family life.


This suggestion seems excellent. We could begin a new season every year.
Heck, we could even have a Christmas Special Feature and a New Year's Special Feature to mark the end and beginning of each season! 😃

I like this season 2 approach, gives it that real contest seriousness vibe! But if we're going by the majority of voices - keep it rolling, no need to start with week 1. But think about two-4 years from now... Are we really going to be writing week number 2000 lol I say you guys consider the seasonal approach to keep thing organized and looking neat 👍

I don't know, saying week 120 or whatever might be kind of cool. If this is still running in week 200 (assuming you didn't mean 2000) that would be pretty freaking amazing.

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