STACH Short Story Contest #6: 199 words-10SBD prize pool!

in #contest7 years ago

Hello Steemians.

@ejemai here with the announcement for the STACH Short Story Contest #6.

A Short Story.

A short story is a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel. It makes use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote. You can read it in less than 90 seconds.

Contest Rules:

  • Write a Short Story based on the topic that will be given every week.
  • Write an Original Short Story (Plagiarism will be flagged and reported).
  • The Story must contain no more than 199 words.
  • One entry per user.

Winners Selection.

Winners will be selected based on the topic, story plot, number of words and delivery. One word above 199, disqualifies the entry.

Contest Topic.



THREE winners will be selected for a share of the 10SBD prize. The story with the most interaction gets a 1.5SBD prize from @ejemai.
First Prize: ----------------------5SBd,
Second Prize: ------------------3SBD
Third Prize: ---------------------2SBD.
Good luck guys!
Sharpen your writing skills and throw in some inspiring short stories.


She knew she wanted him, from the start. He also knew she wanted him, but there were ‘issues.’ Mutual body heat proclaimed their intense attraction whenever they were in the same room, but in his head was the klaxon of doom. She was too sweet a creature to put through all that hell.

Still they kept bumping into each other, and every time electricity sparked. She longed for him to suddenly seize her and press those juicy lips to hers, just like in her fantasies. But he acted cool towards her, even as his body throbbed with appetite for that smooth skin.

Then, at a party thrown by friends of theirs, it felt like the moment had come. She went upstairs to the bathroom and when she came out he was there, waiting. This time she spoke his name, softly questioning, and he gave a heartfelt groan as he backed away.

‘I am not of your race, Juliet,’ he said, in the gravelly tones of a nolandian, before melting into stardust before her eyes, just like her fantasies.

Wasn't expecting that at the end! Great stuff!

Thanks - glad you liked it

Yeah, me too. Was expecting a happy ending. Beautiful piece.


And so we stopped over at Eddie’s for dinner. The bar had a live-band jamming to some sensual 80’s music. Being fans of 80’s music, we joined couples having a dance out on the dance floor. Slowly we moved and flowed with the beat. She oozed of sensuality. There was absolute romance in the air. I hadn’t seen her in 4 weeks.

Apart from picking her up from her house and chatting on the way to Eddie’s, we hadn’t communicated recently, like we used to. This was due to the nature of my new job.

Staring at her, as we both moved slowly to the rhythm of the music, I fell in love with her all over again.

She was the first girl to make me feel this way. I’d dated other girls and been in relationships, but none came as close to commitment, the way I and Daisy were. I loved her beyond words.

She once used those same words on me. She was the one I had been waiting for all my life. A few minutes later the music ended, and as people departed the floor, I brought out the ring and knelt on one knee.

Nice story... Keep it up...story should be selected as number one

Omg.....i actually fell in love with this. Lovely piece @rickie. You so romantic.


Rola, since the day I met you, the sun became brighter and the moon became more beautiful,
My life became a perfect one and all because I had a perfect woman by my side..
You lifted me up when I needed uplifting
You scolded me when I need to be
You kissed me when I deserved to be kissed
You became my best friend, my sister, my mother, my wife, my help-mate, my soulmate, my woman and my lover..
This life without you is just unimaginable and I use to wonder exactly how I was living before I met you
I never want you to go..I will never let you go
Please say You will be mine

I was looking at Dayo on his knees with tears in my eyes and wondered what I did to be this lucky...I forgot for a moment how messy I was looking

"How dare you scare me?

And how dare you make me look like hell on the best day of my life so far?

Dayo chuckled and stood up

"Am sorry babe.. So?.."

"I never want to leave"

Interesting and very funny. Lovely short story of love.


Comprehending how Kay did it totally eluded Amy till this day. How was he able to reach the deep confines of her soul and turn it fiery with desire? How did he captivate her soul so much that she considered him the very sole of her existence?

She had always been the cold distanced one who was rumoured to have no nerve endings and consequently could not feel human emotions. "Ice queen", most guys called her because of her indifference to their love overtures. Aloof to the rest of the world but not to Kay. Where men saw a heart of silence, he saw intense, unbridled passion waiting to be tapped.

Times there were when she felt that speaking aloud of their love would make the rest of the world steal their love away . What they shared was truly special that from heart to heart of silence, they communed their feelings to one another. He was Eros and she, Cupid. And the arrow had glued two hearts together. The fluidity of their thoughts and the way she reveled in his presence convinced her that she had been pinned to the wall and labelled as his till her dying day.

She stayed sober,isolated herself from everybody.She had gone through similar phase before and vowed never to encounter such again. She once loved and loved it is so painful that she senses same mistake and with same force, every time she makes sacrifices that ends in foolery... she thought.

Sam' tapped her from behind,. she sluggishly turned in a hopeless gesture and let out a warm smile...."i am sorry i took this long, i didn't mean to keep you waiting, i was held down by traffic"
She rushed up,hugged him and held him gummed to her body.."baby please ,don't be this dramatic next time,i was scared"...she muted.


As the morning mists of Danh Bay were being swallowed whole by the rising sun, I would be weaving my way through the rikshas and loud fishermen and reach the intersection of the main avenue with Moi Tinh street in full gallop, my heart pounding out of my chest.

On the one side of the street, the harbor was busy with the fishermen’s boats setting out to sea. Fish markets filled the air with mercantile chatterings seasoned with the smell of dead creatures of the sea. The buildings had put on cheap make up of dried salt and mold.

Moi Tinh street naturally followed the northward curvature of the bay’s beach, in the same way a 12-year-old boy would be following an angel-faced 15-year-old girl to her job at Huy’s fishmarket, every day, from the parallel sidewalk.

Just like the boy, the street would never lose sight of the beach, being there for her at every turn, pulsating with all kinds of human longings. And just like the girl, the beach would never glance back at the street, carried away by its wave-welcoming duties, remaining forever out of reach.


The Gift of Love

They have been together for two decades. He wanted to spend more time with his wife and kids who mean the world to him. But he can't, because he needs to work for their family of five.

He never say no to an overtime except when there are important family occasions and that day is a special day. Their anniversary and he will never forget that one of the most happiest moment in his life.

He never had to worry about what gift to bring to his wife. It is because at the very start, his wife told him that just being with her and their kids is more than enough. His true love that keeps burning throughout that 20 years.

But that day he made an exception, he picked up some beautiful flowers in the wild along his way home. He saved the money to buy for foods that he could bring home for the whole family to feast on.

He felt heaven with the smile of her wife and kids seeing the flowers, foods and most of all him.

I also did a post for this entry, I hope it was just fine. Thanks.

Hello, It would be a great help if you nominate me to be a member of @sndbox

Every day she came to the sea shore and waited for him. Once a fortuneteller said that a beautiful prince on a black boat would come to her.

A simple fisherman sold everything he had, and painted his boat black. She was tired of waiting - and believed that this was her prince.


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