Meet a minnow SBD giveaway

in #contest7 years ago (edited)


Thanks for stopping in to see what this contest is about. I am 2 weeks new to steemit and want to run my first contest to try to help struggling minnows.

Sometimes really cool posts get lost in the flood of posts. I would like to give new users a chance to have some of their work resteemed and also a chance at some SBD. Hopefully we will all get a chance to see some cool content that would have slipped under the radar and have some great conversations . Anyone may vote but only newbies can win.

To enter the contest:

  1. Post a link to 1 article you created this week and a quick description about content.
  2. Vote for at least one other contestant who has a great article with a vote of more than 0.00.
  3. Must upvote contest to win.
  4. Single photos and memes don't qualify, we are looking for content.

To win the contest:

  1. Enter contest as per directions above
  2. Must be a plankton or minnow with less than 50 SP that you own and not ever have powered down.
  3. Winner will be picked by comment with most upvotes, excluding any votes for yourself.

Thanks to a donation from @plushzilla the winnings have increased
First prize this week is .20 SBD 1.0 SBD
Second prize this week is .10 SBD 0.5 SBD
Third prize this week is .05SBD 0.25SBD


Hi @royaleagle, it is great to see that you are happy to contribute and give back to the community regardless of your actual reputation and balance. I am no whale but I want to support you by sharing some SBD with you :)

nice Michael! very cool

My post is a free form poem about both the destructive, and restorative power of fire.

Thanks for entering the contest, super late but glad you found us.
You should thank @erebus for the vote that got you a win ☝️

So plankton are below minnows? What am I, a regal tang?

I'm thinking you aren't teaching a rep 58 anything he doesn't already know. LOL - good luck with your contest. Welcome to the platform. ;)

Actually I am pretty open about my ignorance of how this site works. I just write stuff, and read stuff.

I'm also only a 53, unfortunately.

@erebus don't worry... I feel you.. at47, I still feel lost and confused. But also like you, I keep on creating articles though. :)

@smafey your wallet qualifies for this contest. If you submit a link, your post will be seen.

Masturbating and Calling It Poetry... is about how I feel disappointed in the poetry on Steemit, so with the help of @thewritersblock, we made a poetry contest with cash prizes to encourage more quality poetry posted to Steemit and rewarded :)

Thanks for entering the competition. If you like poetry and writing you should read @jessandthesea post, she talks about the Writers Block and 2 different poetry competitions on steemit. It was fun reading 😆😅!

I'm new to Steemit and have been working on a sci-fi short story series. I'm on the 3rd chapter , check it out!

Thanks for entering the contest. Next chapter, please, you are leaving me in suspense
about Dr. Covern and which AI will end up taking control.


You have been resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday ... I made today my #newbieresteemday, and invite you and others to do the same. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Thanks for entering the contest! Anger and sadness are harsh emotion with negative life effects. I am glad the universe opened an opportunity for you recieve more than you gave and filled you with love and new life!

A delicious cooking post I made yesterday!

Will come back to upvote someone when my power comes back up (currently too low to give a penny).

Thanks for entering the contest. Both the chicken dish and your salad look super tasty!

Another great initiative!
Would love to partake but for some reason even at 100% my vote is worth 0.00

Join anyways... I am having the same problem as you by the way

Alright :) I will. Currently writing a new post. When it is ready I'll post that one. I'm guessing the deadline is when this post reaches 7days?
I'll refrain from voting until the 100% issue is fixed :)

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