LOGO CONTEST #1 – Looking For Niche

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

It is time for Looking For Niche to get an official logo!

WhaleBoT logo by @justcallmemyth

I am putting a total of 2000 LFNCOIN up for grabs in a two-part logo contest. This week you can win part of 800 LFNCOIN. Winners from this week also participate in the logo contest next week worth a total of 1200 LFNCOIN.

This week you can win part of an 800 LFNCOIN pool by designing the best Looking For Niche logo! Next week the winners from this week will go on to round two, and have a chance of winning even more LFNCOIN. You can also wait to enter the contest in part two, but you will be missing out on winnings from this week.

This week's contest ends on 3rd of August 00:01 AM CEST, so submit your logo before then. I will pick be picking the winners afterwards.

Today’s Prices:

LFNCOIN Giveaway Price.png

How to participate:

Step 1

  • Create a logo. It has to clearly show, that it is a Looking For Niche / LFN Logo.
  • Looking For Niche will use the logo on Steemit in banners / images as well as on Discord as a server logo (among other places). That might be worth considering.
  • I it a good idea to check up on, what Looking For Niche is all about, if you do not know.
  • You can design the logo as you like. Use digital or analogue art as you wish.

Preferred file-types:

  • .png
  • .jpg
  • .gif (if it is animated)

Licensing - Important

  • The work (of course) has to be your own creation. Plagiarising other's is not accepted.
  • By submitting your logo to this contest, you agree that Looking For Niche and related projects and people (@rawbinhutt et.al.) will be able to use your logo as their/our own - including as part of collages or banners.

Not heard of Looking For Niche? Check out the first part (Looking For Niche) of this post to find out how it works: WhaleBoT - How To Use It And What It Can Do For You (July 2017) 🐳

You can join the Discord and try for yourself. Click the image:

Step 2

  • Submit your logo in a comment below.
  • Feel free to tell me, how you came up with the design (not required).
  • You are welcome to post your logo as your own Steemit post, but you have to post the logo, and the link to your post, in the comments.

Step 3

You are done. Thanks for participating! If you do not know, what LFNCOIN is, you can read this post and find out:

* LFNCOIN * RELEASED! The Looking For Niche Coin Is Finally HERE!

Thanks for checking out this logo contest. I hope you will consider entering. Serious entries will be upvoted by me for more to see, and I encourage others to do the same.


This is my entry logo, for this contest!
The background of this logo was,
that there is always a niche in the market,

Like the coin name already suggested,
it just has to be found.

Light blue represents the person,
who seeks the niche,
while the brighter light blue represents the niche itself.


Thanks for participating, cool logo and thanks for putting in your thoughts as well!

Thank you very much,
but I think you have earned the thanks more then I do!
People like you are the reason, why such contests are possible!

Hello rawbinhutt, this is my entry. :)

I made it as a gif, but it can be used as an icon too.
Thank you!

Hello RawbinHutt!

My first entry:


Original Post

The dolphin (or whale) that is in the center of the logo represents an LFN user. It is not a minnow due to the fact that we want to encourage new users to continue posting and gaining traction and to never give up on that goal of growing your "Steem Power".

The BitShares logo represents a wave that this user is riding. This wave leads to success, the success that can be brought upon him/her if he continues using LFN. The BitShares logo also demonstrates that LFN is a BTS-based token.

The lines that travel outwards from the user represent the influence that this user can achieve and spread across all directions of the Steem blockchain and make an impact on all these different communities that live here by using LFN.

The .ai will be included in the final

And the second!


Here is my logo for the looking for Niche Contest 😀

I have also made a post regarding this logo and its inspiration here:


and the third! :)

Good luck to all of you!

Thank you very much for this awesome contest as i am graphic designer i did a logo for you and i can say the time wich i spent was so cool! i hope you like it! you can find more info here and see everything about that !

My entry

and here is a gif


Here's my entry:

LFN.pngLFN 2.pngLFN 3.png

Could use some more improvements on the image itself but the concept may stay the same. An eye looking through cracks. XD Sorry for making the icon before looking up what it means. Hehe.



Bitshares: dev-eerei

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