Quest In The Realms – an interactive Bananafish production! Episode 17

in #contest6 years ago

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Look who’s there, a wandering adventurer looking for the Bananafish treasure! This episode is part of the interactive story/treasure hunt called “Quest In The Realms”. If you landed on this page because you’re trying to solve the mystery, don’t hesitate and keep delving in the story. If you came here through random loitering, what are you waiting for!?



You and your bandmates are escorted down into the depths of the cargo hold. You realize that ‘rusty’ isn’t quite an adequate description for the ship. The peeling walls and handrails make you wish you’d gotten your last tetanus booster shot.

The lighting is low, but you see huge speakers hung high on the walls. There are also four more men standing in the open area. One of them walks into a small room underneath the stairs. You hear music begin to play at a low volume.

The men start jumping up and down and hitting one another in a “Let’s do this!” kind of way. Then you hear what sounds like a huge thunderstorm. You get pushed aside as the horde of people rushing down the stairs reach the bottom of the hold. Most of them are big. Really big.

You look at your bandmates. They’re just staring out at the crowd, which is now roiling with high-fives and chest bumps. The music gets a little louder and the crowd cheers.

“It’s time boys,” says the Captain from her perch on the stairwell. Members of Smackpunch guide you to the center of the crowd.

The music kicks in at an explosive volume and you feel yourself being moved by others around you. At first you think it’s not so bad, but soon the music becomes more frenetic. You try to move and dance and dodge but everywhere you go someone is pushing you back.

You’ve lost sight of your bandmates. You try to mosh your way towards the stairs but somehow end up against the far wall instead. Every attempt to push your way out results in you being thrown or pressed into the wall.

Somehow, you’re able to find a small space where you can pause and breath. But before you catch your breath, you’re smashed into the wall by a huge mass of people. You feel blood dripping down your neck. After the next wave you don’t feel anything at all. Your body slinks down the wall to the ground, where you’re smooshed and become part of the floor.

  • Your adventure ends here.





That's a tragic end! I love how you created a small moment of hope before the merciless ending.


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