Contest – “WRITE a PHOTO DESCRIPTION” – To celebrate my reaching the F-2000 club (Win 10 SBD, 100% upvotes)

in #contest6 years ago (edited)
Woohoo. I’ve surpassed “2,000 followers.” Furthermore, I recently attained a reputation score of “60.”   

The Contest

To celebrate this achievement, I’m organizing another short writing contest, as follows:

For the photograph on the left, write a heading and a description / story about the photo. You may write whatever you choose.

But make sure to read the RULES and GUIDELINES in the box below.
[Right-Click Here to Enlarge Photo]

Additional notes:

My current upvote is worth about $4.00.
The deadline for entries is noon on Sunday, 6 May (Thailand time).  

Samples of My Writing (for your reference) 

You may want to check out some of my recent photo posts, to see what kind of posts I compose and what kind of writing I like.  They might inspire you or help you. Just remember … creative thievery is condoned, but uncreative copying is never appreciated or tolerated.  

– How to Spell “Curvaceous” – Right-Click here

– Love is Red – Right-Click here

– A Pure Girl named Purinam – Right-Click here

– Vocab-Ability, Introduction – For "Vocab-ability," Right-Click here

– Lou Reed, Lyrics – Right-Click here


My Entry in Writing Contest.

It was a wet windy Tuesday, I was a bit bored and didn't have anyone to play with, so I decided to take a little float.
Floating on for quite a while, and not seeing anything of interest, I came across a man in a hat and five ladies. They seemed to be in a good mood. "What's there to smile about" , I thought to my self. Then like a light bulb it hit me. I gently floated above their heads, and left out a huge fart. How lovely it was to see those umbrellas fly away! It was so powerful, it knocked the red bag off the hands of the the fifth lady. And oh, I can see them smiling. It seems they think it's just the lovely breeze.... But with the look of disgust on mamas face, looks like she knows what's up! I better take my leave, before I'm found out!

Congrats! 3rd place!!

Thanks so much. Always great to stretch oneself, and get involved in interesting contests. Financial aspect is just an add on. Really appreciated, mate. Regards

Ya, keep posting, keep commenting, keep writing, keep replying, and keep creating good-quality content. Eventually, you'll find that you're earning some decent rewards.

My Entry in Writing Contest

C'mon baby light ma fire!

Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true!

I saw these 'works of art' posing in front of a work of art and I thought to myself, why not get into their good books by clicking a fantastic picture of them. Maybe one of them might get impressed with my amazing iPad photography skills!

The rain might wet me, but not my raging spirit! I can take her out on a date and maybe even more. If I am really good, then one day, the baby won't be a statue in the background, but a reality in her arms!

Though, I am unsure, if that would be a dream come true or a nightmare...

Congrats!! 2nd place.

Oh cool! Thanks :)

My Entry In Writing Contest.

A Walk At The Park
I go to the park to watch people. As a writer, i get inspired by real life situations.

The main attraction is the sculpture of Marc Quinn's infant son which appears to be floating above the ground, interesting things happen there.

A few weeks ago, a lady got on her knees and proposed to her 'supposed' boyfriend right there in the park only for him to tell her he was married. It was painful watching her cry.

I went for a walk after the rain with my umbrella to protect me against the slight drizzle.

Then i saw them, five ladies wearing shorts except one who had on jeans trousers. It was easy to label them tourists, the oohing and aahing with the constant snapshots said it all.

They were posing with the statue behind them. I saw one of them beg a man to take their snapshot. All five of them posed together, smiling and talking excitedly, umbrellas forgotten on the ground.

At that moment, i could not resist taking a snapshot of the whole scene.

The result was hilarious. It looked like the sculpture was floating right above them. I had a story at last.

Congrats! 5th place.

Thank you sir.

My entry in writing contest:

Be different, always.

Who doesn't love rain?
Especially when you have one umbrella but you are too rebel to use it.
There was this group of 5 rebel girls who always loved dancing in the rain, laughing, spending time together and creating different memories than anyone else does.
So they decided to take a picture while in the rain - but there was something very different this time, it was a child. And no, not that kind of child but a giant baby which was used to help the girls stay away from rain.
So the girls dropped off their umbrellas while taking a memorable picture close to the!
There's always people who will judge you anyway, and you have only one life so why not be different than anyone else and have some fun? the end..who deoesn't loves babies?

Congrats!. 4th place.

Hey, I posted my latest article last night :D
I know that I didn't have a new article when I won the contest and unfortunately didn't received my full upvote :D
Keep being awesome! :)

Thanks. You too!

Thank youuu ❤️

Thanks to all the participants in my celebratory writing contest, as follows:
@muhasib, @abdulmanan, @twowheeledmonkey, @hairy, @gabrielatravels, @cranium, @gandhibaba, @josephlacsamana, @cheekah, @solcross

The winner is ... @gandhibaba! His entry was a bit lengthy, but still within the acceptable limit. And while it did not arouse my interest at the beginning, it ended up being a cohesive, well-written story, with a very interesting story within the story. Congratulations, @gandhibaba! I'll be forwarding you 10 sbd soon.

The 4 runners-up are ...
@cheeka .......... They will each receive a 100% upvote.

The other entrants will receive minor thank-you upvotes.

To all those who could not see the photo, my apologies! I have no idea what caused that problem. I hope it does not happen again, and look forward to your participation in my next contest.

Congratulations to all the winners ♥

“Leave me alone”

I’m just trying to relax here, why do you always have to include me to your selfies and groufies? 😂 Poor baby 👶 I don’t know what its called though. I also had a selfie there.

Congratulations 🎉🍾

Cheers 🍻 for more followers to come!

Is that your entry? If so, please reread Rule #5 above. Thanks!

It’s not my entry hehehe just dropping by to congratulate you 😊

OK, thanks. I can imagine you there. In fact, those 5 ladies were from the Philippines, and they asked me to take a photo of them. And my friend took a photo of me taking the photo of them.

Apparently, it's a sculpture by a certain "internationally acclaimed" British artist.

Hello @majes.tytyty

I will regularly create the list of contests in progress in order to give more visibility to the challenges and allow as many people as possible to play.

If you start a contest, feel free to let me know so I can add it to the list. Thank you for your work, sweet continuation :)

Cool. I've followed and bookmarked. I'll probably have another such contest when I reach 3,000 followers, and repeat the contest at each 1000-level. So, I'll try to remember to notify you.

And actually, as a former teacher, I may eventually do more writing contests, just to give Steemers the motivation to write. Then, for sure, I'll rely on you to get the message out.

Cheers, and Full Steem Ahead!

Thank you very much for your answer, do not hesitate to inform me, I will try to look at your profile regularly to avoid omissions. ;) ;)

MY Entry In Writing Contest

A walk before Marriage

On a rainy day the 5 of us went for a walk, as rain is a blessing from up above, raining soothes the soil and soul both simultaneously, after hours of raining it finally stopped, everything around became so calm, the chirping of bird and the smell of soil became so clear, the rain drops on plant leaves was so amazing that we forgot about ourselves and got swayed with the flow, we forgot that all 5 of us were going to marry soon, it was probably our last walk together, form now on we were going to separate from eachother despite being friends for ages together, i guess since kinder garden...

We had bought umbrella with us too as it was really raining like hell after a hot summer day as it is indicated by our clothing, after a while all 5 of us decided to take a group photo to make a memorable moment before our marriage, as we were walking down the road near a park a man came by, we asked him to take a picture of us in group, he agreed and we left our umbrellas and all the accessories aside and prepared ourselves for the photo shoot, we did our best to look smiling in front of the camera with hidden tears, the flowers in the garden are on full bloom as you can see by the picture, the man clicked the picture and left, i shared the taken picture with all of us as a mark of remembrance for our friendship since childhood...

We then decided to go back to our homes, as soon as i reached home i decided to make the picture funny and worth remember, i edited the picture as you can see and inserted a huge baby above us, the baby indicated that all 5 of us are soon going to have a baby soon after the marriage. i shared the picture in our social media group, we all were dead laughing with tears in eyes...

Congratulations! You earned it.

My entry in writing contest

A visit to Singapore with my friends.

It was the last year of our college and our friend circle (consisting of 5 friends) decided to go for a trip to Singapore so we can spent a quality time together. We shared a lot of beautiful memories, let me share a beautiful one with you.

We started the day as usual, we took breakfast at the restaurant and then decided to go the Gardens by the Bay, our guide told us to take our umbrellas with us as the weather man predicted that it's going to rain a lot today. The weather was quite good that morning and we thought it will not rain as the sun looked quite bright.

On reaching there the weather started to change, the temperature started to fall at a fast pace, but we decided to stick to the days plan. While we were roaming around we found a sculpture of a Giant Baby, it was really very huge, while we were looking and thinking about that sculpture, the weather became more worse, the rain started to fall at a fast pace, but it didn't bothered us. We wanted to know more about that sculpture but our guide went missing.

Suddenly my eye caught a handsome men, he was telling his mate something about this sculpture, so I went toward him and told him can he enlighten me about this Gaint child sculpture, he told me that this sculpture is a depiction of the artist’s infant son and it floats above the ground with the help of technical tour-de-force, he also told me that the sculpture is acclaimed by British artist Marc Quinn. That guy really had a vast knowledge, we did a chit chat with each other and in the mean time the weather started improving a little bit.
I asked that men a favour, I told him to take a picture of me and my friends together with that Giant Baby Sculpture.

I would say he was a professional photographer too, we lifted our umbrella out of our heads and posed for the photograph. I still remember those rain droplets that touched my face and smell of the soil, chirping of the birds, the beauty of the park, there was greenery everywhere, everything was clear enough that time. We really enjoyed there.
That man gave us company untill our guide came. He showed us the most beautiful parts of that Garden. I will remember that men my whole life.

This was one of the best memory I collected in Singapore with my friends.

Congrats for your achievement, hope thier is more to come. I couldn't follow your Rule no. 3 as there were oceans of thoughts coming in my mind and I tried a lot to keep it shot, I hope you will not mind it and if it's very lengthy please inform me before the contest ends , I will do few alterations.

This is over 800 words. Please try to get it down to 300 or so.

When I write, I often delete sentences and even paragraphs after I write them. Part of effective writing is throwing out words that you created, but that turn out to be IMPROPER or SUPERFLUOUS or EXCESSIVE. I know, it's hard to delete them after you spent time and effort creating them, but that's one of the ways to produce effective writing.

Also, please divide your final text into several paragraphs. That's another way to make it easy for the reader. You will notice that my Photo posts and my Lou Reed Lyrics posts all have very short paragraphs, and most of them even have a heading. I do that for one reason ... TO MAKE IT EASY FOR THE READER.

Of course, I could simply write my text and combine it all into one long, confusing paragraph, and not bother to compose any headings. But that would mean extra work for the reader, and that would mean that fewer people would read my posts.

Hope this helps. Look forward to your abridged version.

I will do alterations accordingly

I made certain alterations is it okay now? I nearly deleted half of my text

Yes, it's OK now.

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