We Have A Winner!

in #contest7 years ago


I recently shared a contest that was meant to help you find a way to turn your desires into action. We all have hopes and dreams but more times than not, life gets in the way. There is good news though! There are several easy ways that I shared to help us find our own personal power. The power within us that helps us all figure out our true meaning and purpose in life. To see this tips and tricks click here.

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to read and participate on how to live happier, healthier lives. I used a random name generator to choose the winner.


and the winner is...


CONGRATULATIONS @sandropires! 1 Steem has been transferred to your account.

To find a list of a few more active contest, please click here. Contest are a really fun way to connect with everyone here on Steemit. They are great for newbies because winning could really help with powering up, it also helps them to learn, earn and grow, which @greeterguild is working hard to help everyone do. Finding the right contest can also help with motivation to write a nice quality post. You can never enter to many contest and you can never have too much fun! Join me on Tuesdays, this will be the day that I will seek out worthy contest and share a list with you all so that they are easier to find and enter. If you have an active contest that you would like featured in the Tuesday post than be sure to stop by on Magical Mondays so that you can drop a link to your contest there. It's a win win for everybody, we can all gain exposure, have fun, meet new people, gain motivation and possibly win some monies!


Here are a few of my recent blogs that are worth checking out!

I have started sharing a list of contest every week to help everyone on Steemit engage with one another and have some fun, I also share all about the new initiative @greetersguild. Check it out here.

Sharing your home with a mini pig is rewarding but never easy. Click here to see what life with a mini pig is really all about!

Magical Monday has started! Click here to see what Magical Monday is and how you can help other Steemit members

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? Click here to share your answer and to see what I chose

Police brutality is on the rise. One of the most dangerous cities in the U.S has arrested 8 task force members due to corruption in the force. Click here to see the unnerving allegations made upon these officers

You can click here to read a very touching story about two inseperable brothers who lost their battle. They are my cousins and their story can have a huge impact on the world and help with raising awareness.




Thank you so much! You're the best!

Congratulations sandropires for the win

Thanks for playing @godofbit. Your continued support is always appreciated.

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