in #contest6 years ago

The following is a summary of how players/chars performed during the Interactive Tournament Battles#2, i.e. below, between and above.

Please double check to ensure I have you listed correctly? (I had to count manually without much sleep, so I could have made a mistake). Just reply here if you want me to double check/change for your character


The wizards final battle (Boss round) is about to begin.

  • Those players who have No. wins = 2 will automatically be eligible to participate in the Boss round. Congrats! there is nothing more for you to do except wait now for the Boss Round to be posted.
  • Those players who have No. wins = 1 will need to send me a trophy token in the next few days (or your attack in the final battle/Boss round will not count). i.e. If you send me a trophy token it will be used to revive your character now and make you eligible to participate in the Boss round.
  • Those players who have No. wins = 0, unfortunately guessed badly; however if you send me 2 X trophy tokens in the next few days, they will be used to revive your character and make you eligible to participate in the Boss round.

To send in your trophy tokens and revive, simply send the trophy token using bitshares to lord-nigel and reply here that you have sent in the required trophy(s) and you wish to revive your character for the final Boss round. You may send in trophy(s) you have obtained from other competitions or won here along the way :)

Details on the Boss round:

The final/Boss round will be posted at a random time in approx 3-4 days time. If you have missed out reviving your character before then, I appologise, but the contest must go on :)

When the Boss round post randomly appears in your feed, you will each have a limited time chance to ask the wizard a single question before you post your final attack sequence. There will be several parts of the wizards body you will need to attack to make a valid attack. Which ever player attacks with the correct sequence first wins the Steem Grand prize, currently 14.85 Steem. You only get one chance to attack.

If a player guesses the sequence right the contests is over and I will place a note in the post to let people know it's too late and announce the winner. 

  • Players who followed the clues and have worked out the attack sequence already, may wish to watch your feeds closely and reply/attack very quickly and nab the Grand prize before others have a chance
  • Players who followed the clues but are still not 100% sure, may wish to ask the wizard a question before attacking. Keep in mind, another player may sneak in with the successful attack while your waiting for the wizard to respond - and pending the question and the mood of the wizard - the response maybe slow or only mildly useful
  • Players who have no idea what is going on, can just try for straight dumb luck attack sequence based on a guess, if you guess it right before the others, pressto! your 14.85 Steem richer. 

If no players guess correctly, the Grand prize will jackpot and  I will run another tournament to determine the winner with an even larger Grand prize.

100% of all Steem raised from this post and the following Boss round post will be reserved for prize money for a possible  future tournament (pending interest).  Thanks everyone for playing so far, its been allot of fun so far  and I'm starting to get some ideas for a new/improved next tournament - I  will seek ideas from people at the end of the Boss round coming soon- Good luck! 


"cool so if I guessed one attack out of two, I just need to send one trophy token to you to play... ok I have sent you a trophy as I want to give the boss round a try.

Sweet! you sent me a trophy-token and your character came back to life:

Image from original abondware game dragons lair

You may participate in the Boss round

Chuck Norris reaches through the Internet, finds a physical TROPHY token in @doughtaker's digital wallet, crushes it into little pieces, and shoves the bits into @lordnigel's digital wallet.

Haha err Gulp..Oh crap, Chuck is mad now! I think the wizard is gonna get a spanking soon..
-you sent me a trophy-token and your character came back to life:

Image from original abondware game dragons lair

You may participate in the Boss round

Trophy token sent. Green Warlord readys his weapons for the coming battle.

Sweet! you sent me a trophy-token and your character came back to life:

Image from original abondware game dragons lair

You may participate in the Boss round

I shall see you in the battlefield, worthless opponents...

haha, wow! Flying Doggo can transform and actually fly (without the assist).

The battle grows closer..

There was never a hand, it's an illusion!

Cool! mind messing abilities.. powerful hehe..

I needed 2, but based on the last message from the Wizard, I sent 1 token to revive... Wonder if it will take on the little El-bobo.

Correct only one token required now.

Sweet! you sent me a trophy-token and your character came back to life:

Image from original abondware game dragons lair

You may participate in the Boss round

Reverse Flash has sent you the token. Please revive The Reverse Flash. :))

Sweet! you sent me a trophy-token and your character came back to life:

Image from original abondware game dragons lair

You may participate in the Boss round

NINJAGOBBO!!!!! Why are you so good at stabbing but so bad at battles!!
If I ever catch you around here again you'll get a mighty kick!

Dude! This has been amazing fun! I'm super inspired! Good luck to everyone facing the boss battle!!! Smash that guy with all your poos!

Hey mate, it doesn't need to be over (for you/Gobbo), you can still claim your trophy token here:

And if you have another one, reply here to trade them for a go in the final.

If you didn't win enough in this contest you have a couple of days to win one in another contest see @trophy-token

Quick, get your trophys, send them into me and reply here :) good luck.

At a min, you should claim your trophy with the first link??

Oh yeah, I totally should... every time I think about it my eyes start to bleed for some reason...


But I'll just ninja my way through and collect the goods. I haven't put any time into figuring out the whole token thing, but since it's Aussie Made how could I not?

Haha yeah another thing to work out..It's not that hard though to setup a bitshares account...

Consider it physical obstacle training (just with your mind and fingers on the keyboard).

people eater does not have a trophy(((

You have time mate and you just need one (as you won one battle) checkout the contests here @trophy-token
Sometimes there are even give aways. If you reply here in next few days with it, you'll be all good.

Can you make multiple attack combo guesses?

Good question - others will be starting to wonder..

You will have one wizard boss, it will have 7 areas exposed for attack. I will detail what they will be in the finale Boss round post.
-You may ask one question only (if you ask, it must be before your attack run)
-You can only attack the wizard one time, your single reply must detail the order you attacked the 7 exposed areas.

If you don't attack in the correct order/sequence with your first guess/attack run your eliminated for this tournament.

For example...
Player X Question: Wizard why are you so mean?
Wizard Answer: Go away........blah, blah some other info maybe useful, maybe not..
Player X: I choose to attack the wizard with the following sequence, I attack Weakness spot 1, 7, 3, 2, 4,5, 6
-you may not attack an area more then once, in your 7 combo attack

You will either be eliminated OR correct with your attack sequence and win the game/kill the wizard and take all the loot!


what about time zones for time out?

it's a fair question, not much I can do but if people wanted to put a preferred CST AUS time range I will try to accommodate (within the ranges people reply here with).

It's still an experimental tournament...I didn't actually think of this, but not sure what else I can do here.


A good idea would be to see where all qualifying players are located.. I am in New Delhi, India right now..

You can try .. feed in the cities & we can deduce perfect time for all..

Just not sure if we would ever settle on something that works with so many potential players...and it might set unfair advantage for certain players... Still it's an idea and fantastic to get input.

Based on my own timeframe and looking at yours I will likely do the post sometime around 5:30pm New Delhi time. Which seems to be 10:30pm my time (CST AUS).

I'm afraid I can't commit to a specific day as life is a bit tricky sometimes. but it will be sometime in next few days (perhaps on the weekend - or maybe earlier).

There are no gaurentee's though :)

Happy to take onboard other ideas? thought..


Given the global nature of the Internet and Steemit, there's no point in trying to satisfy everyone's time zone. In fact, you probably can't. If it's 5:30 pm in New Delhi and 9:30 pm where you live, that means it's 12 noon in London and 4:00 am where I live -- a time at which I may or may not be asleep.

So just post the final round whenever you feel like it. The onus is on the rest of us as participants -- anyone who believes that the grand prize is that important, needs to try to guess when you'll post, and then plan on being awake and online at that time.

Yeah I'm with you on this one, I can't commit to a day/time.

Won't be long now!

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