INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#2 - Attacks from between - Battle Two

in #contest7 years ago

As per the wizards tower of doom post your hero has chosen to attack the tower from between.

You have yet to fully recover from your first encounter in Attacks from between - Battle One, not completely sure who won the fight, you simply pick bits of grey and white beasts off yourself & move on.

You knock back an ale (or what ever your poison) and stumble up the hill and into the wizards castle.

Upon entry you are immediately stopped by a weapons expert dude,  seen on your screen below:


He looks super confident and asks if you have an appointment to see the wizard..



Please reply below how your hero will handle the weapons expert dude?. i.e will you hand over an official looking invitation you happen to spot on the ground or will you launch a surprise attack

You may do whatever you want, but if you don't choose the initial sequence correctly you may be seriously injured/killed and unable to continue later (and thus miss out on attacking the Boss and winning the Grand prize).

Note: If you choose your move wisely here, you will win instant Steem (paid in 7 days, it's a 50/50 guess).You will find out if you were successful in approx 7 days

Reminder: You must choose how to attack first:

  1. will you hand over an official looking invitation OR
  2. launch a suprise attack


Once you have replied here, you will be later sent a link directing you to the: Results post. Here you will either qualify for the Boss round (if you survived both battles) or be offered a chance to re-coupe lives with the use of Trophy tokens (should you have any).


Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above.  Some images shown are from abandonware games, such as the Bards tale. 

50% of Steem raised from upvotes on this post will be used as  prize money for this Battle! The prize will be equally split to all those heroes who choose wisely. If you are a whale,  dolphin or just a fat fish, now is your chance to help spread prosperity  and grant this page the boon of your Upvote.  


Optimus looks down at thd tiny weapons expert, after transforming back into humanoid form, and fears more roadkill on his tires. Optimus has no pockets to carry invitations. HOWEVER, using his hidden printer and built in microsoft office application prints out a deceptively official invitation and produces it for the weapons expert.

Hidden printer and built in microsoft office application must be very convenient, where can I get one :))

Where ever your closest Autobot dealer is located.

Hahaha try to keep your wheels clean (hope the app has latest patches)

Your handing over an official looking invitation has been recorded.

Reverse Flash thinks that he has to slow down a bit and play with mind as Attacking everyone may alert the Bosses so Reverse Flash shows the guard an official looking card to get through the gate. :))

Haha, take the casual approach - it's like it's all too easy for you guys in the middle (good tactic though and save strength for the Boss wizard eh)

Your handing over an official looking invitation has been recorded.

"Wizard? Do you not know who I am? I am the Injoker! The precocious wizard mastered not four, not five, not even seven incantations but fourteen!" Injoker laughs grimly while handing over an official looking invitation claiming that he is indeed the wizard.

Haha That's one confused weapon expert dude, should have had him fetch the wizard (you) some coffee as well.

Your handing over an official looking invitation has been recorded.

[Doughtaker's note: If I didn't pick the route of ultra-violence I'd have to disqualify myself from the tournament for failing to live up to the standards established by the Chuck Norris Facts. Also, someone has to go the violent route to guarantee that there will be a clue revealed for the final boss...]

Chuck made his way back to the tower. He couldn't stumble; in fact he couldn't even be hung over because whenever Chuck Norris drinks too much, he doesn't throw up -- he throws down!

As he got back to the big entrance he made, Chuck saw a few bodies and some fresh blood that wasn't there before. Chuck couldn't tell if the bodies were that of the tower's denizens or that of the other heroes who stumbled back to the tower before him. But that wouldn't matter. He approached the so-called "weapons expert" (everything is a weapon when you are Chuck Norris) and pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to him. "Here's my invitation," Chuck said.

The weapons expert unfolded the paper, looked at it for a moment, and then flipped it over before handing it back to Chuck. With a puzzled look he said, "Sir, this is the periodic table of elements."

The weapons expert was taken aback as he saw the paper dissolve into dust in Chuck's hands. (What really happened was that Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because Chuck Norris only recognizes the element of surprise.) "Sorry about that," Chuck responded. "Here it is." Chuck then pulled out a pocket dictionary and opened it to a bookmarked page -- the page containing the entry for "Chuck Norris" and a photo of his beard. He handed the dictionary to the weapons expert and showed him where to look, pointing at the photo. "Right here..."

It has been said that there is no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard, only another fist.

The weapons expert stared at the photo and was really getting perplexed. "This guy must be a lunatic," he thought to himself.

"Now look up", Chuck said. The weapons expert obliged and suddenly saw himself staring into Chuck's middle finger.

When Chuck Norris gives you the finger, he's telling you how many seconds you have left to live.

Faster than the blink of an eye, a big fist emerged from the dictionary photo of Chuck's beard, walloped the weapons expert in the face, and withdrew back into the photo. Before the weapons expert could even stagger or scream from the searing pain inflicted upon him, Chuck followed up with a roundhouse kick to the head. And with that surprise attack sequence, the so-called "weapons expert" was now dead, his head soaked blood red.

Chuck Norris picked up his dictionary and put it away, and continued forward.

Nice - Wt? periodic table of elements? hmmn, I just looked up Element Of Surprise (EOS) on the Unofficial Interactive Battle tournament periodic table and saw a picture of chuck! I turned off PC b4 it was too late.

Chuck really is awesome! I'm guessing the weapons expert was tough though as Chuck actually bothered to do a kick.

Your launching a surprise attack has been recorded.

(..noted your smart thinking re-clues yet to be revealed).

With that picture you were probably ok, Chuck wasn't about to give you the finger from that stance. :P

Weapons expert -- tough? Nah. I know of quite a few people and animals that could easily kick his ass. They just can't pull it off in under 1 second as mandated by Chuck's middle finger.

Also noting the impact of Chuck: not only does the periodic table currently have higher rewards than this battle post, Chuck may have also scared away the dolphins and orcas that visited the other "Battle 2" posts. More roundhouse kicks might be needed outside of the tower...

Hahaha yeah I noticed that (steemit reward)... such is the way of Steemit! (but people do like Chuck!)

No appointment, definitely no invitation, and ultimately no options...

"The invitation is around here somewhere, just a moment."

Green Warlord reaches towards his pocket while glancing at the Weapon Experts stance. Overconfidence seems to have the better of this foe. Wait... what's that on the floor, looks to be an official document of some form.

"Excuse me Sir, but I believe you may have dropped something."

Nodding towards the document, Green Warlord makes ready to attack. As soon as his foes eyes shift he rips his sword free with a swift strike to the heart...

Not expecting the Weapon Experts speed, the sword misses and instead pierces through his shoulder effectively laming the arm. Losing the EOS his foe takes a swing with his short sword. Green Warlord spins, blocking the strike and following with an overhead swing.... successfully removing his foes head and that arrogant smile.

Liking the look of that axe and bow, Green Warlord makes sure to lighten the Weapon Expert's load before moving on. Cleaning his sword on the lifeless body he moves on with some new toys for the next challenge.

Green Warlord chooses to launch a surprise attack.

Haha nice, I like the way the EOS failed as you lack the Chuck element!
..Still you made swift work of the foe and took some goodies along the way - I like :)

Your work has got you a trophy token (2 for 2 I believe :), you must reply here within 7 days with your bitshares account to receive.

Your launch of a suprise attack has been recorded

BTS is lokii-1119.

Sadly most of us lack the chuckness to be as chucktastic as Chuck Norris....

lol! - Trophy sent :)

The attacks from between battle two is now closed.

Prizes have been handed out - I increased the payout to 100% Steem raised. I figured the prizes should gradually get better as the tournament moves through. Remember its still experimental and being developed :)

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