INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#2 - Attacks from between - Battle One

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

As per the wizards tower of doom post your hero has chosen to attack the tower from between.

You are about to enter from between but are startled...

At first you thought you would be entering through the door, but someone seems to have torn it from the wall, taking half the tower with it. 

Seeing the job is just about done, you decide to head to the local town tavern and wait it out while the other hero's clean out the rest of the tower.

Blocking your way are a group of grey and white chained beasts, on your screen below


The grey ones look just as mean as the white ones, the chain is about to break!



Please reply below how your hero will attack and destroy the beasts?. i.e go for the grey ones first or go for the white ones first.

You may finish them anyway you wish, but if you don't choose the initial attack sequence correctly you may be seriously injured/killed and unable to continue later (and thus miss out on attacking the Boss and winning the Grand prize).

Note: If you choose your attack wisely here, you will win instant Steem (paid in 7 days, it's a 50/50 guess).You will find out if you were successful in approx 7 days

Reminder: You must choose which group of beasts to attack first:

  1. go for the grey ones OR
  2. go for the white ones


Once you have replied here, you will be later sent a link directing you to the: Attacks from between - Battle two post


Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above.  Some images shown are from abandonware games, such as the secrets of monkey island.

50% of Steem raised from upvotes on this post will be used as  prize money for this Battle! The prize will be equally split to all those heroes who choose wisely. If you are a whale,  dolphin or just a fat fish, now is your chance to help spread prosperity  and grant this page the boon of your Upvote.  


Reverse Flash decides to attack the White ones first. He uses his ability to move faster and starts circling around the beasts. Its now impossible for the Beasts to spot and attack him bcoz of his unbeatable speed.
Reverse Flash uses his Speed punches and beat the soul out of the beasts. :D

Haha, quick attacks leave more time for drinking beer in the tavern..

Your attack to the white ones first has been recorded.

Please Keep an eye on your replies - sometime in the next 7 days you will be sent a reply link to the next battle. Cheers

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from between battle 2 post is ready, you have 7 days.

Good brother

@lordnigel , do you know about Steem Dice Bot? You can use it later in battles!
For example, enemy has 3HP, my attack 1-6

Nice - might come in handy for Boss round(s) in future tournament.

These smaller/quick Interactive battles are more about sharing Steem and freedom of speech; there is a 50/50 chance to win during these quick battles (no need for dice). I'd like to encourage free-form text which is what Steem is really about (Social network) vs. a true gaming platform. (although I'd love a gaming platform that used Steem as an in game currency..just not sure it's right for Steemit)...but these are just my thoughts for moment.

the main advantage of the Steem before ETH - any move is free for the player. You can create a text MMORPG

This is true :)

Good luck everyone.
Trying to pump the reward a little

Cheers :)

..would be fantastic if everyone upvoted each others battles (regardless if they are in it or not)

PETTING the white ones first, optimus laughs as the bite from the dogs on his fingers give the sensation of tickling. Until, one of the grey dogs dislodges one small hydraulic pumps causing a discomfort sensor to alert. Optimus swiftly rolls out in truck form, on the GREY ONES FIRST... Reverses and then rolls out again finishing offthe savage beasts, a smattering of grey and white road kill left in his wake.ULQvlLhdYBsfS.gif

tickle bites and easy road kill..haha..

Your attack and cool image has won you a Trophy Token. Please reply with your bitshares account within 7 days to receive.

Your attack to the grey ones first has been recorded.

Please Keep an eye on your replies - sometime in the next 7 days you will be sent a reply link to the next battle. Cheers

stayyoung1 is my bitshares, not sure if you need more than that...

Your Trophy should have arrived

Recieved, thank you!

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from between battle 2 post is ready, you have 7 days.

Chuck immediately recognized the formation that the beasts were in and knew what to do. He put himself at the optimal distance from the front of the formation and the grey beast leading it. Then he laid down on his stomach, and carefully did one push-up...

When Chuck Norris does a push-up, he doesn't actually lift himself up. Instead, he pushes the earth down.

And thus Chuck created a small pit with his push-up, with only the grey beast and himself in it. Then Chuck delivered one swift roundhouse kick to the grey beast's head and the beast died instantly. Chuck then jumped out of the pit and beyond the back end of the formation, which was led by the other grey beast. Chuck turned around to face the grey beast and repeated the process -- push-up, roundhouse kick, dead grey beast.

Chuck then went over to face off against the white beasts in a staring contest. The white beasts suddenly became very scared, too scared to even blink. Their sudden fear also caused them all to poop. The staring went on for about another 15 seconds, and unfortunately for the white beasts, they never realized that they needed to act more like Chuck's dog... (Chuck Norris' dog is trained to picked up its own poop, because Chuck Norris won't take shit from anyone.)

... that may have been because they could somehow feel what was about to come ... one roundhouse kick, three dead white beasts.

And thus the beasts never came close to breaking free of their chains. But thanks to Chuck Norris, the chains broke free of their dead beasts!

(to be continued...)

Meanwhile, back at the tower of doom...

The evil wizard was still incontinent as a result of the earlier incidents, but that was the least of his worries (besides, he could just clean up his mess with magic later). He knew that Chuck Norris was coming and thought that the best way to avoid conflict would be to magically turn the wooden entrance door into stone so that Chuck would see no obvious entrance and then go somewhere else.

That turned out to be the wizard's second big mistake. In his effort to prevent Chuck Norris from kicking down the tower's entrance door, the wizard saw his tower take much more damage from Chuck's punch. To then have a tall autobot show up afterwards... it made the wizard begin to really re-think his past decisions.

One decision from a few days before really stuck out, his first big mistake. Someone that the wizard had never met before had passed by the tower, but the wizard knew who the passer-by was. The wizard chose to ignore the passer-by, and he now regretted not trying to provoke the passer-by into attacking his tower. After Chuck Norris and the autobot, it was apparently clear that death by Lightning Breaker would have been a far kinder fate.

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from between battle 2 post is ready, you have 7 days.

Hahaha "When Chuck Norris does a push-up, he doesn't actually lift himself up. Instead, he pushes the earth down." &

"Chuck Norris' dog is trained to picked up its own poop, because Chuck Norris won't take shit from anyone" are my favorites :)

Your attack to the grey ones first has been recorded.

Injoker summons two forge spirits and attacks the grey ones first!
Quas Exort Exort!

He then casts Ghost Walk to prepare for escape if all hell breaks loose

Very nice, I don't think we have had summon magic yet - lovely! (I like the tactical thinking re - Ghost step moves if things go bad).

Your attack to the grey ones first has been recorded.

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from between battle 2 post is ready, you have 7 days.

Green Warlord looks at the scene confused. Craters and tracks left by some form of wagon he has never seen before cover the road in front of the tavern. Both filled with blood and what looks like tufts of white and grey fur.

Definitely bad for business...

Yet the beasts remain, tethered to a post in the middle of it all, desperately searching for purchase within the carnage.

Must be a powerful caster about, either resurrecting these beasts or casting some intense illusion.

Not having an opportunity for battle so far, Green Warlord is aching to wet his blade with the blood of his foes. He charges the beasts deciding to play along with whatever game is afoot. Taking out the grey beasts first with some precise swings of his sword so as not to be flanked. He then toys with the white beasts to draw out the fun some more before eventually stealing there lives as well.

Green Warlord chooses to go for the Grey Beasts first.

Love it! nice work joining in the story and great swords play.

Your attack to the grey ones first has been recorded.

You have also won a trophy token, please reply here within 7 days with your bitshares account to receive.

Thank you, loving this so far. My BTS is lokii-1119.

Cool! - keep up the good work!, trophy should be there :)

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from between battle 2 post is ready

The attacks from between battle one is now closed.

I hope it's ok, but I decided to do a separate post for the results. Thinking about it, it just gives everyone a chance to see the clues and have a chance for the Grand prize & also give people a chance to let me know I've counted right/dispute.



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