Have you ever been to the planet they call Utopia… - Tell A Story To Me Contest

in #contest6 years ago


An old man entered his room and found his granddaughter rummaging through his things. He was going to scold her, but he changed his mind when he saw something that brought him beautiful memories.

"You have found a treasure, my little Cindy" he replied

The little girl played with a strange rock, completely black and smooth, so polished that she could see her reflection.

"Grandpa, where did you get this rock?" Little Cindy asked without taking her eyes off the rock

"That rock comes from the planet called Utopia, or at least that's what its inhabitants used to call it"

"Have you ever been on the planet they call Utopia ..." the girl asked with a frown.

Grandpa sighed and sat down in his old chair.

"Come and sit with me, I’m going to tell you a little story about the planet Utopia"

The girl cheerfully ran to his side to sit down.

"Once upon a time there was a planet called Utopia, inhabited by humanoid beings called utopians, who lived continuously in harmony, happy to help each other, and one thing in particular in their society was that there was no concept of money."

"How did they buy things? Grandpa," Cindy interrupted.

"Let me explain. Do not be impatient," Grandpa replied kindly

"The Utopians did all kinds of activities, without considering them, as we would call it work. In fact the word * work * did not exist in their language. There were many other concepts that did not exist, such as: envy, greed or greed among others. "

"Something amazing that utopians could do was that they could read their own minds. That’s how they knew what the others utopians thought. "

"Wooooow!" expressed Cindy loudly

"Yes! My dear Cindy. In that way they could be aware of the needs of the other utopians, that is why they did not know the word lie. Nor were there crimes. Nobody needed to steal anything. There was a capacity for understanding, tolerance and compassion among them that I have never seen anywhere else. "

"Were there utopian children?" Cindy asked

"Well, of course, my dear!" Replied the grandfather

"There were many children. Utopians from early childhood learn to cultivate the land, they are taught the importance of conserving the environment. There was no pollution, since they valued their planet very much, grateful for living in a place that would allow them to survive. Since they knew that on other planets there were no natural resources vital to their existence as they had on their own planet. "

The girl listened intently with her eyes wide open to everything her grandfather said

"The Utopians did do many things: they built buildings, they made sculptures, they made impressive numerical calculations, they played plays, which I certainly had the opportunity to witness, but that's another story ..."

Grandpa took a deep breath before continuing

"Why the planet was called Utopia, grandpa," interrupted Cindy again

"Utopia means 'there is no such place'" answered

"Huh?" exclaimed the child

"Yes! My dear child. Utopia was an invisible planet. It only appeared every 1000 years only for one week. "

Grandpa seeing that the little girl still did not understand, replied

"Let’s use the rock you have in your hands."

He took the rock from her hands and locked it inside his hands and continued

"Imagine that my hands are a big black hole that absorbs everything around like a giant vacuum, do you follow me?"

The girl nodded her head

"The planet Utopia orbited inside this big black hole", the grandfather waved his hands without releasing them and the rock was heard from inside while it bumped around.

He continued saying

"It took 1000 years to get out", he opened his hands slowly to show the rock and then closed them suddenly generating a dry sound

The girl was surprised and then she let out a laugh. Grandpa laughed too

"But, unfortunately, it was absorbed by this vacuum cleaner again as a week pass by. However, due to the effect of this strange phenomenon, for them only one year passed within their planet while they were inside the black hole but for us, who were off the planet, 1000 years passed when they reappeared again. And so on over and over until the end of time"

"Waaaaoooo!" The little girl said again

"It was then, when I was on my way to the planet Euphrates, the FTL drive of my spacecraft engine had gone off line, so I had to make an emergency landing on the Utopian planet "

"Fortunately, utopians were intelligent beings and very cooperative. They saw my urgent need to return to my loved ones. They helped me repair my ship's engine before the planet was trapped again by the black hole. "

"And that's why I could not stay on their planet for long," Grandpa sighed again.

Grandpa placed the rock back in the hands of little Cindy

"That rock was the only memory I had left of that great planet Utopia and such a lovely civilization"

Thanks again for reading, I loved writing this post

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